Your better half..



  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    My boyfriend, when we met worked out HOURS a day and had a physically demanding job. He also ate pretty healthy

    Now that he's moved and left his job, he's getting pudgy while I'm losing weight, it's quite funny.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    My husband is 5'11" and weights 155 lbs and is solid muscle. He can eat whatever he wants and doesn't gain a pound! I am 5'6" and weigh 242. I look at food and gain weight. He's supportive in the fact that I want to better myself, but he doesn't care that there is 100 lbs almost between us in weight. I wish he'd join the gym with me. It would be easier going knowing that he was going too. But I can only wish! I'm doing this for me, so i have to be the one to do it. NO EXCUSES!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I prefer not to refer to him as my better half. He's not any kind of half. BUT semantics...

    YES! My husband lifts heavy with me. We go 3 times a week. In fact, it was MY idea. I simply informed him we would be joining the gym and lifting weights. His squat form was WAY better than mine for a long time.

    Who's got the better form now? Oh yea...I do. He be jealous.
  • KitchenAbs
    My other half is a 2nd dan black belt in kickboxing and a phenominal athlete.

    Before I met him I had never done an hour's exercise in my life, was waking up every day crying because I hated myself and wanted to die. My mother is a gym instructor and she had been making a really big deal about my laziness and my weight for most of my life but she made exercise seem scary and something I wouldn't be able to do. My other half gently coaxed me into the gym, telling me that if I never wanted to go again, that would be OK but he wouldn't let me hate myself forever for not giving it a go.... I loved it!

    I'd always wanted to take kickboxing classes but was terrified of being the fattest girl there, the weakest and being too slow to pick up the moves. He patiently trained me for 6 months in our gym's studio until I felt confident enough to join a class.

    Basically, he changed my life from being a miserable, depressive and self-depricating person into a fit, healthy, happy and confident person and I'm going to spend the rest of my life thanking him as much as I can.
  • fauseyne03
    fauseyne03 Posts: 4 Member
    My fiance isn't into exercise or being fit. When I told him I was starting with this website, it seemed like he didn't quite believe me, but after a few weeks I think he knows I'm serious about it. He's very supportive now, and even suggested we pack ourselves a picnic rather than go out for fast food! =] Once we move in together I'll be able to get him to eat more healthy things.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    My husband is in excellent shape! He's lean and tall with nice back, shoulder and arm muscles. He works out and also bikes long distances. He inspires me!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    MY boyfriend's typical lunch Triple baconator plus a junior cheesburger, large fries, and a large soda. HE is 6 foot and about 165. I hate him for it! But he works outside you know, physical labor all day long. So I am sure he burns this all off. But he doesn't really "work out" per se, like I do. He used to hit the gym with me just to life weights but that was it. he also gets the 20 ounce porterhouse from longhorn with double fries. Worse off, he always finishes eating before I do and I eat easily half what he eats.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    mine is not into fitness. He has such a high metabolism it's sickening. :( He can look at food and lose weight. I on the other hand, was not blessed in this department and I have to work to stay healthy.

    Just because he is slim doesn't mean he is healthier or fitter than you. Even if he eats healthily, he may still be unfit unless he trains.

    And here's an image for you:
  • CaliDreams27
    CaliDreams27 Posts: 34 Member
    My husband doesnt work out with me, but he has started to incorporate basketball into his schedule weekly as a means of getting extra exercise (he had a VERY active job and honestly doesnt need much more exercise lol). He also notices that when we're both on a free for all and eat whatever we want, he gains weight so he eats the same things I eat during the week as a way of keeping up with his waistline. He's already lost 20 lbs in the past few months just from doing that and has probably about 10 more he wants to lose:)
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    I wish however she is not into it as much as I am.

    Me and her are going to be doing the 30 day shred together though so that will help her and I'm try to help her stop drinking so much ice tea and more water.
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    mine is not into fitness. He has such a high metabolism it's sickening. :( He can look at food and lose weight. I on the other hand, was not blessed in this department and I have to work to stay healthy.

    Just because he is slim doesn't mean he is healthier or fitter than you. Even if he eats healthily, he may still be unfit unless he trains.

