Having a "I'm so hungry!" day



  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Try drinking more water, if that doesn't work eat something high in protein!
  • JennafurC
    JennafurC Posts: 65 Member
    If I'm hungry, I eat because my body needs it. I work out a lot and some days I am just hungry all day long and so I try and eat...eggs, yogurt, fruit, cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, etc.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    also not having enough fat in your diet makes you less satisfied. i've ditched low fat foods and im still meeting my 1400 calorie goal, with cleaner foods and more satisfied.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    sounds like it's not really hunger but maybe stress, boredom, or some other emotion. Unless your stomach is physically growling, try taking a walk, doing a chore, something to take your mind off the food.

    If it's true hunger - eat! Your body needs the fuel. As far as muscle mass - that takes months and months to build.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,141 Member
    I eat breads or crackers.
  • mama2mila
    drink LOTS of water.... and then give in, but stick to healthy choices. Cucumber slices, any raw veggie, some air-popped popcorn, etc. All are good choices!
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    om nom nom that's me EVERY DAY!! I chug water and snack on broccoli,cauliflower. Or I also chew gum and occupy myself.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    A slice of whole wheat bread or toast (organic, when I can afford it) usually does it for me. It might be a little calorie-dense, but It's good calories, (I'd rather go over my calorie limit with the bread, then try to stick it out until lunch, than lose focus and pig out and stuff myself because I've been starving!) and will stick with you until lunch time. Eat it very slowly, interspersed then chased with TONS of water. That should hold you over for a good while. Always works for me. :)
  • Goosiesnougs
    If you are legitimately HUNGRY and not just munchy wanting to eat.......THEN EAT. I look at it like this.....If you're HUNGRY you'll eat anything.......if you've got Munchies....you can't stop thinking about the chocolate in the cabinet.
    There is a huge difference. If you're hungry EAT. Use good judgement with food choices and fuel your body.
  • mizarmadillo
    mizarmadillo Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all - I'm having one of those days where I am just really physically hungry and can't seem to satisfy it. I've been doing lots of yoga and strength training over the past few weeks so maybe it's increased muscle mass?

    My question is: how do you handle these hungry days? What do you eat that seems to quiet the hunger beast?

    I've had two yogurts, a hard boiled egg and 2 oz of lowfat cheese, all in the past two hours - but I'm still hungry! Lunch isn't until 2pm today so any and all tips would be much appreciated.


    I'm obviously not an expert, but i remember hearing or reading somewhere that, when you're supper-hungry and can't stop snacking, your body is actually craving water... have a few glasses of water in a short span of time.. that might help! :)
  • GaryRussell123456
    GaryRussell123456 Posts: 87 Member
    I had one of these days last week. I just indulged and got back on track the next day. I was worried it would continue the next day, but it didn't.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I've had days like that. Feel like a bottomless pit? Unfortunately, I always cave in to 'bready' type foods on those days. Like pizza. mmm I guess that would be okay, if I exercised more to offset it.
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    I call them "empty days", and I'm one of those people who just gives in to it. It usually only happens every month or so, I figure in the grand scheme of things it will be alright. I grab a bag of chips (my weakness) from the cupboard and just eat them - but it usually only takes a serve or two before the greasiness gets me and I am ready to put them back, so about 400 cals damage. I always log it, too, not logging it doesn't mean I didn't eat it, and I find it is good to know how far I can push it before it shows on the scales. I think sometimes my body wants the carbs, or the salt. You're only human, you can get far following the 80/20 rule, and sometimes fruit and vegetables just doesn't hit the spot.

    I hope you feel full soon!
  • profgal43
    profgal43 Posts: 115 Member
    I agree with this: "If I'm hungry, I eat because my body needs it. I work out a lot and some days I am just hungry all day long and so I try and eat...eggs, yogurt, fruit, cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, etc. "

    A snack that works well for me on those hungry days is 1/2 cup of cottage cheese mixed with a small can of tuna plus some seasoning. That always holds me for a while. Plus great protein and lo cal.
  • MissWana
    MissWana Posts: 11 Member
    When I have these days I usually skull water til I can't stand it then if thats not enough I'll have a banana
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    On hungry days i usually try to bulk up my portions with lots of veggies. Sauteed mushrooms with breakfast, salad with lunch, mix in some spinach with dinner... It helps.
  • Dreamorranch
    Sounds like we ALL have days like that! I chose to "within reason" ignore the diet on those days and eat healthy food. I have found often it is my body trying to tell me something and it will often trigger a drop in weight over the next few days. It only happens every few weeks fr me, but I'll load up on veggies in everything to prevent too many calories but eat whatever amounts I want! If I try to portion like normal I'd drive myself nuts! But then, I don't have ANY forbidden foods...just portion them into my daily intake...so I never feel like I am "dieting".
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I find popcorn to be filling and protein bars
  • MadeInDR022
    I have those days...I try to have fruit and veggies at work. So I'll eat fruit or have veggies with hummus.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I've had a few days like that. I've ended up with the late night munchies because we've been going to bed so late...enjoying the last few days before school starts and back to work. But, for me, I think it's because we're getting close to our 3k race and I finally got the distance but I'm working on lowering my time...I think I'm just hungry even though I am eating my calories.

    Usually, when I have that type of day its not because of a race...but I figure my body needs it for some reason and try to keep away from the junk but still eat because I need the fuel. I have figured out the difference between boredom and hungry though