2 1/2 weeks in - 6lbs down!

EDIT: I'm sorry - a week and a half, not 2.

I've never been a part of something like this before and i feel extremely motivated to keep going. My goal was initially to lose 20lbs but i've now decided that if i get there and want to continue that i'll keep going and get down to 115lbs. Being able to see the calories with the tracker has really helped me stay on track.

I am a little concerned with actually being able to stick with this and meet my goal ( i want to run around in a bikini carefree by next summer ) :wink:

i hope with the support from these boards i will meet my goal.


  • easybeezy
    easybeezy Posts: 31 Member
    EDIT: I'm sorry - a week and a half, not 2.

    I've never been a part of something like this before and i feel extremely motivated to keep going. My goal was initially to lose 20lbs but i've now decided that if i get there and want to continue that i'll keep going and get down to 115lbs. Being able to see the calories with the tracker has really helped me stay on track.

    I am a little concerned with actually being able to stick with this and meet my goal ( i want to run around in a bikini carefree by next summer ) :wink:

    i hope with the support from these boards i will meet my goal.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    You will do fine! Just give yourself the time you need to safely lose the weight and you'l get there.

    Also, from me to you.... I got really frustrated when I plateaued so try not to get too focused on it. Think overall health and inches lost as well. That helps me when my scale doesn't budge.
  • andrews_06
    andrews_06 Posts: 7 Member
    What kind of exercise program are you doing. How much cardio and any weight training?
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    that's great easybeezy! Great work!
  • easybeezy
    easybeezy Posts: 31 Member
    I'm just cutting calories and going to the gym whenever i can. I do mostly cardio for now but have started using the Power 90 DVD's with the resistance band as well. It really just depends on my mood. I have a friend who is really into strength training and circuit training so she's' going to help me set up a schedule. I'll definitely keep you updated.

    As a side note, i think the initial weight lose is coming off because of the drastic change in eating habits. I used to eat at least 1, sometimes 3 fast-food meals per day. I work full time and am a full time college student so it's difficult to eat right when you're on the run. For the past week & a half i've really concentrated on bringing my lunch with me and making sure that i always have healthy snacks on hand so i'm not forced to drive-thru somewhere.

    Thanks again!
  • traumarn
    traumarn Posts: 44 Member
    great job:smile:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member

    I think the biggest part of this is your realization that the way you eat needs to change for you to become healthier. While the weight you lost is awesome, you are probably correct in saying that the shock of changing your lifestyle and eating habits has been a big reason for the weight loss (some of it is also probably due to you not eating as much sodium and retaining water). Hopefully, you fully understand that you probably won't maintain that level of weight loss throughout. That's ok though as you don't need to loose weight quickly to become healthy! It's much more important to become comfortable eating healthy and exercising so that you aren't constantly wanting to go back to old eating habits!

    Continued good luck.
  • ginkgojoe
    ginkgojoe Posts: 7

    How do you log the Power 90 exercises in myfitnesspal?
