Problems with cleaning and organizing my apartment



  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    I second the Flylady suggestion. I'm a complete neatfreak so this has never been an issue for me but I know many people who have followed that system with great success.

    I need everything to be clean or I can't focus or sleep. I make a checklist every day of things that need to be done. Today's says "Laundry, Mop kitchen floor, Grocery shopping, Dishes, Make the bed" (dishes and make the bed go on there every day). I accomplish one thing every couple of hours. I set an alarm on my phone before I go on the computer so I don't forget that the laundry needs to be switched or something like that. Every day before I clean my makeup off and go to bed I do the night's dishes. By making it part of my routine, it gets done.

    Side note: We go to the same school. Go Bulls!
  • predent
    predent Posts: 95
    I second the Flylady suggestion. I'm a complete neatfreak so this has never been an issue for me but I know many people who have followed that system with great success.

    I need everything to be clean or I can't focus or sleep. I make a checklist every day of things that need to be done. Today's says "Laundry, Mop kitchen floor, Grocery shopping, Dishes, Make the bed" (dishes and make the bed go on there every day). I accomplish one thing every couple of hours. I set an alarm on my phone before I go on the computer so I don't forget that the laundry needs to be switched or something like that. Every day before I clean my makeup off and go to bed I do the night's dishes. By making it part of my routine, it gets done.

    Side note: We go to the same school. Go Bulls!
    Yay USF! :D Same year too. You would think my crazy, OCD study habits would have rubbed off onto my cleaning. I can spend 8 hours studying biochemistry, but I can't spend fifteen minutes packing away laundry.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    In my 20's and still a slob. I admit...I let things pile up still, and sometimes I dont clean up after myself right away. Oh...and my boyfriend is a slob who has never lived alone and having 2 people to clean up after is rough. One thing I've learned...having a place for everything helps. For example...something as simple as having a hamper or "dirty" laundry basket. Having a bookshelf. You can buy plastic bins that hold hanging files at Walmart for $20-25....this will give you a place for your paperwork. Invest in a label maker..... It sounds very OCD, but while I was living alone I found that I never really put anything away because I knew where I put it last. I eventually labeled every shelf in my house to that everything had a "place" and I couldn't use not having a place for it as an excuse. I set aside whole cleaning days where I turn on the tunes, turn off the computer/tv/cell phone and just interruptions, or distractions.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I am terrible too, my boyfriend and I are basically clutter slobs.

    So coming from someone who understands, I suggest the following....

    -in closets, get little Rubbermaid totes and have one for different items (medical, boyfriend's stuff, my stuff, hair products, candles and smell good items, etc), that way everything has a place!
    -try to clean up coffee tables and kitchen tables every day
    -try to run dishwasher every day (if you have enough dishes, we do ours about every other day)
    -take time every sunday to tidy up (we pick sundays at least)
    -get the boyfriend to vacuum (at least that's what I do lol)
    -once to twice a month, do a huge sweat dripping clean, dust, scrub, etc

    Now laundry, I cannot help you with, because we are TERRIBLE at it and my mom still does some of it even though I don't live at home :embarassed:
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I hired professional organizers to help me get organized and clutter free. Or hire a cleaning lady to help you. You and a cleaning lady and/or organizer could clean & tidy up your house/apartment in one day. