Devil's advocate: 1200 calories for petite/short women?



  • kjbbdoll
    kjbbdoll Posts: 86
    I am 5'7 and MFP put me at 1200 calories. Most days I don't have a problem staying within that amount. Even if I exercise I rarely eat back my calories. I also have a physical job which some days makes me very hungry but I just think everyone is different or maybe it has to do with your food choices as to what fills you up longer, etc? I almost always go over on protien.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I'm 4ft 11.5, I was set at 1200 by MFP initially, even to lose 1lb per week, but I just couldn't eat that little.

    I did some research, got my numbers ran my Helloitsdan, and now I'm losing nicely on 1600 net.
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    I'm 5'3 and working to get back to 135 lbs. My weight gain came from pregnancy (50 lbs each time, lost it the first time ). I maintain my weight at 2300 calories /day with working out about 30 minutes 3-5 times per week.

    I'm currently losing (and breastfeeding) at 2300 and I'm working out 1 hour 5 days a week. when I'm at 2500 I'm maintaining.

    I'm also amazed at people who can't figure out how to eat over 1200.... I like nuts and cheese. I usually eat my calories all healthy but I like the wiggle room for treats like birthday cake or eating out. When I ate lower in the past it led to me feeling deprived about treats and binging.

    Honestly, my goal is to have as high a metabolism as possible so I can eat what I feel like. If people like to eat 1200 or less I just hope they are happy eating there.
    Sometime your metabolism just slows a bit as you age. I gained at least 70 lbs during my pregnancy (twins) and the weight just came off while I was eating a massive amount of calories - over 3000 per day. Within 3 months I was back down to 110 lbs. I didn't do any exercise besides waking. Over the years I didn't watch what I ate and I slowly gained weight until I reached 130 lbs. I can easily eat WAY over 1200 calories but if I plan my meals I can net 1200 and feel satisfied. When I reach my goal of 115 ( 2 lbs to go) I plan on increasing my calories so I don't continue to lose. You just have to find what works for you.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I am 5'3" and have been eating 1200-13000 cals for 17 months and have consistently lost 8-10 lbs a month (a couple minor plateaus at 40, 90,120 and 150 lb losses) , I have 158 total loss so far with about 20 more lbs to lose. It is coming off slower now 5-7 lbs a month. I tried 1400-1500 cals for 2 weeks and didn't lose a thing. I also started exercising at the 40 lb loss point on a treadmill for 20 minutes and now have gradually increased to now where I run 5 miles on treadmill (1 hour)5 days a week and do pool exercises for 1 hour for 6 days a week. I increase the exercise as I feel I could handle it and now I have so much energy. I just think there are some people who cannot eat that many calories and lose. It is a guideline and I intend to keep gouing as I have been and be successful for me
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    Wow, does that mean i have eating disorder? : i hope not, I'm 5' 6", working out on almost daily basis, sometimes even 2x a day, since I eat about 1000- 1300 cal a day, just have hard time to eat more. But maybe we all are just different
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    You make a valid point. The calorie needs for petite women can be on the low side.

    However, when you're getting down around 1200, adequate daily micronutrition starts to become an issue, IMO. Women that need to eat that little to lose weight would be better served to increase their activity and eat a little more.

    Adequate daily micro-nutrition scales with size just like caloric needs do. Why would someone a foot shorter than someone else need the same amount of iron or vitamin D? Stick to a balanced diet, should be fine.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Wow, does that mean i have eating disorder? : i hope not, I'm 5' 6", working out on almost daily basis, sometimes even 2x a day, since I eat about 1000- 1300 cal a day, just have hard time to eat more. But maybe we all are just different

    it means you should most certainly make an effort to eat more.
  • Stephanie198907
    Stephanie198907 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my calories are set at 1280 and I do just fine. Most days, even without exercising, I am under my calorie goal. A lot of times I have to force myself to eat because I'm not hungry but i still need to meet my daily calcium, iron, and protein allotments. On days when I workout I add an extra meal, usually a quinoa salad with roast peppers or an extra snack, popcorn and fresh fruit.
    There is absolutely NO WAY i could eat 1500+ calories like some people. I just physically cant.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    1200 is suitable for me (5'-0"). I actually have a few days here and there where I find it hard to get 1200, I'm just not hungry. I average 1200-1300. If I work out, I eat those calories back so I have at least a net of 1200.

    It's been working great for me!
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    I'm 5'1'' and Set mine to 1200 calories. Sometimes I achieve to eat it all and other times I don't. I have never been much of eater and the truth is I am now eating more than before and healthy.

