Not new, but starting over

Good Morning MFPers!

I'm not new to the website, but I'm new this time around. In my last venture, I lost nearly 30 pounds with the help of MFP! I went on vacation with my family (to Philadelphia of all place...THE FOOD!!) and never got back on track. Now here I sit, heavier than I was when I started my weight loss venture in March '11...and heavier than I was when I delivered my babies.

There are three things that got me to log back into this website and hopefully start back on this with all the dedication I had before...
1. Without giving TMI (LOL), there was a moment with hubby this weekend that put my weight into perspective
2. I saw my neighbor a few days ago, and she has lost over 30lbs just calorie counting and not working out.
3. While going through my camera, I saw a picture MIL took of hubby and I. The scenery is gorgeous, but the woman in the picture made my heart fall into the pit of my stomach. Is it really possibly NOT to know what you look like?! Was my perception of myself THAT warped?!

I quit easily, I'm not going to lie. However, I feel more dedication this time around than when I claimed to be back before. Two of the three things above seriously hurt, and I don't want to feel or look like this any more. :frown:


  • Hey there! I'm in almost the exact same position. I've lost 32lbs and found it SO hard to keep on track lately, especially throughout the summer! I've also been known to quit a few times, but I want this too much to give it up forever.

    Just so you know, you may want to change things but you're beautiful, and if this will make you feel better I'd be happy to support you along the way, if you like! :)
  • Hello One I wish you the best of luck this time I know you can do it! it is not an easy path but the motivation from people here definitely helps. I started at 267 pounds at my heaviest and through counting calories and walking/jogging 5 days a week I got my weight down enough to try p90x. I'm not sure how you plan on doing your weight loss but I am sure you can do it! Set goals and reward yourself when you hit them.
  • misty5976
    misty5976 Posts: 45 Member
    I just wanted to say hello - and offer some support and understanding! Welcome Back!

    (i totally hear you on the family photo thing. in June we went to Chattanooga (rock city) and my mother-in-law took a picture of my husband and I in front of a beautiful waterfall. when i saw it i just sat down and cried. i didnt even RECOGNIZE the woman in the picture. It was eye-opening, and it made me feel sad and disgusted with myself... :( Those pictures can be brutal - not to mention how quickly i got tired while walking around - im only 36! i should still be able to keep up with my 9 year old).

    Last year I joined up, lost about 15 pounds, then the holidays followed by some health issues for myself, my father in law, and my son ... totally put me off track. It was simply just hard to keep up with it when I was spending time in hospital waiting rooms and on the road so much. I let those issues cause me to lose sight of my goals. It was my fault - and I acknowledge that and dont blame anyone else! I've now gained back ALL the weight I'd lost and maybe a few extra pounds. I feel terrible about myself - knowing I was doing something that was WORKING and I let life pull me away from those goals. BUT - that happens sometimes and all we can do is get up, dust off, and try again. We owe it to ourselves to NOT give up.

    I just recently joined back up - and i admit that I dont log in every day. sometimes life just gets in the way. But i am TRYING to stay motivated. Im watching what I eat - and just downloaded the MFP app on my phone - to make it easier for me to log even when im not at a computer. I have also been known to get discouraged and quit a few times - but like you - I really do WANT and NEED to do this.

    I will be having surgery in a few months (hysterectomy due to severe endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome). Doing much exercise that involves my belly is very painful - but I am still trying to do SOMETHING. I'd like to lose weight and be in better shape and healthier for that surgery - as well as hopefully make my recovery time a little faster.

    If you'd like extra friends, feel free to add me. I'll try my best to be supportive and maybe we can keep each other motivated and accountable! I wish you the best of luck!
  • 1jlazymom
    1jlazymom Posts: 197 Member
    Good Morning MFPers!

    I'm not new to the website, but I'm new this time around. In my last venture, I lost nearly 30 pounds with the help of MFP! I went on vacation with my family (to Philadelphia of all place...THE FOOD!!) and never got back on track. Now here I sit, heavier than I was when I started my weight loss venture in March '11...and heavier than I was when I delivered my babies.

    There are three things that got me to log back into this website and hopefully start back on this with all the dedication I had before...
    1. Without giving TMI (LOL), there was a moment with hubby this weekend that put my weight into perspective
    2. I saw my neighbor a few days ago, and she has lost over 30lbs just calorie counting and not working out.
    3. While going through my camera, I saw a picture MIL took of hubby and I. The scenery is gorgeous, but the woman in the picture made my heart fall into the pit of my stomach. Is it really possibly NOT to know what you look like?! Was my perception of myself THAT warped?!

