Trying again

bb4886 Posts: 118 Member

This is my second time trying this (im a seriel *giver-upper*)

I'm not in a place where im happy with myself and how i look and really want to stick with it!


  • stephfranke
    stephfranke Posts: 84 Member
    You can do it... I know I'm finally trying to lose weight, again.... it's an on going battle. Let's make a change to our lifestyles... Let's go for healthier us!! Lot's of support here.... we are all fighting the same battle... so go for it... You can do it!!
  • cindergirl73
    Same here....I lost 50+ pounds since April 2011, but recently gained back close to 10. So, I just started this plan this week. From all the ones I have seen, this one seems to have the best results. Don't beat yourself up....we're all human and no one is perfect. Failure is never final and success is never secure my former WW leader used to say. So, just keep trying. With determination, you can do this. :)
  • natk
    natk Posts: 11

    This is my second time trying this (im a seriel *giver-upper*)

    I'm not in a place where im happy with myself and how i look and really want to stick with it!

    I too am a giver upper :( but this time round I am determined to work at it and stick to it but this is the first step in the right direction so well done :)
  • bb4886
    bb4886 Posts: 118 Member
    Well done Cindergirl73!!

    And good look and thank you Natk