What counts as water?



  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    Water is counted as water! Coffee is a diuretic , soda dehydrates you, and regardless just drink a lot of water! Water is great for you i cant understand why people avoid the clean readily available water we have at our disposal constantly. Lot of places on this earth don't even have it as sweet as we do.
    No correct.

    Caffeine only acts as a diuretic if the amount is in the range of 300mg. There is no significant effect until that level is reached. So, you would need to drink 15 servings of soda before your reach that level.
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    I have my diary set up with a "drinks" category. I put anything that isn't pure water in there, regardless of whether it has calories, caffeine, sweeteners, etc. I log my water separately. I've noticed, for myself, that I feel best when I have little to nothing in the "drinks" category, and have overfilled my water cup.
  • kayfrog
    kayfrog Posts: 109 Member
    What about coconut water? I don't count it or anything else I drink into my daily water, but I've always wondered about it.
  • AFitJamie
    AFitJamie Posts: 172 Member
    Just to stir the pot, but the sheer volume of well meaning, but incorrect, people that post and continue to insist that Caffeine dehydrates you really is disappointing.

    It doesn't, please update your information.

    There is little use in making people who happen to like colas and coffee drink copious quantities of water and have them running to the washroom all day...

    I must say that in my opinion there is FAR too much importance placed on hydration in the diet world. Yes it is important, but really, not nearly to the level people obsess over.
  • water and herbal tea!!!!!!! nothing with caffeine!!!!!!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    water and herbal tea!!!!!!! nothing with caffeine!!!!!!


    Everything counts toward your daily liquid intake, including the fluid you get from fruits and vegetables. But it's hard to count the fluid from food. So, just count the fluid from the liquids you intake. All liquids, including soda, water, tea, coffee, juice, etc.
  • AFitJamie
    AFitJamie Posts: 172 Member
    water and herbal tea!!!!!!! nothing with caffeine!!!!!!

  • lmeasterling
    lmeasterling Posts: 139 Member
    For myself, I count: pure water, sparkling water, vitamin water zero & crystal light mixed with water.
    If I drink other beverages, I log those as well, but don't count them toward my recommended 8 glasses a day.
  • Dezmodus
    Dezmodus Posts: 68 Member
    You don't NEED to be drinking 8-10 ON TOP OF all the tea, soda, juice, etc. You could be drinking TOO MUCH water, and yes there is such a thing as too much water. It's true that water intoxication is very rare, but it does happen. You should not feel obligated to drink that much if you don't feel you need it.

    you could be drinking water INSTEAD of tea or soda, and just think how much less sugar you'd be getting...

    you could use those extra calories for something really good.... like ice cream :D