Height Pros/Cons



  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    5"9 ish
    Pro: i can carry the extra weight without it showing.
    Cons: i have so much extra weight that just snuck on.
    Also doing the dishes sux as the sink is too low, cant reach into the back of bottom cupboards, and i'm always hitting my head on stuff
  • In the self conscience thread below it seems there are quite a few men (suprisingly) and women that do not like their height.

    So guys and gals: How tall are you and what are the pros/cons of being that tall?

    I am 169cm (5'6.5") which is shorter than the average in the western world.
    Anything to do with health - less stress on the heart, less stressing the back and knees etc.
    Comfortable - seats in car/bus/airplane, buying clothes, furniture etc.
    women like tall man. taller then them and taller generally.
    people tend to associate tall men with authority and leadership. Short people need to prove themselves, you can't just walk into a room and be respected, you have to show something, say something, to earn respect.
  • Alzzak
    Alzzak Posts: 89 Member
    In the self conscience thread below it seems there are quite a few men (suprisingly) and women that do not like their height.

    So guys and gals: How tall are you and what are the pros/cons of being that tall?

    I am 169cm (5'6.5") which is shorter than the average in the western world.
    Anything to do with health - less stress on the heart, less stressing the back and knees etc.
    Comfortable - seats in car/bus/airplane, buying clothes, furniture etc.
    women like tall man. taller then them and taller generally.
    people tend to associate tall men with authority and leadership. Short people need to prove themselves, you can't just walk into a room and be respected, you have to show something, say something, to earn respect.

    5'5" and exactly what he said
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    I don't like my height. I want to be more average 5'5 would be great. At 4'10 every pound is like 5lbs to another, I guess. It's always been a down fall for me.

    4'10? i pat you on the head lol

    exactly why I hate being this short! It's a curse. I have to stand on a chair or climb on the counter just to reach the second shelves in my kitchen. I told my husband in our next house he is going to have to custom build our kitchen.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    barely 5'2". I like it. :)
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member

    Pro: I'm 5 freaking 10. No one is going to try and come up and attack me in a dark alley, especially if I have my 5 inch platforms on. Also, most men I meet seem to dig tall chicks.

    Con: Being taller than most of the boys at my high school really sucked. Alot. Also, the amazon jokes get old, really quick. Shopping for jeans that aren't highwaters is a bit harder, but not impossible (I'm all legs.)

    that sums it up for me. I am also 5'10" I don't get amazon jokes. My hubby is taller than me so it is all good.
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member

    Pros - When I list my height it doesn't start with a 5.
    Cons - Height combined with shaved head, goatee, and stocky build... some people look at me like they're afraid of me. :-/
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm 5'2", and in general, I like my height:

    Pros: Most males are taller than me (everyone I've been attracted to has been, at least); I can wear high heels without feeling *really* tall; I have more room to play on the pole (LOL!) and I fit easily into most overhead storage compartments!! LOL!!

    Cons: Hard to reach things up high... but appealing to my tall hubby (or another tall male, most are chivalrous enough to help a girl out!) generally fixes this problem; almost always have to get formal dresses hemmed, a lot... but I guess that's not too big a deal!
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member

    ~Can reach pretty much anything on a shelf
    ~can see over the crowds
    ~long legs (ooh la la!)
    ~as tall as my hubby

    ~getting asked "did you play basketball or volleyball?" like those are my only options
    ~finding pants with a 36" inseam = impossible!
    ~wearing heels makes me an Amazon woman
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I am 6 feet tall.
    Pros: I like having really long legs and never have to worry about certain styles making me look short. I can command a room when I need to. I can carry a lot of extra weight without looking "fat."
    Cons: I can't wear short dresses without showing a little too much of my business. I don't feel very dainty or feminine, especially next to my shorter friends.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm 5'2"

    Pro: I can be a ninja and slip around and surprise people or make them think I disappeared. (This happens all the time, I don't do it on purpose. That's how I got nicknamed ninja.)

    Con: In order to reach the lat pull down I have to stand on the bench and then float down to the seat.

    I just want to add one other con, but it's pretty obvious. It's the clothing being too big, especially with vanity sizing it gets more challenging to find smaller sizes (although sometimes I can shop in the children's department, not that I want to). Of course the pants and sleeves are too long. But, also shirts are sooo long on me, and it seems like they are getting longer and longer. Petite stores are expensive.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    5' tall

    Pros: I fit in, on, and under just about anything.
    I don't need to duck under things very often.
    Buying shoes is easy (size 6.5 - 7.5).
    I consider anyone 5'5" or higher tall.
    I have never looked my age.
    I blend in well with children. :ohwell:
    I can move through a crowd like a little cockroach. :laugh:
    I'm almost average height when I wear 2.5" heels.

