always exceed sugar allowance!!

My sugar allowance is 24 perday, but after a breakfast of porridge and an apple, i'm ALREADY over my total and up to 30!! How do I reduce the amount of sugar I'm eating to that low a number???


  • PMcFarland7
    PMcFarland7 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like the answer 2 this question also...
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    i wouldn't worry to much unless you are adding tons of syrup to you porridge. i track sugar but i only worry about added sugar and hidden sugar
    i.e. i tried to find a salad in waitrose without sugar on the ingredients list and failed.
    for me the only time i have been under on sugar is when i have given it up (i.e. when my junk food habit gets out of control) and just have loads of meat / homemade bread and vegetables (aleast 2 per meal 3x day)
    and that's not a diet i can do forever

    the other option is to do some exercise to pull your totals up so you are covered on sugar and then try to minimize it for the rest of the day ( try 4 vege servings and 1 fruit per day)

    good luck
  • I have never looked at my Sugar or for that matter even Sodium/potassium etc...i don't even log it, but others like to
    Kudos on the exercise part, as that will moderate your daily sugar levels and bring that normalcy....try doing cardio/weights if you are really high on a particular days...

    I can recommend you to track this over a week or at least few days see where exactly are you going wrong....also might help to read other discussions about maintaining sugar levels, if you are really unhappy about the exceeding part....

    but to be honest...i have never looked at it and im feeling just fine...but others might well be different....

    Try cutting down on excessive, but try to track which foods are high in sugar contents...might help to change brands or food be really careful...rad labels thoroughly and cross check on MFP...

  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Unless you want to monitor sugar specifically you can turn it off and just consider it as another carbohydrate.

    If the limit is an issue customise it.

    If you want to eat less sugar then eat berries occasionally and step away from the juicy sugary fruits. Not sure how you get 30g from porridge and an apple, but that's another story.
  • I have a similar problem. I just try to reduce added or excess processed sugar. (Watch out for meal replacement drinks!) If I go over on sugar with no sugar added fruit juice, or fresh fruit, I ignore it.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I watch my suagr as diabetes is in my family. I always by sugar free everything and try Stevia. It is a plant that is really sweet but yummy and no calories. I use it for sweetening everything, even my cereal. Good luck x
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    I watch my sugar because of PCOS and just simply had to give up all types of cereal as there's just too much! I swapped for peanut butter on wholemeal toast instead, and from tomorrow I'll just be having a protein shake instead.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I stopped watching my sugar intake because I love fruit and ALWAYS go over as a result. I just make sure I don't eat/drink too much processed sugars.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    A majority of my sugar numbers comes from fruit. The way I see it, they are natural sugars, instead of refined or processed....and I'm losing weight without a problem.

    Since you're having the same issue, I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's still good to keep an eye on it.
  • sc_rlz
    sc_rlz Posts: 5
    thank you all! It's a shame when everyone keeps telling you to eat loads of fruit and then suddenly your sugar levels are skyrocketing :') but thank you, hopefully it won't impact too much.