Team Fit continued- January

Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

Here is the new board. I hope you guys are willing to keep this up! I felt so different the last couple weeks not being able to talk to you guys as much! :ohwell: hope everyone had a great Holiday!!

If there is anyone who wants to join our group, just let us know. We're here to motivate and support each other. We set daily and weekly and monthly goals and help each other try to achieve them!:glasses:

My monthly goal is to lose 8 pounds. To bring me to 160 even.

today: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water. I'm going to try to get in more exercise calories, so hoefully i can get in at least 1300 to 1400 today.

Good luck everyone!! its a new year, so lets start making the new you!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :tongue:


  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Hello everyone! I'll be hoppin' back on the exercise bandwagon starting Wednesday. My husband is doing 7 weeks of training in San Diego starting Wednesday, so I'll definitely need to fill my time while he's gone! That and I haven't been to the gym since Thanksgiving. :embarassed:

    We had a good Christmas with family, although we didn't get to see my husband's side of the family because the weather was really bad (16 inches of snow in 3 days with 40 mph winds).
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hello everyone! I'll be hoppin' back on the exercise bandwagon starting Wednesday. My husband is doing 7 weeks of training in San Diego starting Wednesday, so I'll definitely need to fill my time while he's gone! That and I haven't been to the gym since Thanksgiving. :embarassed:

    We had a good Christmas with family, although we didn't get to see my husband's side of the family because the weather was really bad (16 inches of snow in 3 days with 40 mph winds).

    WOW!!! :noway: 16 inches of snow?! Man! that's a lot! i'm sure they understand why you weren't able to make it. they probably want you to be safe, and driving through that probably wouldn't be too safe. i mean, i'm sure you would be, but you never know.

    and dont worry, you will get back on and go full steam ahead! I know it!! :bigsmile: once you go, you will get right back on track!:wink:

    p.s. i feel stupid asking, but what's your name? i feel bad just saying amm all the time :blushing: it makes me want to say your name is Amy. lol, i dont know why. maybe its the am part. haha :laugh:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    My name is Angie :smile: Not quite Amy, but close.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    :laugh: I figured it started with an A. I'm sorry! :flowerforyou:

    Well Angie, so far its just you and me on here! I wonder with Karen and Kim are! Our team is depleting! :cry:

    But as long as we stick it out, we will get where we want to. And I know Karen and Kim will both be back soon. I'm sure they're just still getting settled from the Holiday's.

    yesterday: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water. I kind of felt bad because instead of doing the video I have, I walked for 40 mins instead of 20. I know its still exercise but I want more calories burning. hehe :wink:

    today: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    And I want to start reading my book tonight! My roommate bought me Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol for Christmas. It came out in September and so I wanted to check it out from the library. When I called to place it on hold, I was number 157 in the queue!!! hahaha :wink: the lady from the library was like "I've never seen it that high before!" I finally took it off of my hold the other night and when I did that i was number 3 in the queue! lol. It took 4 months. I would probably have the book by now, but now it's mine to keep. And to read at my liesure. So hopefully I can get started tonight. I dont know why but I love almost all of Dan Brown's books. I've read them all. I dont like Digital Fortress, but I loved the others. :heart:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    IM BAAAACk!!!!
    Sorry the holidays and the new job had me falling off the wagon. But the good news im still not smoking and not drinking much soda. The food and exersize thing though:blushing: didnt work. I have made three new years resolutions.
    - i want to make it to 1 year not smoking
    - i want to completely quit drinking soda now that i have cut down
    - i want to get fast food out of my life

    So for my goal on here this month
    -no soda
    -no fast food
    -healthy eating
    -and i am at 172 i would like to make it to 169 by the end of the month. only three pounds i know its a small goal but i want to do something i can reach!!!!!!!!

    Also while i was gone i had my 21'st birthday!!!!!!!!! december 31'st!!!!!!!!!
    I didn't drink. i have to many stomach probs to do it but we got a limo went out to eat and danced so i had a good birthday!!!!!
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    :smile: :wink: :happy: :bigsmile: :tongue: Hellooooo, Team FIT!
    It looks like we're slowing getting back into things, huh!
    Sorry, I've been out of pocket as well. Ariel, I'm sooo proud of you for hanging in over the holidays; you've been doing an amazing job sticking to exercising. Even if you don't do your 'normal' amount, you've done something each day - absolutely amazing!

    Angie - it's good to hear from you. I'm glad you had a good Christmas even though you didn't get to see your in-laws. I was in the same boat; Oklahoma roads were shut down, so we didn't go to my parents. We had a great Christmas - very low key which was nice. I didn't go to the gym one time, though which is bad for me because now I'm having a hard time getting back into exercisingl! I didn't watch what I ate either...alot of junk - chocolate cream pie, cookies, potatoes, etc. I feel like I've gained all 7 lbs back!!!

    Jo_07 - it's good to hear from you as well. Hope the job is going well for you. As a former cigarette smoker, I am proud of you for sticking to your resolution to quit! Outstanding!!! You will feel better and exercising will be much easier!! I think your goals are great and very achievable. Good job!

