I Wish This Were Easier

kbarker65 Posts: 22 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I've been lurking on this site since before Christmas but only really picked it up this week. So far I like everything about it, especially that I can access it from my phone. I don't normally post to boards like this, but I figure this time I'd better try something different so I can stay motivated. I guess I can't really do this alone.


  • klybarger
    klybarger Posts: 214
    Please know that it does get easier. I think we all have been "programmed" to address food emotionally all of our lives. The reprogramming is hard - but once it all clicks and you see how this sensible weight loss approach works, it will get to be 2nd nature for you. Best of luck!

    And it does make a difference (both accountability and support wise) to communicate with individuals that are going through the same struggles! Take advantage of this site - it really is a unique network of people.
  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    Best of luck to you!
  • Eliaheart
    Eliaheart Posts: 73 Member
    Hang in there - this place is wonderful. Lots of supportive, kind people going through the same hardships!! We can all do this, and we will. One day at a time :)
  • I lurked for a long time before finally posting to the boards. It makes a huge difference when you talk to people who are going through the same thing as you are. Good luck to you!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    It really does get so much easier. I promise. Go at this as hard as you can -- learn as much as you can about what you're doing and get into a routine. I've treated this entire adventure almost exactly like a new hobby I'm very passionate about. It was very hard, I won't lie to you. But I'm 4 months in now and I'm starting to realize this is it. It's my routine. I expect a lot more of myself these days and now that I know how to be healthy, I can honestly say I can't even imagine going back to the way I was before. My tastes have changed. The way I perceive and think about food has changed a lot (I still love it, by the way. I knew from the start I'll never not be a foodie!).
    Keys to success:
    1. Most importantly, KNOWLEDGE
    2. Stick with it, even when it gets hard
    3. Forgive yourself if you stumble a little & immediately get back on track (none of this "I'll get back on track tomorrow/next week/next month" BS).
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    welcome and good luck! we can do this!
  • Pretty soon you'll be saying, "Wow, this is easier than I thought!"

    Keep posting. This is a great place for support!
  • Millions of us are new at this. Don't ever feel like your alone.. All it takes is one person to make a difference in someones life.. Pretty soon ... you will be supporting someone... telling them your story and how you have overcome life's every day and lost the weight! YOU CAN DO THIS! :)
  • sh2010
    sh2010 Posts: 12
    Good luck to you, and everyone. I just started the other day as well, and this is the best calorie counter site I have come across.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Your profile sez you're 44, and you're a "typical middle aged guy",,, well we have a problem. I'm 42, and I'm still a kid, and we're nowhere near middle age! Quit it - stop it - we're still pretty spry dangit. Archie Bunker was "middle aged", I'm doing 25 mile bike rides and swimming in the river. Well, Ok, not swimming in the river right now, it's winter. But,,, you know what I mean.

    J/k, it's all good.

    You've come to the right place. This is a great tool that will work wonders. Just take a look at the before and after thread - and remember that the folks with huge successes are just like you, they just started a little earlier. You can do it too, and you will.

    This is easy - here's all ya' gotta do:

    Cook smart, lotsa good filling stuff. Some fruits, lotsa veggies, some grains-cereals, some starchy stuff, some lean meat. Almost nothing fried (and certainly nothing batter dipped & deep fried), and very very little pastry/cakey stuff.

    Count your calories accurately with the food guide here, and stay as close to your calorie allowance as you reasonably can. If you cook properly you shouldn't be too uncomfortable on the calorie allowance MFP will give you.

    Get some exercise - work that gym, walk a little every day, something - that's a huge help. Remember to log your exercise and eat at least some (I eat most) of your exercise calories. Exercise is a self-feeding phenomenon. If you push yourself to do just a little today (it's supposed to be hard,,, it's exercise ) then you'll feel better about it and it'll be easier to do it again tomorrow. Then in a week you'll be able to do more, and it'll start to get fun. In a year you might be running 10k's,,, it's up to you.

    And drink your water!

    That's it, piece o' cake. Wife and I have been doing it for about a year now and we've done well. Lost over 100 pounds between us, and we're in much better shape.

    You can do this. Will you?
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    It will, believe me it will! Just got to stay with it and don't get discouraged. The lifestyle changes you have to make will make it all worthwhile. And this is the place to share your successes and frustrations! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    Your profile sez you're 44, and you're a "typical middle aged guy",,, well we have a problem. I'm 42, and I'm still a kid, and we're nowhere near middle age! Quit it - stop it - we're still pretty spry dangit. Archie Bunker was "middle aged", I'm doing 25 mile bike rides and swimming in the river. Well, Ok, not swimming in the river right now, it's winter. But,,, you know what I mean.

    J/k, it's all good.

    You've come to the right place. This is a great tool that will work wonders. Just take a look at the before and after thread - and remember that the folks with huge successes are just like you, they just started a little earlier. You can do it too, and you will.

    This is easy - here's all ya' gotta do:

    Cook smart, lotsa good filling stuff. Some fruits, lotsa veggies, some grains-cereals, some starchy stuff, some lean meat. Almost nothing fried (and certainly nothing batter dipped & deep fried), and very very little pastry/cakey stuff.

    Count your calories accurately with the food guide here, and stay as close to your calorie allowance as you reasonably can. If you cook properly you shouldn't be too uncomfortable on the calorie allowance MFP will give you.

    Get some exercise - work that gym, walk a little every day, something - that's a huge help. Remember to log your exercise and eat at least some (I eat most) of your exercise calories. Exercise is a self-feeding phenomenon. If you push yourself to do just a little today (it's supposed to be hard,,, it's exercise ) then you'll feel better about it and it'll be easier to do it again tomorrow. Then in a week you'll be able to do more, and it'll start to get fun. In a year you might be running 10k's,,, it's up to you.

    And drink your water!

    That's it, piece o' cake. Wife and I have been doing it for about a year now and we've done well. Lost over 100 pounds between us, and we're in much better shape.

    You can do this. Will you?

    Yeah! As Casper says, you guys aren't nowhere near middle age! I'm Middle Aged - and I've got 20 years on you guys! :laugh: :drinker:

    And there's plenty of life left in me! :wink:
  • amyjoh
    amyjoh Posts: 92
    You can do it! Just gotta decide you won't quit no matter what! I just started again after about one whole year of not! so just don't quit!
  • I am new to this too!!Good Luck and stay motivated!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    It's not easy, but what worth having is? There will be times when it will be easier than others, and times when it'll feel downright impossible, just do NOT give up. Obviously it can be done. There's tons of people on here who have succeeded at losing it, and are succeeding at keeping it off. They're my inspiration.

    Good luck. :)
  • madmama
    madmama Posts: 123 Member
    I wish it was easier too, but stick with it and it becomes second nature. Good luck we are all here to help each other.
  • kbarker65
    kbarker65 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow! What an inspirational group of fellow travellers. You guys are great. Thanks for all of the positive posts. I think doing this alongside you all will truly make this if not easy, easier.
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