Couch to 5K



  • Araucaria29
    Araucaria29 Posts: 157 Member
    I don't have the app. I printed the schedule and it's on my fridge. I also downloaded free podcasts from iTunes for each week. A lady tells you when to walk, when to run, and gives you tips.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Zen labs has a free couch to 5K app which is what I used. I completed it last week and have run 2 5K. I highly recommend running outside...not only do I get better burns, but I feel stronger because you have to learn to adapt to the elements and terrain changes. I got bored after running on the treadmill for 2 weeks but now I can just look up a new route and plan for the distance I need to go. It is great!
  • emotionalharlequin
    Yes! Don't buy an app, you can find all you need online!
    See here:
    And here:
  • brittanyhubbel
    thank you everyone!
  • LetsDoThis103
    C25k is a fabulous program, AND there are free apps. I personally could not have done it without the app, particularly because I run outside. When I'm outside, I can't look down at the treadmill to track my time or stop to look at my arm, and the app provides audio cues as to what you should be doing or where you are in the workout, played over your own music (most of the apps have a ding after the warm-up to begin running, and a voice that says, "you are half-way done"). I used one from Zen Labs, it was free on itunes, and I can't recommend it enough. Good luck and congratulations on starting!
  • Just1Kiki
    Just1Kiki Posts: 16 Member
    My cousin's wife did Couch to 5k and followed it to the letter. She lost some significant weight and it actually got her in shape enough to follow it with p90x. As a recreational runner, I've got to say, I was very impressed with her progress. One thing to remember that is important-if your goal is to run a 5k on concrete, treadmill training alone might not prepare your body. The differece in strain on your joints between training on concrete and training on a treadmill is significant. If your goal with the program is to run a 5k on actual ground, I would recommend that you mix treadmill runs with solid-ground runs to prepare your body for increased strain.

    great tip! i just started the program but doing mainly treadmill but will incorporate concrete