    And here's an image for you:

    I LOVE THIS PIC!!!!!

    and my SO is not into fitness period. 12 years of the military makes a person hate camping and running supposedly. :/

    and ironically, I'll probably be the one to keel over from a heart attack or die of cancer. my luck! :(
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    why is the other half presumed better?
  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    My husband (other half) is doing this journey right along with me and is my motivation. :smile: I couldn't do this without him. He is very active during work and in great shape. While I wanted to lose weight when I started MFP, he mainly wanted to maintain and build muscle/work on his abs. He's done Insanity with me all the way and we only have a few weeks left. We both agree we couldn't get through it without the other, especially getting up to do that INSANE exercise at 4:45 am! :heart: Love him to pieces!!
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    why is the other half presumed better?

    it's bunk and totally not true. agreed? ;)
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    My husband is 6'7", under 200 lbs. Super skinny. And I hate the word skinny, but that's him. There are about only 10 foods that he likes. The top 2 on that list are chicken and french fries. Deep-fried chicken, pan-fried chicken, battered and deep-fried chicken. About 97% of the foods he eats are oil/grease based. Probably the healthiest food he eats is peanut butter. He does not work out. He's on disability due to several health/illness issues. I work full time. It was always way too easy to come home to either dinner already on the table, or in the process of being cooked. I ate what he ate, and was thankful that he always did dinner. Then, I knew I needed to change my ways. I stopped eating the foods he eats, and I dropped 50 lbs in 5 months. That was 5 years ago. Since then, I've gradually gained back half of those 50 lbs. So, here I am.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    My husband is overweight, but not obese. He has the WORST diet made up of primarily fried foods, red meats, and sweets. He is the pickiest person I know, and at almost 38 years old, that's never going to change (unless he wants it to, but I have no control over that). He is only not obese because he runs his own tree company, so I guess he gets enough exercise from that alone (lots of walking, lifting wood, etc.) to maintain his weight where it's at. But for me, the issue is not his weight so much as the junk he's putting in his body. I fear he will make me a young widow. :( With that said, he is supportive of my trying to lose weight and get fit, and he's also allowing me to influence his 13-year-old daughter's habits, who was heading down his same path, and respects my choices in what we feed our two youngest. In order for me to do what I needed to do, I had to let go of a lot of ideals I wanted for my family. Because of his job schedule and his pickiness, he only ever wanted to eat out. For the sake for wanting to eat together as a family, we ate out. All. The. Time. When I committed to getting fit, I had to sacrifice family meals together for my health and the health of my children, so now, we might eat out once a week, but I primarily cook for myself and my little ones while he fends for himself, normally at a fast food chain. I just pray that one day he will realize what he's done to his body and want to make a change. That's all I can do...
  • BrazenHarpy
    BrazenHarpy Posts: 81 Member
    My husband has his on/off moments with fitness. He's generally pretty active, and will gym/bike several times a week. Every once in awhile he'll decide that he NEEDS a six pack, and then it's several hour-long workouts and protein shakes galore. The only downside to this is when he decides that he's going to be my personal trainer. That conversation never goes well :mad:

    We're pretty active together, and fortunately he likes to hike and bike and raft as much as I do, though his damned male metabolism makes him much better at these things than me :P.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Over the years we put on weight together. Last year when we decided we had to change or die, we started losing together. He joined MFP for a while but didnt stick with it. He does use his FitBit daily and racks up a lot of miles (golf course superintendent) as well as some time on the dreadmill. I wish he was more dedicated but he has lost 20+ pounds over the year.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    why is the other half presumed better?

    it's bunk and totally not true. agreed? ;)

    Agreed! I am definitely the best half. Hell I'm almost three quarters.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I'm trying to get my husband interested in MFP. For him he just doesn't have the time to figure out the app program and estimate what all he has eaten. For now he has a profile and knows how much he should eat, so I told him to just try to read labels and guess as best he can to stay in that range. He has a very physically intense job, working on cars, so he doesn't want to exercise when he gets home (way too sore). Instead on his days off I try to do something he enjoys like playing disc golf together, that way it is a bit of exercise and fun.

    Maybe when he sees how much I lose he'll start to get interested. He is sorta competitive, so I'm sure I could make a bet with him. :laugh: