Can birth control keep me from losing weight?



  • marvelscale
    I'm on Depo, and I'm losing weight, just veeerrryyy slowly :(
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    Just as an FYI - not to get into a great debate - yes, we make hormones, but they are hormones that are supposed to be in our bodies, not the artificial ones created for BC. There is a big difference and the artificial ones do cause side effects and are dangerous.

    I only advised the OP to read the fine print and urged her to do some research. She is free, as is anyone, to make her own decisions based on the facts she finds in her research. There is a lot of info in the fine print that COMES WITH the birth control, straight from the company, that no doctor will tell you. There are also MANY studies which correlate many health problems (increased risk of cancer, blood clots, infertility, etc.) to hormonal birth control use. It's your health and your body. If you want to roll the dice with it, go for it, but we are presumably on this site to lose weight and get healthy. I just wanted to give some info that I thought might be helpful. Do with it what you like.

    Oh, and yes, absolutely, I understand that some women are prescribed BCPs to regulate cycles and help with hormonal imbalances. I would still urge women in that situation to look into natural hormones rather than synthetic and look to find out WHY the hormones are imbalanced. There are many ways to correct imbalances without hormone replacement.


    Deo Juvante, Jen

    I find your advice in this thread and others to be extremely irresponsible. I've seen you post about this several times now and I really am starting to wonder what your game is. This is the only thing you seem to post about. Whether or not a person should take a given medication is a discussion that they, individually, need to have with their doctors and other health professionals, such as a naturopath, and not with some random person on the internet with a very particular agenda who never seems to talk about anything else....

    Hormonal birth control really benefits quite a lot of people, both in terms of it's obvious pregnancy prevention aspect, and a number of other potential benefits. I use the Nuva Ring and it has dramtically improved my life. It has eliminated my cramps and PMS symptoms and stablized my formerly wild mood swings, and yes, I have seriously worked with alternatives and did so for many years before trying this. This works for me. For the record, I used to be a hardcore believer in NOTHING BUT NATURAL and deeply criticaly of everything to do with pharmaceuticals. I am still critical, especially of the economy and political clout of the pharmaceutical industry, but I've come to realize that many medications can be genuinely beneficial and the best anyone can do is to just inform themselves and be mindful of how things they use effect their bodies, be it "artificial" hormonal birth control or "natural" herbal alternatives. At this point in my life I combine mainstream and alternative methods for just about any health problem I find myself facing. I use hormonal birth control and other pharmaceuticals, but I also take herbs and recieve acupuncture. Each has it's place and the best we can do is simply be mindful, careful to assess how our bodies respond and to work closely with that. Closing off options for paranoid ideological reasons is not responsible or smart. Be critical, but recognize that most options suit someone, and some of them with not suit you. That doesn't mean it doesn't suit someone else.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    To Gibsy,
    while i share your concern with someone touting 'natural family planning' as "effective" on a website where who knows what impressionable young mind might be reading along, and i sooooooo agreed with many of your remarks,
    it seemed kinda harsh to call the person who posted her opinion on it as having 'paranoid' ideas, imo.. I read all her posts, and did not pick up anything i'd call paranoia, but rather, it seems to me she has a deep concern about health risks of some forms of hormonal birth control. That was my take on her posts, but, i should not try to speak for her. I"m new here, i don't know what all is going on about previous postings, etc. but on this thread, i understood her posts and heard her, i just don't think 'natural' family planning IS that reliable at all.

    i LOVE LOVE LOVE that you found such relief of your PMS and other health problems through Nuvaring, YAY!! So many women seem to have to struggle along til they find one that works best for them.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    For me- every pill made me gain weight- increased my appetite for carbs and sweets and such. I came off it but once you get a sweet tooth its hard to lose it! (in my experience)
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    sad truth is that everyone's response to birth control is different, and different AGAIN per type of birth control. the side effects are exotic and many, or can be absolutely none at all. I've been on my current one (microgynon 30) for more than ten years, and experienced no trouble whatsoever being on it. It's a godsend.

    This is all a long winded way of me saying go to your doctor, tell them that you've had weight gain and they'll immediately shake their head sympathetically and offer you some different options. There are way too many types and brands to sit around and tolerate one that gives you grief.
  • MrsKillough
    MrsKillough Posts: 30 Member
    Some people find that hormonal contraception increases their appetite, others don't. If it's causing you problems, try something else. I've had injections for about 3 years and implants for the last 7, and I've been everywhere from a UK 8 to a UK14 on both, depending on my eating and exercising patterns at the time. The pill made me feel so rough I didn't stay on it long enough to see if it would make me put on weight.

    There are loads of options - maybe try a family planning clinic rather than a GP if you want specialist advice?
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I'm on the birth control shot Depo & lately it seems like no matter how hard I try I can't seem to lose the weight I'm wanting and
    I'm beginning to become discouraged & I'm not understanding why I'm not losing weight.
    could this be because I'm on the shot?
    the only thing is, I've lost 20 some pounds before while on the shot but I ended up gaining back, so I don't think that it's the shot holding me back, so I'm not understanding why I'm not losing weight.
    anyone have any answers/suggestions ?

    I was on Depo from age 16-25. While I believe it increased appetite.. I still lost all the weight I put on with it before switching up BC (now on implant). It could be a factor, but with consistent diet and exercise, I don't believe you have a problem, just an "excuse".

    "Lift Heavy! Run Hard!" =D
    Or it could affect different people differently. Just a thought.

    Like I said, it could be a factor.. but for some, you may be able to overcome with a consistent "diet" and exercise. I'd talk to your doc.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Ive been on the depo for almost 10 years, and though at first I blamed it for making me hungier and gaining weight, its not actually a good excuse.
    Ive not had any problems with it, in terms or weight gain, or loss. The reason I gained weight was by eating things like 4 sausage rolls for breakfast, I lost it eating well and exercising.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm 47, and a diaphragm user (but it may be verging on moot at this point as things "change"). I used hormonal BC a few times through out my life, and it was not the option for me.

