Any breastfeeding moms out there?

I just had my second and final kid 7 weeks ago and I am breastfeeding exclusively, but would like to start losing the rest of my baby weight (18 pounds) plus an additional 10 to get back to where I was last spring when I was on MFP. MFP says I need to eat 1590 calories to lose a pounds per week, but obviously that does not factor in calories burned by breastfeeding...anyone have suggestions for how to modify that so that I don't have too great a calorie deficit and mess with my milk supply?


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I just had my second and final kid 7 weeks ago and I am breastfeeding exclusively, but would like to start losing the rest of my baby weight (18 pounds) plus an additional 10 to get back to where I was last spring when I was on MFP. MFP says I need to eat 1590 calories to lose a pounds per week, but obviously that does not factor in calories burned by breastfeeding...anyone have suggestions for how to modify that so that I don't have too great a calorie deficit and mess with my milk supply?

    Two things (I used to be a La Leche League leader):

    First, don't lose too fast because if you nurse long enough and eat sensibly it will all come off you. Give it at least six months. Exercise though to give yourself some muscle tone and so you feel good. MORE THAN TWO POUNDS OF BABY WEIGHT GAIN IS YOUR BREASTS. Enjoy them while you can.

    Nursing uses around 200-500 calories extra a day, although it varies with the age of the baby and whether its exclusive nursing (more as they nurse more and are bigger - little ones don't take as much). What is more important is fluids - but you know that already if you nursed your first. I found that things like brewers yeast (barely a calorie) were invaluable in keeping milk production high. Smoothies are wonderful too.

    Do watch the carbs, as protein and fat are easier on your body's self-regulation. Carbs are fine - just don't overdo.

    Just as a side note . . . I nursed both my kids 3 years (yes I was working, but had a flexible schedule). First six months I barely got back to my pre-pregnancy weight. After that I ate like a horse and lost, lost, lost. Lowest weight I had been in many years. That and caryring babies on your back are great exercise and weight loss tools. Your body is meant to do this.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    You can enter BFing as a food entry. EBFing gives you a 500 calorie deficit. I've lost all my weight since delivering 11/23/11 and it was through watching my diet and I fully credit breastfeeding.
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for the tip Cadori. great idea.

    Thank you nxd10. I am very aware that I need to not overdue it or my milk production could suffer. I work too, but I pump when I'm at work so my son is EBF. I did the same with my daughter 4 years ago and I BF'd her for 18 months! I did not try to diet or lose weight at all when I BF'd my daughter and as a result I was carrying around an extra 15 pounds of baby weight until I was done Bf'ing. I don't know why, but my body just does not respond to nursing with weight loss!

    I will definitely make sure to keep up my fluid intake and I think I am going to try and focus more on exercise rather than calories so much. I am taking Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle to ensure I have an adequate supply and so far it's been very helpful. I suppose what I can do is just kind of play it by ear and see how much, if any, my milk production is affected by trying to lose weight, and if it is, pull back a bit.

    Thanks again!
  • treehuggerheather
    treehuggerheather Posts: 9 Member
    I'm nursing my 9month old and just discovered you can add in the cals for breastfeeding in my food tracker! I've lost thr 50lbs I gained from my pregnancy now but working on 10lbs I wanted to lose before I got pregnant. I'm going to try to eat back most of my exercise and nursing calories for a couple weeks and see how it goes.
  • alle4163
    alle4163 Posts: 1 Member
    How did you add in the extra calories?
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You can put it in as exercise.