Running friends?



  • falsecho
    falsecho Posts: 81 Member
    - Do you wear compression socks? No, I don't really understand the need for them.
    - How many "official" races have you participated in? 8 5k 1 10k 1 1/2 marathon with 2 more halfs during the fall
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? Is there such a thing? I run about 9:00/mile during the training runs
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? AM. This way my body dosent know what I am doing to it.
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal? Not married, significant other of 4+ years. No kids, I do have a job as a facility/adult league manager, oatmeal,
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    *Do you wear compression socks?
    yes on long distances so anything 10km and over

    * How many "official" races have you participated in?
    This year 4, with a few more up my sleeve
    1. run for the kids 5.2km in 28.17mins
    2. run the gap 11.5km in 62.03mins
    3. run melbourne 21.1km in 3h3m50s
    4. run for Russ 10km in 50.56mins

    * What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    5.45mins per km, which is approx 10 min mile (well just under)

    * Do you run in the AM or PM?
    Morning's Monday & Thursday, Afternoon's on Saturday's

    * What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?
    Divorced (but it's not final until another 30 days), but I have a boyfriend, who I love. I have 2 kids. I'm a full time mum, but I do freelance photography. Fav cereal, weetbix or homemade museli.

    I started running last year, but not regularly. I had on my goal of things to achieve to finish a 5km race. And it went from there. I now call myself a runner. I love it, everything about it. I love how it makes me feel, how it clears my head, and it's never boring. I live in the country, so I get to do a lot of trail runs, which i totally love. Beats the footpath or a treadmill anyday.
  • Hi! I would love a running friend, too!

    - Do you wear compression socks?
    Hell nope!

    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    Just 2 (5ks)

    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? 9:45

    - Do you run in the AM or PM? AM.

    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    Not married, but live with my boyfriend. Just finished law school. I mostly eat kashi heart to heart cinnamon, but in a dream world where sugar didn't leave me feeling sluggish, I'd eat a mixture of lucky charms and fruit loops everyday.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    - Do you wear compression socks?

    I just started using CEP compression calf sleeves... I can use my own socks with them but I am not convinced they do anything other than draw attention my way on the road (they're neon pink lol)

    - How many "official" races have you participated in?

    Too many to remember. I'm doing 5 this summer though. Running a half marathon this coming Saturday.

    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?

    About 6:15-6:30min/km (about 10-10:30 min/mile)

    - Do you run in the AM or PM?

    Usually the morning. Nights are hot here. In the fall/spring I'll run whenever. I'm a sissy in the winter.

    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    Widowed, remarried, SAHM of 5 kids (my 2 and 3 step kids). Cap'n Crunch is my crack.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    No but will be buying some soon
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    About 3official races, I do 5k, obstacle course races, sprint triathlons
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    pm can't wake up that early
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?
    I love candy, sweets and chocolate. I'm trying to eat healthier and loose fat through watching what i eat, however this week has not been good
    Cereal= Cheerios!!!
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    started C25K at begining of year

    - Do you wear compression socks?
    no, but I'm not opposed to them.

    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    2(5K's), and signed up for 2(5K & 10K) more in Sept

    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    average around around 9'35"/mi according to Nike+

    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    Use to be pm but am having to switch it up to am due to everyone elses schedules.

    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?
    Happily married with two kids. I don't do cereal, I prefer my morning granola/banana.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    grr... i must learn to proof read more often.

    my half marathon time should be 2h3m50s not 3 hours :|

    feel free to add me as well.

    I'm on runkeeper too - matildai is me and matilda_i is me on nike+
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    Hi!! I'll send you a friend request. I'm training for an October half marathon too!!
    - Do you wear compression socks? No.
    - How many "official" races have you participated in? Gosh, I've lost count! Been running for many years. Ranging from 1 mile sprints to a full marathon.
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? 9:30
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? Mostly PM.
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal? Married, 3 kids, office manager, I don't eat cereal.
  • terbee
    terbee Posts: 72
    welcome back! I'm requesting you and others from this thread... need more running friends.

    - Do you wear compression socks? No but I've heard they are great for recovery

    - How many "official" races have you participated in? just a few, a 4mi, 15k, and half marathon. My next half is coming up in November which seems like a long way away, and so I've been slacking a bit on my training.

    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? I aim for 9min miles on my "easy 3mi" runs. Slowing to 10:00-10:30 on long runs in this heat

    - Do you run in the AM or PM? Usually try for early morning runs. Love going at dusk though too.

    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal? Single, w sexy boyfriend and a big dog who is my occasional running partner when it's not too hot! I loooooove junky cereal, typically eat frosted mini wheats or kashi, but supplement with Fruity Pebbles, Frosted Flakes, Lucky Charms or Reese's puffs for snacks. Terrible, I know!