    Cons: Kissing my 6'4" husband is tough sometimes, but we manage. :blushing: :smooched:
    I have to climb to reach things up high, which I consider anything above my head.
    If my husband wants to hide something from me, he puts it above my eye level because he knows I won't see it. :devil:
    I can't reach the gas pedal in some cars, even with the seat almost all the way forward.
    The seat belt usually goes right across my neck.
    Most pants, skirts, and dresses are too long.
    My boobs match my smaller frame (and are losing weight right along with the rest of me). :grumble:
    People resting their arm on my head, like others have mentioned. My 6'2" son thinks it's hilarious.
    I have never looked my age.
    My husband feels self conscious when we dance together. :cry:
    I can't see anything in a crowd except backs and butts. This can be a pro sometimes. :bigsmile:
    My foot is too short to wear 4" heels. I may as well put on ballet pointe shoes and walk around. :noway:
    I'm only going to get shorter as I get older. :tongue:
  • I'm 5'6.


    -my clothes always fit well and jeans shopping is a piece of cake.
    -if i gain a couple pounds they aren't noticeable.


    i cant really think of any. i like my height.
  • invictus8
    invictus8 Posts: 258 Member
    6' 3 1/2"

    Pros: a swimmer's body, more or less
    Cons: because my arms are long I'm bad at the bench press
  • El_guapo22
    El_guapo22 Posts: 902 Member
    6'2 pros I can reach all the things short people can't so I feel useful

    Cons sitting in small cars
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    5' 10''

    Pro: Tall enough to appeal to most women who don't like short men
    Short enough to not be lanky and maintain a muscular look
    Stronger than most tall men (medium frame guys usually are)
    Great agility

    Cons: Gotta work harder to stay within a certain weight range (extra weight shows up easier)
    Cant reach extra tall spaces
    Medium frame women on heels look taller lol
  • caulker
    caulker Posts: 30 Member
    5ft 3&half.....yeah that half is important ;-p

    Pros, men are nearly always taller than me :-D

    Cons, cant reach top shelf stuff
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    The water from the shower hits me right on the head.
    My feet never hang off the end of the bed.
    I can ride in the backseat of anyone's car.
    Airplane seats are tolerable.

    Groups make me ride shotgun.
    Can't reach the upper cabinets or top shelves at the store
    If the garage door opener goes out, I can quite grab the release string.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Height: 5'8

    - I have long legs
    - I can reach things on high shelfs
    - I think I carry my weight better than a shorter girl would

    - I don't really feel feminine around men
    - I am taller than a lot of men and that is a no-no for me in terms of dating
    - Hard to find pants that fit.
  • Just under 5' 1".

    Pros: Fun sized, hiding is easier, I look younger than I really am, most guys are taller than I am. :)

    Cons: Short jokes, clothes are too big, "OMG! You're soooo cuuuute!", there is very little I can reach, easily forgotten if I'm not tall enough to reach your line of sight, when I turn 21: "You don't look old enough to drink.", "Why aren't you in school?", every pound shows, I'm short. :(
  • SabrinaSt
    SabrinaSt Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 5'2"

    Pros: - I'm pocket-sized.
    - People find me cute. Ha!
    - People think I look way younger than I really am (especially sans makeup)

    Cons: - Everytime I buy jeans or maxi dresses, I need to the tailor to have them shortened.
    - Every lb. I gain shows!
    - I look like a cocktail sausage in skinny jeans.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    As someone of an average height, I've never understood this overwhelming insecurity many especially tall and short people have.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    Someone can throw a potato sack on me and take me hostage.

    Too true :laugh:


    I can wear heels and *still* be shorter than most people.
    Falling isn't nearly as bad since I'm already closer to the ground.

    Even standing on something there are things I still can't reach.
  • 5'6"

    Pro - It's a nice average height!

    Con - My bf is only 5'7" or so. I wouldn't mind being a bit shorter just so I can get the "I'm tiny" feeling!
  • F__7
    F__7 Posts: 371 Member
    I'm 5'7"

    Pros: All woman my height or shorter are compatible, and the taller woman are compatible in excess!!
    Cons: I have never really experienced any "disadvantage" to make me think of any yet.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    4" 10 1/2"

    Pros: I love my height. I'm different. I stand out. I'm cute. I fit in very small places.

    Cons: I can't reach anything and have to climb the shelves at grocery stores. Men try to lift me. I HATE that.
  • 5' 2''

    pros- i can i lifted, and i can fit in many places

    cons- hard to reach things, and weight gained is very noticable
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    5'11 and change--

    Pro's - I did play basketball and volleyball (still do)

    Con's - Finding a man who appreciates a tall woman :( , clothes that are long enough (not that the fact that my *kitten* needs a bigger size than my waist dictates isn't an issue in itself, lol), bumping my head or accidentily putting my hand in the ceiling fan when stretching or doing jumping jacks. Riding in a small car, long legs makes it very uncomfortable and very funny looking.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    duplicate... my bad
  • Chikara312
    Chikara312 Posts: 2 Member

    Pros: Not too short, not too tall, gaining weight isn't noticeable (people think I'm 20-30lbs lighter than I actually am), weight loss is noticeable.

    Cons: Sometimes I feel like I'm too tall because there are a lot of short people around where I live, I always wanted to be small and petite.
    Honestly, I know I'm really not that tall. There are no negatives to my height.
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