    I quit easily, I'm not going to lie. However, I feel more dedication this time around than when I claimed to be back before. Two of the three things above seriously hurt, and I don't want to feel or look like this any more. :frown:

    OMgosh you are echoing all 3 things I've noticed in myself the last year. You have enough to keep you motivated and the support here will help you. I am so glad my daughter-in-law told me about the site it has made a huge difference in my attempt to be healthier.
  • onewarmmomma
    onewarmmomma Posts: 222 Member
    (i totally hear you on the family photo thing. in June we went to Chattanooga (rock city) and my mother-in-law took a picture of my husband and I in front of a beautiful waterfall. when i saw it i just sat down and cried. i didnt even RECOGNIZE the woman in the picture. It was eye-opening, and it made me feel sad and disgusted with myself... :( Those pictures can be brutal - not to mention how quickly i got tired while walking around - im only 36! i should still be able to keep up with my 9 year old).

    Last year I joined up, lost about 15 pounds, then the holidays followed by some health issues for myself, my father in law, and my son ... totally put me off track. It was simply just hard to keep up with it when I was spending time in hospital waiting rooms and on the road so much. I let those issues cause me to lose sight of my goals. It was my fault - and I acknowledge that and dont blame anyone else! I've now gained back ALL the weight I'd lost and maybe a few extra pounds.

    I hear ya! I had nerve problems in my back causing numbness in my leg, and was put on restrictions for awhile (I'm still not cleared to do all I was, but that's OK). I used that as an excuse to be lazy. I used boredom as an excuse to eat. Not to mention I thought I could hide behind my clothes. NOT SO MUCH!! The pictures this weekend proved that!! I want to print it out and hang it on my fridge with a caption "Are you hungry, Fatty?!" LOL!

    I'm 33, and the heaviest I've ever been. I'm over this!! I need to change for me, but more importantly for my 4 & 6 year olds. They need to know that this lifestyle is NOT ok!
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • momclp11
    momclp11 Posts: 13 Member
    I know how you feel. I am back trying again, I gained back almost all of a 60 pound weight loss! So disgusted with myself for gaining it back. Good luck to you. You will lose it!
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Hey there!!! I can relate to your story I started losing weight back in the beginning of 2011, lost 34lbs and then got in a car accident.... gained all of it back plus MORE, so I deleted my MFP account and quit. It wasnt until this past January after returning from a vacation I saw pictures of myself and was SHOCKED at how much I had let myself go... I weighed 242lbs and the largest I have EVER been in my LIFE - even when I was pregnant I was lighter. I buckled down, rejoined MFP January 7th and never looked back. Hit my goal weight of 170lbs (72 lbs down) after 144 days on MFP... took a break for summer vacation from cal counting, and lost another 15 pounds. I am now back full force pushing to see 150 lbs!!! ****Feel free to send me a invite.
  • onewarmmomma
    onewarmmomma Posts: 222 Member
    Hit my goal weight of 170lbs (72 lbs down) after 144 days on MFP... took a break for summer vacation from cal counting, and lost another 15 pounds. I am now back full force pushing to see 150 lbs!!! ****Feel free to send me a invite.

    That's fantastic! Good for you!!!
  • i hear ya. it's so easy to slip back into your old habits and by the time you realize it the damage has already started. i've lost well over 500 lbs in my adult life only to gain it back and them some. hopefully that won't be the case this time. only YOU can do it
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome back. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish.:smile:
  • zaha_s
    zaha_s Posts: 1
    Same thing happened to me. I had a unrealistic goal of how much I wanted to weigh by my birthday and ended up just putting it on instead, really noticing it when the party pics were on facebook.
    It didn't help that I had stopped using MFP after using it frequently and loosing 14kgs with that help, thinking it was too much effort and that I knew what to eat. But I'm back to it (first day back actually), and more up front about how much I actual weigh, what I eat and having the support of people who've been in my situation.

    The important part is that you're giving it another try. Good luck, and feel free to add me if you'd like! :smile:
  • susie18
    susie18 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! This is my second time around on here. The first time I did it, I used the app for my new phone and did not like doing it.

    Recommended by a friend, I am giving it a second try. I can completely relate to you in the aspect of NOT realizing how big you

    actually are. I'm used to the scale going up and down, but yesterday when I was updating my profile and providing my

    measurements, I was disgusted. So you are not alone!!
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    This is my second shot at MFP too. From January - April 2011 I worked MFP pretty hard and lost 15 pounds in anticipation of a Hawaiian vacation. Went on that cruise and never quite got back on track. Then I got pregnant in September and just had my son in June. I am carrying around an extra 18 pounds from my son, plus 10 from when I went on my cruise so I'm trying to lose nearly 30 pounds. I also had a pretty eye opening experience with my hubs this weekend (he stepped on the scale and he weighs almost 5 pounds LESS than me). Let's just say that was the motivation I need to get off my duff!!! Good luck!