

  • asara09
    asara09 Posts: 3
    How can you be 192 one day and the next be 196 or one day 195 then the next be 198. But my clothes feel looser on me , once tight clothes now fit better. I want to throw in the towel on these days! Help me stay strong..................

    hey you gain muscle. remember....muscle is heavier than fat so if you fell your clothes fitting less but you are up a pound...its muscle. its time to rejoice not sulk!!!
  • those fluctuations are enough to make you mad. But don't let 'em. They're just that-fluctuations. I remember a time, no about 12 times, per year that is, when I used to get on the scale one day and be suddenly down by about 4 lbs from the day before. Then the next day I'd be up by 8. Every time. Now if I hadn't bothered with the first, the second wouldn't have been an issue, right? That's when I DID throw the scale out the window. Well, it would have been the window had I had one in my bathroom. But I did throw it out.

    I have no scale at home now. I only ever use the one at the gym or the doctor's office. That means it's never first thing in the morning. I've almost always had breakfast, etc. before I weigh. So, fluctuations will abound. I'm okay with that. Do I still weigh in daily? Well, that just depends on how often I work out now, doesn't it?

    LOL :happy: Yes it does........Thanks!
  • How can you be 192 one day and the next be 196 or one day 195 then the next be 198. But my clothes feel looser on me , once tight clothes now fit better. I want to throw in the towel on these days! Help me stay strong..................

    hey you gain muscle. remember....muscle is heavier than fat so if you fell your clothes fitting less but you are up a pound...its muscle. its time to rejoice not sulk!!!

    I will remember :smile: THANK YOU!
  • BeckySue1977
    BeckySue1977 Posts: 91 Member
    Why do so many people need the scale to tell them they're on the right track.

    You said it yourself. Your clothes fit better, yet you want to give up just because a machine says otherwise?

    Mkay then.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GREAT ADVISE I NEED TO TAKE THAT!
    I give the advice only after 2 years of crying over what the scale was saying. Once you stop relying on the scale to give you a pat on the back, and you pay attention to the fact that you actually LOOK much better, weight loss becomes so much more enjoyable.

    Good Advice! I started my weight loss journey only looking at the scale. After 4 weeks I've only lost 5 pounds but my boyfriend keeps telling me that he can see a difference in my shape. I finally got out the tape measure last week and I'm eager to see what it says pretty soon here!
  • :flowerforyou:
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    The mistake people make is to view this journey as one that is completely dependent on a numeral value. That is WRONG!! The scale does not tell you if you are succeeding or failing, your body does. If your clothes are looser and your feel better, whatever you are doing is working! The first 2 weeks I weighed myself every week, then realized that was stupid. I now REFUSE to weigh myself. I follow my plan(both eating and workout wise) and notice what changes I SEE. My clothes are looser(i'm wearing clothes from over a year ago!) and I'm stronger and faster in the gym. THAT is all the proof I'll ever need.
  • I dont step on the scale anymore, i measure inches and go by how my clothes feel. Since then, I am actually making more progress. The scale made me crazy!!
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    Three thoughts:

    First, step on and off your scale several times in a row and see if it reads the same. If all you are doing is stepping off and back on, there should be no fluctuation. If there is a fluctuation - you are correct, your scale is a liar. Get a new one if you decide that watching weight is helpful to you.

    Second - the way I use my scale is solely to measure progress (not fluctuations). I step on the scale the same time every day. If it is lower than it has been on this journey, I do a check in. If it is higher, I don't. I know my weight is going to fluctuate on a daily basis as water weight, weight of what I ate the previous night, BM or not (and more) all influence it. What this does is tracks the envelope of the fluctuations in a way that is most supportive (the lower curve). If I really mess up for more than a few days I might consider tracking upswings - but generally not. when I look at my graph, I see a steady downward progression, with gaps between data points which tell me how quickly I'm losing. I find that helpful - so I track it. If it frustrated me I would use NSV data points instead.

    Third - my grandmother used this and I have, with some (but less) success. Once I reach where I want to be, I'll still weigh myself daily - and if I am high several days in a row, particularly if I have been eating in a less healthy manner, I use being above as a short term signal that I need to switch back into losing mode unless I want to continue back up.

    I don't think everyone should be focused on the scale - and I don't really have a specific numerical end goal in mind (even though I have one on my tracker). I'll transition from losing to maintenance with NSV things tell me I've arrived. But once I've arrived, I do use the scale to track maintenance. Both from a motivation to continue the downward trend - and the signal for flipping back into losing from maintenance - numerical values are helpful to me because they are more concrete and less easy for me to ignore when I need to pay more attention during maintenance than slightly snugger clothing (for example).
  • How can you be 192 one day and the next be 196 or one day 195 then the next be 198. But my clothes feel looser on me , once tight clothes now fit better. I want to throw in the towel on these days! Help me stay strong..................

    You shouldn't weigh yourself everyday, set a certain day (usually Friday) to weigh yourself. You will just frustrate yourself! Don't let it get to you!
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    How can you be 192 one day and the next be 196 or one day 195 then the next be 198. But my clothes feel looser on me , once tight clothes now fit better. I want to throw in the towel on these days! Help me stay strong..................

    You shouldn't weigh yourself everyday, set a certain day (usually Friday) to weigh yourself. You will just frustrate yourself! Don't let it get to you!

    From the post - it sounds like you may be correct for this person.

    But - as a general rule - I disagree. I do far better weighing myself daily. It is a conscious reminder that I need to pay attention to what I am eating. In addition, when I see the daily fluctuations (and know I have been eating properly), I mentally adjust to that just being part of the normal variation. On the other hand - if I am weighing only once a week - and know I have been having a challenging period - I am far more likely to put off stepping on the scale for a week...or two...or 10.

    Everyone is different - and I have seen too many suggestions to ignore the scale, don't weigh yourself for a week, for 5 weeks, etc. recommended as "best practices" not to suggest that the best practices for one person may be the worst for another.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    The scale is EEEEVIL!!! Don't trust it!!!

    You could have had lots of salt, or hormones could be affecting things, there could be a lot of reasons for the fluctuation - that's why you shouldn't weigh every day. My husband can and the numbers bounce around like that - he's okay with it. That would bug the crap out of me!!