Devil's advocate: 1200 calories for petite/short women?



  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and eat around 1200 NET calories a day. That works out fine for me. If I'm hungry, I eat more. If I'm tired, I eat more. But generally that number works out pretty solidly for me; I have enough energy, I'm not hungry, etc.
  • mathteacher2010
    mathteacher2010 Posts: 85 Member
    HI; I'm 4'10" with about 45 lbs to lose when I started. I have posted this before; I am doing the Petite Advantage Diet by Jim Karas. His belief is that shorter women do not need as many calories, and as one post stated, there is no room for empty calories if you are not eating that many. I do 1100 calories for 5 days, then higher (1400 - 1600) on weekends. I have lost 12 lbs in 2 months.

    I should state that I am 58 years old, with a basic metabolic rate of about 1300, and a fairly sedentary life. I work out with TRX straps every other day, have plenty of energy for the workouts, and have lost inches all over. My cholesterol at my physical 2 weeks ago was the lowest it's ever been!

    I eat plenty of good, natural food, and do not eliminate any food group. You can eat quite a lot for 1100 calories if you make wise choices. I have fought my weight all my life, and this is the best I have done in years! At 58 years old, I do not believe that I would be losing if I ate more calories. I asked my doctor to make sure, and she said as long as I don't feel weak or shaky that it's ok because I am so short.
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    I am 5 ft tall and I eat just around 1200-1300 and I feel fine everyday... if anything I feel less sluggish then when I was restricting it to 14-1500. I weight lift 2x a week and do cardio 4x a week as well as other exercises. I eat mostly fruit and veges and whole grains and they do keep my full, a lot of people confuse hungry with being thirsty I think. I drink a lot of water too. And obviously I'm doing something right since I'm loosing weight and my body feel fine. I think it depends on the person and that there can't be a standard to everyone. People loose and gain differently.. And I'm not loosing muscle mass, because my arms and legs are still getting more chiseled every time I think to look at them in the mirror!
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I am 5'3"- 5'4" and maintaining at 116 on 1900-2000 per day. Maybe I have a high metabolism, I don't know. I would only call myself moderately active so was sort of shocked at how much I needed to maintain once I started counting calories. The lowest I ever ate was 1600.

    If you have done a lot of dieting in the past, your metabolism is likely to be slower. So maybe 1200 is ok for some short women, but definitely not all.
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    Hm, 1200 calories is alright for me, especially if you eat all the right stuff. Anything more than 1500, feels like I've eaten way too much ^^.
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    A couple years ago I did really well losing some fat and gaining muscle in about a month, and I was eating a net total of about 1700 cals per day. I was lifting and doing cardio.

    I'm 5'2" and at the time was 124 for starting weight, lost 5 pounds of fat and put on 2.5 pounds muscle, bringing me in at 121.5.
  • Pirschjaeger
    Pirschjaeger Posts: 15 Member
    I eat usually around 1,250, maybe up to 1,300. I'm 23 years old, 5'3 and 114 pounds. I am tired all the time (not because I don't eat enough, I've always been tired for no reason) and sedentary. I wish I could get my lazy bum to exercise more, but being constantly tired makes it hard. I currently only do brisk walking for 45 minutes everyday. Twice a week at a gym, I use the elliptical for about 15 minutes and walk/attempt to run on the treadmill for about 12 minutes. I may or may not also do my walk on those days. I am slowly trying to increase the amount of exercising. I probably will not consider eating more than that until I can get myself to do an actual amount of exercise.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    I get a little fired up about this topic, but its because it truly is frustrating to be short and lose weight. I will not eat less that 1200 calories. I did at first but you didn't want to be around me at all!

    After trial and error I eat a straight 1700 calories a day and exercise 3-5 per week for 30 min to and hour. I have a desk job. I lose slowly, but that's ok with me. As long as I get smaller in the process, that's all that matters.

    4'11" and 139lbs

    Sounds so familiar! I'm 4'11" and 141lbs...I upped my calories to 1500 recently, after doing the whole 1200 and then going to 1350. It is a slower process but there is no way in hell I could survive on 1200. I work out 5-6 days a week, usually 40-60 mins and don't necessarily eat all my exercise calories back, but it's still a learning process!
  • I eat usually around 1,250, maybe up to 1,300. I'm 23 years old, 5'3 and 114 pounds. I am tired all the time (not because I don't eat enough, I've always been tired for no reason) and sedentary. I wish I could get my lazy bum to exercise more, but being constantly tired makes it hard. I currently only do brisk walking for 45 minutes everyday. Twice a week at a gym, I use the elliptical for about 15 minutes and walk/attempt to run on the treadmill for about 12 minutes. I may or may not also do my walk on those days. I am slowly trying to increase the amount of exercising. I probably will not consider eating more than that until I can get myself to do an actual amount of exercise.

    Doesn't sound like you need to lose weight really.
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member

    i'm 5'3".
    and you're welcome to your opinion that 88lbs is too little. and maybe for you, it would be. but that's not my opinion. for me, 88lbs is just fine.
    and actually, i am able to make distinctions, thanks. just because i have an ED doesn't make me incompetent. i don't encourage anyone to restrict as hard as i do, in fact, i often encourage the opposite. i completely understand that eating around 400-500cals a day isn't healthy, but i physically cannot eat more. that doesn't mean that what i read/view should be restricted.