    Okay. Here goes. I'm going to commit to exercising for atleast 45 minutes daily. I'm recommitting to drinking my 8 cups of water Jo_07, the junk food stops NOW! :smile:

    Good luck, everyone. Let's do this! :happy:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Yay karen and Joline are back!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Joline- your goal is great because 3 is def. reachable, plus you may even lose a little more! And I'm sure the dancing helps! You're a dance machine, girl! :laugh:

    Karen- dont worry about eating bad and not exercising. I think we all deserved to be bad this last week or two! We've done so much since October! :smile: I know once you get started, you will keep it up! :drinker:

    Hope Kim comes back soon!! :glasses:

    I'll log in later tonight!! :wink:
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Yay karen and Joline are back!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Joline- your goal is great because 3 is def. reachable, plus you may even lose a little more! And I'm sure the dancing helps! You're a dance machine, girl! :laugh:

    Karen- dont worry about eating bad and not exercising. I think we all deserved to be bad this last week or two! We've done so much since October! :smile: I know once you get started, you will keep it up! :drinker:

    Hope Kim comes back soon!! :glasses:

    I'll log in later tonight!! :wink:

    Thanks, Ariel! It's good to be back on here with you guys!! I missed everyone, too. :bigsmile:

    I'm going to switch my exercising to evenings so I will be posting a day behind. Who knows, maybe that will help me sleep better since I've had a hard time with that lately. :yawn:
    Today - water, water and more water! NO junk food starts today! Healthy Choice dinner for lunch and smart choices for snacks. Be strong everyone! I'll check back during the day when I update my meals. :heart: :smile: :happy:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team! :happy:

    Hope you're having a great Wednesday so far! :flowerforyou:

    yesterday: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    my dad is taking my sister, brother in law, my boyfriend and I to a concert tonight. It should be good, but i dont realy know the guy. his name is Coco Montoya. I only know one of his songs. But it should be fun. :smile:

    I gotta get some work done now though. I was just on a webex for the last hour and a half. Fun stuff!! :ohwell: talk to you all soon!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    I am back.

    Ok so it sounds like everyone has their goals set and I am glad we are going to continue keeping each other accountable.

    I gained 4 pounds over the 2 week break, but I enjoyed myself.

    I got up this morning to workout and my son decided to get up too so I only got 10 min in before he wouldn't let go of my leg. I think he was a little jetlagged and the two hour time difference doesn't help so hopefully he won't continue this routine.

    My fitness/weight loss goals for the New Year:
    1. Workout at least 5 times a week
    2. Make consicous decisions of what I am eating and try to make healthier decisions
    3. Continue drinking my water daily
    4. Let go of an average 1 pound a week
    5. Keep a positive attitude.
    6. Post daily on here.

    So my family decided to go on a weight loss challenge for the next 13 weeks. My mom won a challenge from a local exercise place for 3 months of personal trainer, nutritionist, and dietician so we are all showing our support by a challenge. Everyone put up money and whoever losses the largest % of weight + % body fat will win the money. There is a total of 9 of us taking the challenge.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Oh I also updated my weight loss goal to 123 instead of 130.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Kim! We're glad you're back!! :flowerforyou:

    I didnt weigh myself last Sunday because i was really bad last week too. So I know the feeling!
    Hang in there and I know you will get right back to where you were before the Holidays! :wink:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Wednesday totals: 4 glasses of water, 40 mins cardio
    Going back to the gym wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. However, we'll see how sore I am tomorrow. :smile:
  • abbychick
    abbychick Posts: 118 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'd love to join your group in you are still taking newcomers. :happy: Tomorrow's goal for me is to try and get through my new 45 min step aerobic DVD without dying and to try and get at least 6 glasses of water in. See ya tomorrow!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Abbychick! :flowerforyou:

    Of course you can join our group! We would love to have you! :bigsmile:

    If you want to set some goals for yourself, just let us know what they are so we can try to help keep you motivated and on track. Mine for this month is to lose 8 pounds (i know its kinda high.... :ohwell: ) and to make sure I get in 8 glasses of water a day. Also I want to make sure I exercise at least 5 hours a week or some where from 45 to 65 mins a day for at least 5 to 6 days a week. Welcome to our group, and I'm sure you will love it! We've been in the group since October and we have all seen some nice changes. But because of the Holiday's, we all kinda fell off for a week or two. but they're over now, and we're ready to dive back in! Hope to see you back soon! Oh yeah, and we try to log on every day so we can tell each other what we did, to try and hold each other accountable. :happy:

    I'm super tied today. I told myself I'm going to bed at 9 tonight! haha :laugh: But I still haven't been able to start my book. So I might do that at 9 and then go to bed at 10. its just I know that once I start reading, I wont want to put it down. hahaha :laugh: :smile: That's how it always is with books. I love to read. Granted, I haven't read that many, but its because I dont know what authers I like or really what kind of books I like. I know I like love stories and I like suspenceful books. Does anyone have any recomendations? That way when I'm finished with The Lost Symbol, I can start something new right away!! :bigsmile: I've read a couple really good ones, The things we do for love, All Quiet on the Western Front, All of Dan Brown's books, some of Nicholas Sparks, and...... of course...... the Twilight Series books, and the other novel she wrote called The Host. So if you all know of some great books that are similar to those, let me know because I want to read them! hahaha :laugh: :tongue:

    yesterday: 35 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water. I went to that concert with my dad and it was good, but its just not really my kind of music. it was blues, and like i said, it was REALLY good, but i got bored after a while. And when I got home it was 11 and I wanted to go to bed, so I couldnt get in any more exercise. today will be better

    today: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water.

