Quick, filling breakfast ideas

roswyn80 Posts: 114 Member
I love my breakfast, and like something a little more substantial to get me through until 11am snacktime. But I'm worried that I might end up getting too static in my choices, and I don't want to risk getting bored!

So, my question to you all is: what do you eat for breakfast?

Since I went off my dietician-delivered food, I've been having two original Ryvita with a tablespoon of peanut butter on each. It's tasty and only 260 calories. :)

I'm not the biggest fan of cereal as I find it tends to make me feel hungry really quickly (and I'm not overly keen on milk, either!), but I'd like to experiment a little more with foods that are easy and quick to put together.

Does anyone have any breakfast muffin recipes that they like to start the day with? Sandwiches? Omelettes?


  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    I like to do breakfast burrito's (in fact I just made them yesterday). I usually use the egg substitutes to keep the calories and cholesterol down, but fill a tortilla with some eggs, low fat/fat free shredded cheese, turkey sausage or bacon, then I add some salsa and a bit of sour cream. You can pretty much add anything that you would normally put in an omelette.
  • mluanne33
    mluanne33 Posts: 70 Member
    I just discovered a pumpkin pie recipe that I altered for breakfast. If you do a search in the recipe posting for pumpkin pie, you should find it. Some mornings I bring a sliced hard boild egg to work and make 2 whole wheat toast with a bit of butter and put my egg on it for a hot egg sandwich. Another favorite of mine is plain greek yogart. I mix in a tablespoon of sugar free jam and it is delish. I have that with a whole wheat toast and it fills me up.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Oatmeal with fruit, cinnamon, and nuts.
  • pietomb00
    pietomb00 Posts: 69 Member
    Porridge :)
  • Weetabix with one teaspoon of cinamon and one tablespoon of peanut butter... its heavenly!
  • Ntropic1
    Ntropic1 Posts: 15
    I've found great frittata recipes that are pretty easy and quick. To the discribe it would be like a quiche but much simpler. You have all your veggies, meat and cheese within a mixture of egg that is cooked slowly on a stove and finished in the oven.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Eggs: Boiled, fried, scrambled, poached.
  • I aim for 300-400 calories for breakfast (I'm supposed to eat 1340 per day). I try to get a balance more or less of protein, fats, and carbs. So my faves are:

    Sardines on toast! You either love it or hate it. I love it
    Homemade (only cos you get to choose what goes in it and have your own magical formula) muesli with Greek yoghurt and fruit
    Omelette. Yay. With a slice of toast so you get some carbs. Omelettes are awesome. You can have them plain or stuffed.
    Bircher muesli. Quite special.
    Smoked salmon on half a bagel with a big fat smear of cream cheese. :-)
    Porridge!!! Nuff said.
  • Yay for eggs
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I usually always sick with a bowl of porridge cooked with soy milk & sweetened only with blueberries, banana & cinnemon...it is the most filling food I've ever come across & really sets you up for the day!

    But sometimes that gets boring, & I might have poached eggs on toast with organic ketchup.

    Or, like today, I experimented & made healthy pancakes! The ingredients included wholegrain flour, porridge oats, ground flaxseed, half a banana mashed, 2 egg whites, light soy milk, baking soda, unrefined muscovado sugar & cinnamon. I topped it with pure strawberry jam!

    You can come up with all sorts once you have a stocked-up pantry!
  • sneakypackrat
    sneakypackrat Posts: 33 Member
    I'm partial to unfrosted shredded wheat with unsweet vanilla almond milk. :) Some times I top it with blueberries, strawberries or banana. Depends on my mood and it's very filling!!! :D
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    2 Hard-boiled egg whites
    Bowl of plain oatmeal with raisins & 1 tbls honey
    2 Oranges, sliced

  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    100g instant oats (can get various flavours)
    250ml skimmed milk

    Put in a shaker, mix together, drink. Done in about a minute and keeps me without hunger from 7am until 1pm, without fail.
  • ruthio77
    ruthio77 Posts: 52 Member
    Refridgerator oats! Love them!

    Or eggs, poached or scrambled on wholewheat toast. Nom Nom Nom

  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    Hello. 6 of 7 days a week I use either a hungry girl flatout sandwich thin or any 100 cal or less thin (sometimes a small wrap if I don't have the sandwich thins). I toast it with half slice of 2% Kraft american cheese and cook four organic brown egg whites to put on it. Low cal and very filling! Sometimes I'll put a morningstar farms sausage patty on it; mostly not... sometimes I'll use onion or chives while cooking the egg whites to add some more flavor. I'll have some fruit with it if I'm still hungry. P.S. I don't like egg yolk so it's not all about the cals for me - but love the fact that 4 egg whites is less cals than one egg!
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    There are some really great ideas on here - some I'm definitely going to try.

    I love a tablespoon of porridge oats, 1-2 teaspoons of honey, couple of tablespoons of low fat yoghurt and poss add a bit of fruit. 1 min to prepare the night before and it is heavenly for breakfast. I increase or decrease the quantities of each depending upon calorie target.

    Smoked salmon on granary toast with a bit of lemon and pepper, or scrambled eggs.

    I'm also a big fan of sardines on toast but if that does not do it, sometimes I will have a small amount of tinned tuna with a little grated cheese.

    Also grilled bacon (rind removed) and tomato sandwich/toasted sandwich/open sandwich/bagel with ketchup rather than butter/spread
  • stephenpuk's ideas are great. Also I love kedgeree. Calorific but if you only have a little, all food groups represented.
  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    Not much of a cereal fan either, but I did buy Special K protein plus cereal last night. I had it this morning, 1 cup, 1/2 c of skim milk, and sliced a banana into it and I'm not feeling even the slightest bit hungry yet! Some of my other favorite breakfasts are tuna omelettes, boiled egg/fruit (when i'm in a hurry), old fashioned oats with peanut butter/bananas/blueberries/whatever i have, PB banana on toast usually tides me over until lunch as well. :) I hope this helps.
  • roswyn80
    roswyn80 Posts: 114 Member
    Wow, so many fab ideas! Thank you all so much, I hope other people can benefit from this thread too! :D

    I love the wrap and frittata ideas, I think I'm going to have a play around with them. :D
  • svz1
    svz1 Posts: 1
    Super Easy Make Ahead Muesli

    Serves 4

    1 c. rolled oats
    1 c. milk (coconut or almond milk work well too)
    1 c. plain yogurt
    1 T. honey (optional)
    1 tsp. vanilla
    1 c. frozen berries
    4 parfait cups or jelly jars (or anything that holds about a cup and doesn't take up too much room in your fridge)

    Mix together oats, milk, yogurt, honey and vanilla. Separate into individual containers and top with 1/4 c. frozen berries. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

    I have this for breakfast almost everyday. I'll add a boiled egg on the side if I'm still hungry.