How late is too late??



  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Do you have a husband/SO that could help with cooking dinner or maybe at least doing dishes to give you a little time to snuggle with the baby?

    I have to get my sleep so, if I don't get my workout in in the morning, I can't stay up late to do it. Just me. Thankfully, my husband has done all the cooking for as long as we've been married! So, when the baby was actually a baby, I could get a 45 min workout in in the evening and not feel guilty.

    Investing in your health is a great way of investing in your kids. Your example, good health, and energy will positively impact them for decades!!
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome to motherhood, where everything makes you feel guilty.

    Workout when you can, accept that you're a better mother when you're healthy, and that a workout is only 4% of your day... Let him stay up 4% longer if it helps you feel less guilty.

    THIS. And now I have to take my own advice and just MAKE the time for the workout. I can find it at night, I just have to choose to do my 30 day shred video instead of watching my favorite shows.
  • heyitsadam
    heyitsadam Posts: 70 Member
    Excellent question... I am sure this is a personal thing that has to be figured out through trial and error, but I know that for me, I can't finish a workout later than 9pm or else I'm up until midnight. It takes me a while to cool down and unwind.

    Right now, I am doing the INSANITY workout and I've been starting around 5 or so, finishing around 6 and by 9:30pm I'm ready for bed and I'm asleep at 10-10:30.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I workout whenever I can... sometimes thats 0430, other times its 1700. I been to the gym at 2000, or even 0200 when I couldn't sleep but wanted a good burn. I don't think there is every a bad time to work out. Whenever you can work it in is better than not at all!
    For me today, it was taking the kids to the park down the road and running laps around it while they played. As moms we just multitask. :)
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    put him in a corner on a blanket with some toys while you work out...let him watch...little ones watching their parents work out will often grow up to be active themselves...

    then hug the stuffing out of him when you're done and let him stay up a little later to make up for the workout time.

    if you work out once he's in bed all the time, he will never know that you are an active person, and having active parents is key for active kids.


    You just have to work it in when you can. I know it's not easy to feel like you're taking that time away from him, but it will be ok. Try not to make yourself feel guilty about it. There are a million things to make you feel guilty as a mom, and doing something healthy for yourself definitely should not be one of them!
    ^^This^^ My little man used to love watching me do 30 day shred I would put him in his bouncer and he would just laugh and smile and I would interact with him while I did it. Plus it was 20min so it wasnt too long at all. Now we joined a gym and he loves going into the daycare there bc he flirts with all the I am lucky I can spend most of my day with him so its a nice break for me. But its your choice when to workout, night workouts are hard for me bc then I cant fall asleep =/
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I personally don't think it matters what time you work out, all that matters is that you ARE working out.

    I didn't exercise when my kids were little (or did when they napped) but now they are 6.5 and I just have to take that time for me.
    I have it scheduled 3 days a week and they come to the gym with me. It costs me some money but 1. I am getting healthy and 2. they love playing in the daycare there..

    I agree with another poster about maybe having him watch you -kids love that, the movement of you and being with you is enough. Even my older kids would love to watch me. Taking time for you isn't a bad thing, it makes you a better mom hands down.
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 392 Member
    I have two kids of my own and I workout after they go to bed (no matter what time that is). I am doing Body Revolution and it works out just fine doing it at night. The workout schedule does say AM but ignore that. You get it in when you can. If you want to do the kick start program that comes with it, just add 30 min of cardio immediately following the Body Revolution workout for the same results.
  • bberg0521
    bberg0521 Posts: 49 Member
    Great advice all – Thank you!

    My husband works nights so he cant help out much during the week. He would watch him if he work up in the AM so I could go to the gym at 3:30 am but that has just been too hard. I kept wanting to fall asleep on my way home from work.

    I think I will work out when I get home and let my 9 yr old step son play with him while I work out, then we all can make dinner, eat, and play and Ill just keep them up between 8-9 instead of 7-8 so I get my mommy time in. I figure if I go to bed at 10 and get up at my normal 5 I still get 7 hours of sleep (inturruped by baby but hey its better than nothing) :smile:
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    :bigsmile: could you not work out in your dinner break at work somewhere? a run around the block 150,00000000000 times? lol
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I think that given the choice of working out vs. not working out, I would work out....
  • MsHolly731
    MsHolly731 Posts: 54 Member
    It's never too late to workout, but the way your body reacts to exercise may be different to others.

    I seem to be wide awake for a while after I workout so I can't do it right before bed or I just lay there for a while and wait for sleep to take me.
  • morrigansmom11
    morrigansmom11 Posts: 5 Member
    I will get on the treadmill with my little one (14 months) in her playpen next to me, she watches tv and me, and I at least feel like I am there with her. She likes to watch the kettlebell too and attempt to pick it up.. 10 lbs and she almost can lol
  • staceface519
    I know the feeling and its taken me 2 years to get over that guilty feeling. . . once my daughter turned 2 i didnt feel so guilty about doing things for me because i was doing everything for her. . . and i was miserable for 2 years because i wasnt losing weight. . .

    now that shes older its even harder to find time, aside from work and her. . . but i find that when im at work i take a 30-60 minute walk on my lunch for cardio . . . now i stick her in her room to play independently while i work out. . .

    and at home, intervals of 30 minutes to do strengethening exercises. . do what works for you and do not feel bad about it. . . . . be more concerned with your health and being there for you child then thinking your not going to get that time back. . believe me, its not as much as u think. . .