Supplement questions....

HI!! I have started lifting (toning and building muscle) as well as cardio. I have significiantly changed my eating habits by trying hard to eliminate white sugar and white flour. I am not eating as many veggies as I should but it's a work in progress.
I have 100+ lbs to loose.
I would like to find a natural supplement that will help repair my muscles after lifting and also a nutritional supplement and/or fat burner.
Any suggestions?!!?!


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Protein containing whole foods

  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Many studies have heralded capsasin as a fantastic thermogenic which helps lead to burning fat. Capsasin is found naturally in peppers, the hotter the pepper the higher the content so this is a great excuse to throw some raw peppers ontop of any meal and go to town or slice yourself up some green pepper sticks (no put the ranch dressing down!) If you have no tolerance for peppers, WalMart sells Cayenne pepper extract in thier vitamin section for a few dollars.
    If you are on the fly after a work out and cannot indulge in whole foods a good protein shake will get you by. Nitrocore64 from Optimum Nutrition is a pretty solid one and the flavors are great, I agree with Acg67 on doing whole foods where possible though, lots of boneless skinless chicken breast meat, eggs whites mix well in shakes, lean Salmon and Talapia. I highly suggest investing in a good set of measuring cups and a food scale, you may be shocked to see the actual portions you are taking in
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I use CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), Green Tea Extract.. CLA has mostly positive reviews nothing recent.. some buff folks say they don't like it but its worked really well for me and I'm 5' 5" 184lbs.

    You can either buy it separately or as part of a kit.

    I use a kit by Genuine Health that combines them both (abs+ & lean+ extra strength). I don't know if they have products in USA but I've used their products on and off for years and they work well for me. My doctor OK'd it and I've lost 2" already because of healthy eating, exercise and the CLA. This is my first time having to use CLA so I definitely see the difference in weight/fat loss after having two kids.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Oh and don't forget Whey Protein... you can buy it in different flavours. I blend it in with yogurt or different fruit.. its up to you :)
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Protein containing whole foods


    Yup! No need for supplements. You can get it in your diet
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I highly suggest investing in a good set of measuring cups and a food scale, you may be shocked to see the actual portions you are taking in

    SO true
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    Not a fan of supplements. Real food high in protein is available. Greek yogurt, egg white, nuts,fat free cheese, beans(edemame). I also use protein bars when I need a take along snack. My favs are Nature Valley potein fit bars, South beach protein bars, Lara bars. Just make sure they are not cereal bars with low protein and high carbs (you have to read labels)
  • Caffeine

    Caffeine in the form of what? :)
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    I use CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), Green Tea Extract.. CLA has mostly positive reviews nothing recent.. some buff folks say they don't like it but its worked really well for me and I'm 5' 5" 184lbs.

    You can either buy it separately or as part of a kit.

    I use a kit by Genuine Health that combines them both (abs+ & lean+ extra strength). I don't know if they have products in USA but I've used their products on and off for years and they work well for me. My doctor OK'd it and I've lost 2" already because of healthy eating, exercise and the CLA. This is my first time having to use CLA so I definitely see the difference in weight/fat loss after having two kids.

    Im very intersted in theis CLA - what is the use and what have the results been????
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member

    Caffeine in the form of what? :)

    any form, black coffee would be my preference.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    i agree with buying a scale. portion control is so important.

    i use usn cla 1000 and usn cla thermo. not at the same time! seems to work.

    i also take usn diet fuel powder.
  • You guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

    Ok - So my diet has a lot of protein from whole foods. I do weigh my food and measure - I was completely shocked actually about some things! Especially condiments!
    I love Greek yogurt and have been incorporating chia seeds which also have protein. I guess I am most concerned about my vitamins that I may or may not be getting from my diet. :)
    I do my best to eat a well rounded meals, 6 or more but I am on the go a lot so sometimes it’s difficult. Low fat string cheese, celery, carrots and Eggies have become my best friends! And cubed up chicken breast with a little Ms. Dash. That’s an easy finger food too. Is it enough?
  • Black coffee it is :) I can handle that.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I use CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), Green Tea Extract.. CLA has mostly positive reviews nothing recent.. some buff folks say they don't like it but its worked really well for me and I'm 5' 5" 184lbs.

    You can either buy it separately or as part of a kit.

    I use a kit by Genuine Health that combines them both (abs+ & lean+ extra strength). I don't know if they have products in USA but I've used their products on and off for years and they work well for me. My doctor OK'd it and I've lost 2" already because of healthy eating, exercise and the CLA. This is my first time having to use CLA so I definitely see the difference in weight/fat loss after having two kids.

    Im very intersted in theis CLA - what is the use and what have the results been????

    The use is to lighten your wallet. Supplemental CLA has been mostly shown to be ineffective for weight loss
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I use CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), Green Tea Extract.. CLA has mostly positive reviews nothing recent.. some buff folks say they don't like it but its worked really well for me and I'm 5' 5" 184lbs.

    You can either buy it separately or as part of a kit.

    I use a kit by Genuine Health that combines them both (abs+ & lean+ extra strength). I don't know if they have products in USA but I've used their products on and off for years and they work well for me. My doctor OK'd it and I've lost 2" already because of healthy eating, exercise and the CLA. This is my first time having to use CLA so I definitely see the difference in weight/fat loss after having two kids.

