Wedding Countdown...


My name is Sarah & I am on Wedding Countdown!!! I get married on 15th Sept and I am about 10lbs away from my goal weight.

I have been very close to it before but struggle to maintain it as it always seems to be just before holidays!

I wondered if anyone else is on wedding countdown? The support would be appreciated!!

Have a good day all! :)

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • whatsonmymind88
    whatsonmymind88 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not going through it now but two weeks before my wedding I had to really watch what I ate. I had tried my dress on two weeks before and it barely zipped O.o working at a coffee house with all those yummy bread treats didn't help of course lol. With the help of my mom I had extra room when we zipped the dress up before I walked down the ally, thank goodness!!! Eat a lot greens and keep doing the cardio you've been doing and you should be fine :D if you don't already do so try and just drink water. No matter what you should be proud you made it so close to your main wedding goal!,
  • renoclaf
    My wedding is still a lot further away (10 months) but I'm thinking of that dress every step I take. It's such a huge motivation.

    You can do it!
  • Aedrah
    Aedrah Posts: 100 Member
    Wedding countdown-er checking in!
    I too have a bit of a ways to go (getting married next spring).
    You can do it!