    I worry though that some folks seem to believe it's the only choice.

    And, on a related note, do docs not offer copper IUDs any more? I never used one, but seriously considered it after my sister had such good luck with that option.
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    is rather be a big girl than a parent right now

    My thoughts exactly. Birth control is so worth a little weight gain, although the OP might consider looking into other forms of bc.

    And to miss "natural planning," the fact that you have seven children has turned me off of natural planning forever. Thanks for informing me that it clearly does not work at all.
  • wildrosejmj
    wildrosejmj Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you bluejean for understanding my point. NFP really is legitamite, safe, and fairly effective (about as effective as condoms and some other barrier methods) - but it takes time to learn and a real commitment. Also, it's my experience that many people don't do a lot of research before taking mere and just assume it's safe. Gotta read the fine print! That's all I was wanting to say. :o)

    Deo Juvante, Jen
  • wildrosejmj
    wildrosejmj Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Bridget, how do you know I didn't PLAN to have 7 children???? ;o)
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I asked my doctor about this when she prescribed me the mini-pill and she said that in her experience women tend to just be more relaxed and happy once the risk of pregnancy is removed and she thinks it's that that makes people put on through overeating if they do and nothing to do with the hormones.
  • misstoridanielle
    misstoridanielle Posts: 62 Member
    every person is different. i have to take birth control because of my PCOS and i have taken Yaz since i was 16 (i know, i know. i've seen those stupid Yaz commercials). i've found out the hard way that if i don't take the pill, my appetite is crazy and i gain weight. while on it, i don't feel that urge anymore and have actually lost weight.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    My only recommendation is to stop getting the shot. Any of the birth control pills and depo have artificial hormones and are really, really bad for you. Check out Fertility Friend or Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Both have free websites that will show you how to track your fertility naturally and safely - and for free. Natural Family Planning doesn't cost anything now (free to learn and do) or later (increased cancer risks, blot clots, infertility, etc.). Also, read ALL the fine print that goes with depo or any other birth control. These products are very dangerous to women and pose great risks that affect you the rest of your life. I know it's in you now and you can't do anything about that, but please do some research before choosing to get another shot.

    Deo Juvante, Jen

    Natural family planning pretty much is code for "surprise pregnancy". Sorry! Not every woman's cycle is the same and many women don't ovulate like clockwork every month on the same day so natural family planning is very risky. It should be paired with another form of contraception imo unless you are at a point in your life where having kids would be a good surprise.
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    To Gibsy,
    while i share your concern with someone touting 'natural family planning' as "effective" on a website where who knows what impressionable young mind might be reading along, and i sooooooo agreed with many of your remarks,
    it seemed kinda harsh to call the person who posted her opinion on it as having 'paranoid' ideas, imo.. I read all her posts, and did not pick up anything i'd call paranoia, but rather, it seems to me she has a deep concern about health risks of some forms of hormonal birth control. That was my take on her posts, but, i should not try to speak for her. I"m new here, i don't know what all is going on about previous postings, etc. but on this thread, i understood her posts and heard her, i just don't think 'natural' family planning IS that reliable at all.

    i LOVE LOVE LOVE that you found such relief of your PMS and other health problems through Nuvaring, YAY!! So many women seem to have to struggle along til they find one that works best for them.

    Yeah, point taken. I'm speaking from my own experience, growing up in a household where my mom was actually quite paranoid about the dangers of pharmaceuticals in general, including birth control. She had a lot of issues herself so it was understandable, but that experience did eventually help me understand that one person's negative experience can't be universalized. It took me a long time to think through it and discover that in some cases they have a lot to offer, and that alternatives aren't *automatically* better. I don't mean to assume anyone else is coming at it from that place. I stand by the rest though. It is extremely irresponsible to constantly tell everyone that they should NEVER take a medication that helps them. That they should use a method that has a really high failure rate instead. There is a line between reasonable concern and caution, and fear mongering. There's a line between considering *potential* issues and suggesting that these issues will always arise. I retract the "paranoid" comment but I stand by the rest of it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I asked my doctor about this when she prescribed me the mini-pill and she said that in her experience women tend to just be more relaxed and happy once the risk of pregnancy is removed and she thinks it's that that makes people put on through overeating if they do and nothing to do with the hormones.
    This doesn't sound fact based to me at all. What about stress pounds?
    That sounds like a folk story to me. sorry
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    I was on a pill that made be gain at least 15lbs but once I switched to a new one I have been slowly able to lose it.
  • ashleew1117
    I can't go off the shot its the only one that i will remember and the only one that is the most effective.
    I can't do one that i have to insert myself, or a pill that i have to remember to take daily at the same time, i'd never take it and i would probably end up pregnant.
    If weight is something that i have to deal with while being protected i guess that i would have to deal with it..

    Like i said before i have lost weight with this before but i was taking a weight loss pill, which i have thought about taking again to up my weight loss and jump start it again.

    I do believe their has to be a way around not being able to lose weight while on the shot.

    I also do not have extra cravings or always hungry, the shot has never made me have a increase in my appetite. I gained the weight back because the first time i lost weight i wasn't eating right and was practically starving myself and when i started to eat more i gained back my weight.
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    Abstinence is the only 100% guaranteed method of pregnancy and STD prevention. I have 8 younger siblings. I know that condoms do not prevent pregnancy. give me the pill. I have done my research and this is what I will use till my husband and I are done cresting our family. After we have our last little one he is getting a vasectomy. And he volunteered because he did his own research on it and tubal ligation.