    I know I wrote a lot today. haha, sorry. Talk to you guys soon!! :glasses: :flowerforyou: :tongue: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Wednesday totals: 4 glasses of water, 40 mins cardio
    Going back to the gym wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. However, we'll see how sore I am tomorrow. :smile:

    you will probably be a little sore, and thats okay. because that means its working! haha :laugh: :wink: keep it up! the hardest part is going back that first time! i know you can keep it up!! i started the 30 day shred over and I had forgotten how great of a work out level 1 is. hehe :wink: my abs are killing me! lol :laugh: it hurts, but i love it! and i'm sure thats how you will feel too! :bigsmile: good job Angie!
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    :smile: :flowerforyou: Morning, all!

    Welcome, Abbychick! We are glad to have you here! We welcome all who want to join us on our road to a healthier, slimmer 'us'! As aabelein (Ariel) said, we are here to motivate each other and to keep each other accountable and it works! We have gotten to know each other since October and have become good friends! They are awesome...very positive and helpful in their feedback and encouragement! Welcome to the group!

    Amm - great job getting back to the gym! I'm proud of you! I know you feel alot better getting back to it!
    Ariel - Girl, you're a great inspiration to all of us! 52 lbs!!!! Missing one night of exercising is no biggie when you think of the quality time you spent with your dad and family members. Blues, huh? I bet your dad enjoyed you going with him, though...even if you got a little bored. You've done so well with exercising even thru the holidays that you can afford missing one day.
    Kim - Glad to see you are back! I'm glad you enjoyed time with family. It sounds like you and your family are really motivated to get healthy by your Mom's win!!! That's great! It helps that you have $ on the line, huh? LOL... Good luck!

    Yesterday: 4 glasses water, cals were good, 35 minutes exercise. I'm not going to beat myself up over missing my goal of 45 min of exercise. I'll do better today with that AND with the water intake! My husband is also trying to lose a few lbs, which helps keep me on track at dinner. I'm not making bread or desserts, so that helps alot!!! : )

    Everyone be strong today. No junk - eat healthy and drink, drink, drink the water. WE CAN DO IT!!! :happy:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning everyone.

    I kind of caved yesterday. I got in my water but only 10 min of workout. I was not prepared for my cravings at work and the only thing I had to eat (after the healthy snacks I had brought) was some Moose Munch someone had given me before the holiday. So I ate it - bad bad.

    I got this morning and got in my 20 min Turbo Jam workout. I brought a few extra healthy snacks today and I am hoping to stick with the calories today.

    Ariel - you are doing great and yes the 8 pounds are alot but you will get there. Have you gotten any of the DVD's you were looking into. No help on the book front. I like reading but I never find books I like. The last I read in full was the Twilight series.

    Abbychick - welcome to our group. 45 min of step is a great goal and we love our water

    Angie - great job getting back to the gym. The water will help with your soreness so make sure you work on those glasses. Remember to always have a glass on hand so that you can reach for it.

    I will check back tomorrow morning.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks Kim! :happy: And sadly, no. I haven't gotten a chance to buy the new dvd's yet. I always run out of money. And I forget. haha :laugh: They're only ten bucks too! I can't believe I can't buy a ten dollar dvd! man, I hate my job! lol :bigsmile: :glasses:

    And thank you too Karen! its weird that ive been so determined and have been able to stick with it. I always thought Id be the fat girl who wants to lose weight but never gets around to doing anything about it. but as long as your put your mind to it and you keep it up, anyone can do it! and dont worry, 35 mins of exercise is still really good! :drinker: have you gotten a chance to start the 30 day shred yet? :smile:
  • abbychick
    abbychick Posts: 118 Member
    Hey Everyone!! Thanks for the warm welcomes. Looks like a great group! I usually don't get on until the evening since I work every day. I'll have to try and figure out everyone's names too. Oh....I'm Karen BTW. :flowerforyou:

    I stayed well within my calorie limit today and ate really, really healthy. I'm not planning on eating my excercise calories. Just seems like way too much to me. I'm just heading downstairs to do a 45 min step aerobic DVD. I bought 2 new ones and LOVE them. Really kick my butt (which I need right now!) I also drank all my water.....yayyyy!!! :drinker:

    Ariel.....not sure what kind of books you like but I'm in love with Dean Koontz novels. I just bought the new one Breathless and so far it's really good. They a little dark and different but I love them! Your Heart BelongsTo Me was also really good. I hardly ever find time to read so it takes me forever!

    So.....goals for the month are to lose 8lbs. I'm going to weigh in every Saturday. I also want to drink my 8 glasses of water daily. Have to run and exercise....TTFN!! :happy: