Most attractive physical feature



  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    I find hair really attractive, No idea why its one of the main things I notice but If I see a gal with nice Hair and nice eyes, im like oooooh um mm mmmmm (in my head of course, Id probly be arrested if I said it out loud lol)
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    Eyes and smile are the first physical feature I look for...from there its some of physical mixed in with if the person has any depth and if we click :)
  • icreate
    icreate Posts: 60
    eyes and smile definitely :love:
  • stannyxc
    Eyes and smiles seem to be the most common answers because when people talk they tend to look at one or the other. People that look at your mouth when you are talking to them are subconsciously mouth reading your words to help out their hearing. But because they spend so much time looking at your mouth it becomes a feature that can attract them. Same for the eye lookers. That's my theory at least.

    Scientists believe that unconsciously, everyone is taking your body language in and that is said to play a major role in how attractive potential partners find you :) I've heard that pilates can really help improve you posture and that makes quite a positive difference to how you body expresses itself.:)
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    I like my mans strong jawline.

    For a woman, I'd say lips and hips fer sure.
  • LosingWeight4Good
    LosingWeight4Good Posts: 156 Member
    Most attractive feature? The legs of course! They are SO attractive and ... wait...scratch that it is the arms! Yup! The arms that hold ... or NO... it is all in the core/trunk now that I think about it - chest and abs.... gawwwk....
    ...what was the question?
  • MrAllia
    MrAllia Posts: 60 Member
    I'm a sucker for a flat tummy. a round proportioned sized butt, chest larger than mosquito bites yet smaller than melons, a wrinkle/pimple free face is also very attractive. As far as most attractive feature, it alternates between the ones I mention above. Did I mention flat tummy? :P
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member