
I don't drink a lot of water now but am going to start now. The question is does it help with the diet and why ?


  • mrf2990
    mrf2990 Posts: 6 Member
    I believe it has something to do with flushing out toxins and decreases that bloating feeling
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    It definitely helps with weight/fat loss. Your body circulator system is like a highway. A dehydrated body is like a highway in LA at rush hour. Super slow. A hydrated body will help transport mineral and vitamins. It will help you recover faster from your workouts. It will help metabolize fat. You put unnecessary stress on your whole body by being dehydrated. The benefits are too numerous to name honestly!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Hydrating your body with water is good for your circulation. It doesn't make you lose weight per se, but it is a healthy addition. It's also good for keeping you from eating when you are not hungry. For example, if I have just eaten lunch and I feel like I am still hungry, I do two things: 1 I try to wait 20 minutes until my meal starts to digest and 2 I drink a glass of water rather than eating more to trick my body into feeling full.
  • Kamiamama
    Kamiamama Posts: 3 Member
    I drink tons of water!! Its great to drink while having a meal because you wont eat as much. And it also keeps your skin looking good.
  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    It helps you to feel fuller too when you feel hungry. I'll usually drink a cup of water before I begin to eat to make sure I'm really hungry and not just thirsty and then I also seem to want to eat less and feel full earlier. Water has many benefits and ice cold water is delicious :) Flush out those toxins and enojy your water!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I don't drink a lot of water now but am going to start now. The question is does it help with the diet and why ?

    your body needs water to function. so essentially yes.
  • Le corps contient beaucoup d'eau et tu en perds beaucoup avec la transpiration et encore plus si tu t'entraines alors ton corps en a toujours besoin au moins 8 verres si tu fais une journée normal et encore plus si tu bouges :)
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I don't drink a lot of water now but am going to start now. The question is does it help with the diet and why ?

    Drinking enough water for your body helps flush out toxins, helps with mental clarity, it helps keeps your blood from getting sticky so your risk of heart attack and stroke go down, aids in digestion.......As someone else said, too many benefits to name. Drink enough so your urine is clear or pale yellow!



  • ReneeJ814
    ReneeJ814 Posts: 72 Member
    Drinking water is definitely beneficial. I just recently started drinking 8 cups and it helped me come off of a 6 week plateau. I never realized how important water is until now. So drink up!
  • yummmm waterr :)
  • myownadvice
    myownadvice Posts: 95 Member
    For me, staying hydrated throughout the day keeps me from feeling hungry and wanting to snack all the time. It's something for me to do instead of "snack". Go to the kitchen, refill my water glass, take it back to my desk (or keep it with me if I'm not at work) drink it throughout the day. When my glass is empty, I go right back to the kitchen, refill my glass...it works for me. I also tend to get dizzy when I exercise if I haven't had enough water that day. Obviously, your water needs may be different but I do well on 6-8 glasses per day and 8-10 if I'm working out that day. I would give it a try and see what works best for you.

    One other note-I have heard/read somewhere that some people think they are hungry when they are meerly thirsty. It may be the body's way of making sure it is getting proper hydration (as you get a lot of your necessary water intake through the foods you eat). A glass of water before grabbing that snack may help curb the need.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    Glub Glub Glub

    I love water and the more I drink the better I feel and the less fluctuations are in the scale readings if I am always well hydrated............. only issue is the large number of bathroom breaks I take at work, or when I am shopping!!!

    Glub Glub Glub