    I have always as far as I remember drank coffee in the morning then a sandwich for lunch then a heavy carb dinner. No vegetables or fruits. Now I am eating a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner along with snacks. I'm not hungry at 1000-1200 calories at all. I feel better and with more energy now then before.

    And no I didnt have eating disorder, I was never really hungry. I was a cook and I kind of got disgusted with seeing so much food, I suppose.
  • Michelleishealthy
    Love4 fitness why are you mean to everyone???
  • Michelleishealthy
    I am 4'11 1/2
    I recently gain 5 pound in a month. I need to
    Loose it. I have been eating 1200 calories and work out alittle and eat more to cover the calories.
    It's been 15 days and I gained 2 pounds.
    Not sure why to do.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I stick to 1100~1200 a day, and I'm 5'1. I've been losing weight at a steady rate :)
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I recently saw a dietician. She said that they never suggest that anyone consume below 1200 calories per day for anyone... it's simply too low to get the balance of required nutrients in a day. I am just under 5'3" and obese. I asked her this question: "What would happen if I consumed right around 1400 calories per day every day and exercised for 30 minutes each day?" Her response was "You could be a very small person" and then I asked "But would I be healthy, and NOT go into 'starvation mode'" and she said .."you are correct"
    It is interesting to visit these professionals.. believe it or not, BMI is not the 'be all and end all' figure for them. I also received some great tips and recipes from's was well worth investing the hour or so I spent with her. I took along 5 weeks of my diary for her to review as well.. that really helped her make suggestions that work for me.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Love4 fitness why are you mean to everyone???

    I'm not mean. I just don't condone starving.
  • chantalb20
    chantalb20 Posts: 132
    I'm 5'3 and 98lbs. I don't eat more than 1000 cals. I don't get hungry enough to need to.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    My mom is 4'9" on a good day. For years she has been trying to lose weight, believing that she had to subsist on less than 1000 calories a day to lose anything. And guess what, she would lose, get off the diet (really, who can sustain that little?) and gain it back plus more. When I signed up with MFP, I got her to join me. She freaked out at the 1200 calories a day, saying no way would she lose. Guess what -- when she follows the plan and sticks to her 1200 calories, she loses just fine! She even eats back her exercise calories. So far she's lost over 10 pounds (fallen off, gotten back up, and started again). She's much happier doing it this way than starving herself with less than 1000. I am 5'0", so no Amazon here either, and I am losing about 1/2-1 lb a week eating 1430 calories plus 300 for breastfeeding plus my exercise calories.

    Our bodies need more than just calories. We need all sorts of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are much easier to get from food than from a pill. It's really hard on such a calorie limited diet (I take a multivitamin because I'm pretty sure I'm not getting enough even with what end up being near 2000 calories). And, for me, this is a life change. I want this to be a lifestyle I can maintain for the next 30 years, so I don't end up needing to lose weight again (unless I have another baby, and then keep it moderate, lol)
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I do just fine on 1200 cals unless I do strength training. On those days I can put away plenty but still never have for than 2100 cals on those days. When I'm in maintaining mode, I'm at 1500 but even then I don't make it most times. I'm 5'0 tall and 117.2 pounds today but aiming for 115 pounds.
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    I'm 5"2 and if I eat around 1,400 (my maintenance) I actually GAIN! I don't know if I'm logging wrong, but history doesn't lie.

    I do, however, eat more than 1,200 a day because I go for a 45 minute run almost every day so it gives me a good 1550 in total :)
  • mystinamarie
    mystinamarie Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my limit now is 1200 calories. I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle, so most days I eat 3 square meals that I fix at home and am right around that number.
    The days that I workout or do strenuous activities (mowing the lawn, deep house cleaning, etc.) I can definitely tell that I need a lot more calories and a lot more glasses of water! I will usually have a snack between breakfast and lunch and another between lunch and dinner- about another 400 calories for those days, give or take.
    And of course there are days where you just don't plan ahead and you get fast food, have another glass of wine, etc. and go over.

    But really for me, it's all about balance. I find that if I make smart, pre-planned decisions about food, I'm able to make choices that fill me up. A lot of days I'm "over" my protein, but that is what makes me feel full and satiated, while I usually have like half my carbs left- I know those don't fill me up.

    Long story short- Yes, I do think short women can survive and thrive on 1200 calories a day. If extra activities are added, then the extra calories need to be added, though.