Back in the game

Hello everyone!

I guess I'm here to officially introduce myself and throw my hat in the ring. I actually heard about the MFP app from a friend and then discovered all of the tools on the site, but I am only now truly beginning to use them.

A little about me-

I'm a 31 year old so cal girl, recently diagnosed with diabetes. I know I have a sizable amount of weight to lose, but I have come to understand that by doing it the right way (i.e. no more fad/crash dieting), I can achieve the health I've been looking for my whole life. I know it won't be easy, but I am determined to lessen the number of meds that I am taking, thwart any possible health complications that may be in the making, and really just have the life I have always wanted - a healthy one.

I look forward to getting to know you guys on here (from what I've seen so far there is just so much awesomeness) and being inspired to push on. And maybe one day, even inspire someone else (like my my family and friends) to reach out for their health goals as well.

Anyway, that's my long-winded hello!! :bigsmile:


  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    It sounds like you're on the right track! Welcome aboard! :flowerforyou: Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    Good luck.. We are all here to support you..

    My motto is..

    I will get Healthier
    I will look better
    I will eat right
    I will exercise
    I will earn my body..
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    Good luck on your journey!
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Good luck! Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member

    Welcome! You have come to the right place to move towards a healthy lifestyle! I have only been on here since June but am finding that by logging my food, I am able to hold myself more accountable and am making better decisions! There are many supportive people on here also! I wish you the best of luck on this journey towards better health!:smile:
  • kndlkai1
    kndlkai1 Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome to the journey! There is a great amount of information here and even more fantastic friendship and support. I love it here! :happy:
  • susjan
    susjan Posts: 105
    Feel free to add me too. I log every day, support my peeps and see this as a lifestyle change vs a quick fix or diet.

    In it to win it!
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    Hey you made the first step.....and I'm sure you will make many more - Welcome! I'm just coming back - and I think I'm pretty supportive so feel free to add me!
  • dkelley81
    dkelley81 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome aboard! I am at it once more also but, Lord Willing, this will be the last time to start and stop! We have started now there is NO STOPPING US! I just turned 31 also and want to enjoy life without being overweight! I will encourage you every step of the way! :)
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I am diabetic too and what's worked for me....
    No more soda, sweet tea. If I drink juice it is trpoicana 50 and only 1 serving per day. I don't really drink diet soda either.
    No more bread or pasta
    No more processed food.
    If you do eat a carb (an apple) have some protien (peanut butter or cheese). The protien takes your body longer to digest it, so you don't get the carb high followed by the carb crash.
    Occasional baked tater is OK, but small size other wise my blood sugar goes through the roof.

    I found that after doing this for months, when I went to go drink regular OJ, it was so sweet I wanted to gag. Or when I went to eat kraft sheels and cheese (I used to love that) so salty I wanted to vomit. I find I rarely have to season or salt food anymore.
    When I go out for special occasions and order dessert, I can usually only eat 2 bites. It's too sweet and gives me a stomach ache. Hope this helps.
  • ebbyzone
    ebbyzone Posts: 17
    Good luck.. We are all here to support you..

    My motto is..

    I will get Healthier
    I will look better
    I will eat right
    I will exercise
    I will earn my body..


    I love your motto. I think I may adopt that for myself.:smile:
  • ebbyzone
    ebbyzone Posts: 17
    Welcome aboard! I am at it once more also but, Lord Willing, this will be the last time to start and stop! We have started now there is NO STOPPING US! I just turned 31 also and want to enjoy life without being overweight! I will encourage you every step of the way! :)

    :bigsmile: (that was me when I read this)

    I love the thought of being Unstoppable. And thank you!! I need all the encouragement I can get.
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome, this is an awesome site and the support from other is great. I look forward to hearing great things about your lifestyle change. You didn't get here overnight and unfortunately you want loose it overnight either so stick with your plan and log everything......I mean everything (the good, the bad, and the ugly)!!!!!
  • BeckySue1977
    BeckySue1977 Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome to the group! I'm also in southern california and fairly new to the site. I started almost 4 weeks ago.
    I'm totally addicted!
    I've always been overweight and never felt like I could keep up with everyone. Now my kids are starting t5o ask to do things like hiking and other physically demanding activities and I can't do it with them. So it's time for me to get healthy and fit so I can keep up with everyone!

    Feel free to add me, I'm still meeting people on here and none of my friends from real life are doing it.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    So happy you're here. There are lots of us needing to lose a lot of weight and working to ward off medical complications brought on by being overweight. You'll find lots of support here and many friendly people who will encourage you. Feel free to add me as friend. I need to lose at least 100 pounds, and am determined to just take it slow losing about 1 - 2 pounds a week. I'm hoping if I do it slowly, maybe I won't have as much loose skin to deal with and that the pounds won't come rushing back to pack on my rear end and other places where I don't need them! LOL! Best wishes in your new lifestyle.