Eating clean

What is eating clean? I hear a lot of people talking about it. I have an idea but not sure.


  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member
    I'm sure there will be slight variations to this but in it's most basic form it's eating little to no processed foods. Some people take it further going organic and perhaps even moving to unpasteurized dairy products (if they can get them).
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    eating clean to me is cooking fresh and little to know processed foods that contain high fructose sugar .. loads more sodium and other stuff your body can't recognize to break down. When I cook fresh or make my own jams bread etc I know whats in them. Manufactures have to put in things in the canned and packaged stuff to keep it preserved for a longer shelf life. Stuff that can spoil in a few days if you don't eat it rather than stuff you can keep for months because of the persertives. I am pretty sure thats what it is.
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    I've been "accused" of eating clean and didn't know I was doing it!! To me it's just a common sense approach to eating. Give your body real, unprocessed, natural organic food. Foods full of vitamins and minerals which have not been processed and chemical laden! I certainly am not perfect or want to be but good old fasioned home cooking, full, fat, and whole eggs too! In stay away from wheat and sugar am much as possible as well just because those foods make me look 6 months pregnant! Hahaha Good luck on your own journey, we all have to find what works for us!! :0)
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    Thanks for the input!
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member

    I just laughed out loud in my cubicle. This is why we're friends.