    Im very intersted in theis CLA - what is the use and what have the results been????

    Actually unlike with the guy with the 6 pack said, its actually been shown to reduce body fat in overweight and obese individuals who take 3400g or more a day. For the guy with the 6 pack, its obviously useless because he doesn't appear to have much body fat so naturally it would make sense that it wouldn't work for people like him.

    Now I have been trim before but after two kids and 50+ lbs weight gain for both, I have put on body fat. I am now 184.5 lbs. I've been taking this at 6000mg/daily for 9 days (lower dose previous week) and have lost 6 inches which 2 of those are from my waist in the first week. I got those results obviously from healthy eating and exercise every day but when I worked out in the past, I lost more weight but I wasn't reducing body fat %. I've lost 3 lbs in 1st week (2 lbs assumed water) but I've lost inches and KEPT the muscle I have been building this week. I am actually seeing definition in areas where there hasn't been in years since having kids. I spent a long time at the gym before I had children and never got results like what I'm getting.

    They did a study of this in Toronto from a University I attended and I agree with the results 100%. They mentioned that also can't take CLA alone but it should be taken with Green Tea Extract, Forslean, etc,. You can google how much of these extracts you should be getting in a day to be effective.. I can't remember the exact number but the supplement I'm taking with the CLA has enough to be effective. There has been some research that suggests diabetics and those at risk of developing diabetics shouldn't take it. I have had my blood tested because this was mentioned in some studies and my physician says everything is great and to keep doing what I am doing.

    I don't care what anyone says.. I have over 30 lbs of body fat to lose. People who have serious tone won't find it to work and I commend their results and hard work but for what I'm trying to do it works for me and I recommend it for anyone who has a lot of body fat. Just my two cents and my experience.. find out for yourself. Add me if you'd like to keep up with my results.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    i agree with buying a scale. portion control is so important.

    i use usn cla 1000 and usn cla thermo. not at the same time! seems to work.

    i also take usn diet fuel powder.

    Glad to see someone else who uses a form of CLA. Rock on :)
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Protein containing whole foods



    Anything else is a processed broken down supplement.

    There are NO PROVEN SUPPLEMENTS to be that Magic Pill.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    You guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

    Ok - So my diet has a lot of protein from whole foods. I do weigh my food and measure - I was completely shocked actually about some things! Especially condiments!
    I love Greek yogurt and have been incorporating chia seeds which also have protein. I guess I am most concerned about my vitamins that I may or may not be getting from my diet. :)
    I do my best to eat a well rounded meals, 6 or more but I am on the go a lot so sometimes it’s difficult. Low fat string cheese, celery, carrots and Eggies have become my best friends! And cubed up chicken breast with a little Ms. Dash. That’s an easy finger food too. Is it enough?

    How much do you weigh?

    Generally you need 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. If you are trying to lose body fat (or weight for those who are fixated on numbers), you will need more protein per day.

    I think you have lots of protein but you may want to calculate it just to be sure.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member

    Actually unlike with the guy with the 6 pack said, its actually been shown to reduce body fat in overweight and obese individuals who take 3400g or more a day. For the guy with the 6 pack, its obviously useless because he doesn't appear to have much body fat so naturally it would make sense that it wouldn't work for people like him.

    Now I have been trim before but after two kids and 50+ lbs weight gain for both, I have put on body fat. I am now 184.5 lbs. I've been taking this at 6000mg/daily for 9 days (lower dose previous week) and have lost 6 inches which 2 of those are from my waist in the first week. I got those results obviously from healthy eating and exercise every day but when I worked out in the past, I lost more weight but I wasn't reducing body fat %. I've lost 3 lbs in 1st week (2 lbs assumed water) but I've lost inches and KEPT the muscle I have been building this week. I am actually seeing definition in areas where there hasn't been in years since having kids. I spent a long time at the gym before I had children and never got results like what I'm getting.

    They did a study of this in Toronto from a University I attended and I agree with the results 100%. They mentioned that also can't take CLA alone but it should be taken with Green Tea Extract, Forslean, etc,. You can google how much of these extracts you should be getting in a day to be effective.. I can't remember the exact number but the supplement I'm taking with the CLA has enough to be effective. There has been some research that suggests diabetics and those at risk of developing diabetics shouldn't take it. I have had my blood tested because this was mentioned in some studies and my physician says everything is great and to keep doing what I am doing.

    I don't care what anyone says.. I have over 30 lbs of body fat to lose. People who have serious tone won't find it to work and I commend their results and hard work but for what I'm trying to do it works for me and I recommend it for anyone who has a lot of body fat. Just my two cents and my experience.. find out for yourself. Add me if you'd like to keep up with my results.

    Keep your money. CLA is only proven to assist as an anticancer.
    Unless you want to waste money into using higher dosage (3.2g) than what is the recommended dose along with a complex combination of other supplements (more money), use the KISS factor.
    Please remember that the OP asked for NATURAL options. Supplements are not "Natural"

    EDIT: I've used CLA and other supplements and have had equal success just by working out regularly and eating right.
  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    I'm bulking right now and one of the ways I'm keeping fat at bay is with CLA. It's been clinically proven to work. A number of studies have been done. Refer this

    If you have the money, there's nothing wrong with using a protein supplement.