? About your skin after weight loss



  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    I am not to goal yet, but have lost a significant amount and I am shocked that I don't have as much loose skin as I had imagined I would. My belly is a bit flabby, as well as my arms, but it's slowly getting better. I've noticed that those who lose weight super fast usually have more excess skin, though I am clearly not an expert. I believe slow and steady wins the race. Be patient, you will not see results overnight, but over time you will.

    Best of luck! You are well on your way to a healthier lifestyle!
  • Candy_monster
    My skin isn't saggy but I've got absolutely tonnes of "stretch marks" from the weight loss (not sure how else to describe them)

    Now if that isn't backwards then I don't know what is :S
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    I can deal with it anyplace but on my arms. UGLY. Think of it as a badge of honor. Thats what I am hoping to do. And a reminder of what you neer want to have to go through again. And I already know I will be haivng braciaplasty. As long as spelling the word incorrectly doesn't prevent me from having it. Will save my pennies from not buying 'bad' foods to help pay for it.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am 44 and 5lb away from my goal weight and its taken me just over a year to lose 100 lbs. I have also been obese most of my adult life.

    I would not describe my boobs as pert (but this could also just be age) and I have a bit of loose skin around my lower belly, but nothing I can't cover up with underwear or a bikini. I will not even consider having surgery to lose any loose skin.

    Hope for good genes (thanks mum & dad), keep hydrated and do strength training regularly. Any how, being slim & fit is better than the alternative, even if you do end up with a little loose skin.

    Good luck with hitting your target weight loss.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member

    Great tips!! The only thing I'd add is to include healthy fats in your diet as well - which is probably why one of the previous posters noted that avocado's seem to help.

    I've definitely seen some tightening as I've lost but still have some loose skin on my upper arms, upper thighs and belly. I'm hoping as I lose the rest of the excess body fat and continue to exercise (including strength training) and keep a healthy diet that this will improve over the next year or two. It does take time, just like the weight loss journey itself!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    It takes a while, has lots to do with genetics and how long you were overweight, but with time it DOES shrink.
  • jiddu17
    jiddu17 Posts: 187 Member
    I am accepting some of the sagging skin that has already arrived, but I am furious over the skin under my arms. I've been using hand weights HOPING I can at least make it not so bad. The majority of my exercise, up to this point has been running/walking and stationary biking. My legs (skin) look a LOT better than when I lost weight from eating habits alone. My tummy doesn't have a hope in hell. I've been over 200lbs since 1998. I had a baby (though I only gained 11 pounds) and delivered via C-Section. BUT - my panniculusgrading HAS improved (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panniculus) just in the time I've been here. I don't know if it's possible to avoid the sag (it appears some people have done so), but I do believe it's possible to minimize, to an extent. I don't think any method is going to HURT, so if it's suggested, DO IT (water, lotions, spot toning, etc...) Different things work for different people ALWAYS, about EVERYTHING, and these things may NOT help, but it isn't going to hurt to do them, just go into it considering the possibility that you may still be disappointed with your skin results. Then again, you won't know how it would have looked if you had avoided all of those things. Also, I do think adding strength training into your regimen sooner, rather than later, is very important in the attempts to get the least amount of sag possible. I think a lot of us, with over 100 pounds to lose, tend to rely on cardio, because it's working, forgetting the importance of strength training as well. We are so excited to be losing weight, we don't want to change a thing. Once we begin to LIKE exercising, we get comfortable, we have to step out of that comfort zone sooner and change it up if we want to maximize our efforts all around.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Loose skin happens. Of course, I am older (47) and have been overweight for all of my adult life. Am I getting saggy? You betcha :) But it is better than the nearly 80 pounds of fat I was carrying around. I am only about halfway to goal weight now so I am sure I am going to get saggier...but I feel better than I have in years. How well your skin bounces back depends on so many things, how long you have been overweight, your age, genetics....but I think that feeling healthier is way better than staying fat. Besides, if it is too bad there is always the option of plastics.
  • pabisc
    Great article! Thanks for sharing that. In August, I lost 18.8 pounds and started to worry about loose skin. I even looked up information about Biggest Loser contestants and discovered many of them had to have plastic surgery. I know my insurance will refuse to cover that for me and I also know I can't afford to pay for it out of pocket. Some of the tips given I'm already doing (e.g. eating protein rich foods after a workout and drinking more than 2 liters of water a day). I now have more tips to work on putting into my routine to help with the skin's elasticity.