Looking for anyone who wants to weight in on Monday mornings. This is
a day I choose so that I keep my head on straight over the weekend,


  • GrammyPammy145
    GrammyPammy145 Posts: 48 Member
    I hop on the scale every day but record it every Monday. I will join you Karen. I have a lot to lose and can use a check in buddy! :-)
  • cerwin17
    cerwin17 Posts: 69 Member
    I am currently using Monday as my "official" weigh-in day that I log my progress, even though I have been weighing myself every day.
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    Join yOu
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    My weigh in at Weight Watchers is Monday night so I will join. It really does keep you good on the weekends.
  • I'm in!
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    Monday is my official weigh in day too!
  • rukus1
    rukus1 Posts: 112
    Monday's are my weight in day!
  • sgwhit
    sgwhit Posts: 119 Member
    I'm in.
    Helps being accountable to someone.
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    I'll join you to. I actually just started with a local weight loss group (Tops) here that meets Mon nights. Though there are several meeting times for other chapters, I liked Mon to keep me accountable for the weekend! I've been with them five weeks and no gains! It's working!
  • pmazzotta4
    pmazzotta4 Posts: 21 Member
    i weigh in every Monday morning even if I ate bad from the weekend
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I always use Monday as my weigh in. I also make sure i have a tea the night before so i can use the bathroom before i weigh lol.
  • dmisty24
    dmisty24 Posts: 26
    Will join you....Monday works for me. Helps me to keep honest over the weekend ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  • I would like to join everyone as well if possible. I started C25k on Tuesday as well as eating better. I'll weigh in on Mondays though. If anyone wants to friend me, you can help motivate and keep me accountable. Ill do the same for you!
  • Look for us in Group: MONDAY WEIGHT INS 8/13/2012
  • MTC7
    MTC7 Posts: 3
    Add me too! how do we do this?
  • Join us at GROUP: MONDAY WEIGHT IN 8/13/2012
  • Who's looking forward to weighing in? I've wanted to a few times now, but stopped myself! LOL
  • daizzi
    daizzi Posts: 36 Member
    Count me in!
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I LOST 1.6lbs