    No, you're completely entitled to read/view what you want - but you shouldn't contribute to threads like this where people are looking for advice as to how much they should eat. By advocating a diet that's less than 1,000 calories because "you really don't feel that hungry", you're implying that's normal behaviour, and that it's totally cool to aspire to that. It's not, and I think you already know this, seeing as you've written on your profile that "you wouldn't wish an ED on anyone else".
    Good luck with your recovery :flowerforyou:
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I am 244.5 lbs and aged 45 and 5 2"- I am quite active and doing c25k kettlebell classes, weights and a lot of cardio, walking the dog and started picking up more fitness classes.

    When i go for the recomended settings it drops my calories to about 1300 - and as soon as I try and stick to this I panic and worry that i am going to feel hungry and reach my macro's and I start obsessing about food - as in i get very fixated and all i think about is the next meal - so i set it to 1500 and usually come in at about 1300 to 1400

    I am a bit worried as still have about 100lbs to go and i know that will take me about a year - but I know at some time I will have to drop down to 1200 - I am hoping to do more hiit or tabata as I can't keep on increasing my gym time. I am a it worried as in the past I have had bulimia and I really want to do this the healthy way.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 5'3, and recently broke a 6 month plateau by upping my calories by 200, and trimming some of my cardio (insane!) so now I eat between 1340 and 1440 or so. I ate 1200 for a long time, but have had better weight loss eating just a bit more.
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    4ft 11 . Just upped to 1600 a day
  • Glad I saw this. I am 4'10 and trying to lose 15 pounds. I net around 1100 and I am not losing a thing. I trying to eat between 1200-1400 per day and workout once or twice per day. I either do morning and evening treadmill workout or one treadmill workout and 1 weight training session during lunch. The rest of my day is on my back side in an office. I am afraid to go to 1500...although I am not losing at 1200, I guess it could not hurt to try!
  • rheelizabeth
    rheelizabeth Posts: 160 Member
    I'm only an inch taller than you... however I am over 55lbs heavier than you. I eat 1500 and I am losing at a good healthy rate.

    When I am much closer to my weight goal (around 120) I will lower my calories, but I will also have increased my exercises by then, meaning I wont really need to lower them by much.

    Instead of eating 1200 a day, why don't you try burn 300+ calories a day, that way you can eat 1500 calories but your net will be 1200, this would be a much healthier way to lose.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I'm 5'1'' and regularly eat less than 1200 to great effect. On the weekends I balance it out by eating around 1800 calories each day. I lose approx 1 pound every week with no stalls, no light headedness or other problems and fantastic results, so I'm not currently looking to increase or decrease at the moment, though when I reach about 5 pounds to my goal I'd like to increase to around 1400 and very slowly take the rest off. For my mostly sedentary life (commute 6:30-8am, desk job 8am-6:30pm, commute until 8pm, then dinner, an hour of reading or unwinding and bed) this is working for me right now with no complaints.

    It would be impossible for me to up my activity right now without cutting into my sleep, and when I decrease my sleep THAT'S when I find crankiness and other health issues, rather than from eating less. I appreciate hearing about the folks who can eat more and lose more or find the time to burn 500 calories a day, but I'm dang happy with how things are going like this :bigsmile:
  • Are folks talking net or gross calories?

    I'm 4'9", 47 year old distance runner/xtrainer

    I burn an average of 400 cals a day (when I'm not training. When I am training it varies from 500-1700)
    I eat around 1400 cals a day, so I net 1000. It is plenty of food for me. I have an incredibly huge appetite and I eat till I'm stuffed. As someone said earlier, it's because of my food choices that I can eat so much. A typical dinner is 4 cups of broccoli with a drizzle of olive oil, 2 vegan veggie burgers, a cup of fat-free greek yogurt, a cup of fruit. All of this comes in under 500 cals and has plenty of protein, good fat and good carbs.

    I do have a cheat day on the weekends where I drink alcohol and don't count any calories. Still eat really healthy but I am indulgent with things like avocado, hummus, almond butter and ocassionally a little bread (gasp!)

    However, I cannot lose a lb. I would have thought that netting 1000 would buy me a little wiggle room on the weekends, but the scale seems to say otherwise. I have only been eating this way since March. So, give it more time, lose the cheat day or lower the weekly calories?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    How much do you weigh? I would lose the count free cheat days (on a weekly basis, anyway).
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Not just petite women but older people, people who have gone up and down in their weight, etc. etc. etc.

    Recommendations are based on models. Those models need to be adjusted to meet who you are. I am 5'10". My needs are very different than someone who is small.

    I was your size when I was in the fourth grade!:ohwell:
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I'm 5'8 and have on numerous occasions had less than 1200 cals a day with a variety of foods and feel just fine, even after exercising.

    Even with a 1600 cal diet, you can easily miss the 'micro nutrients'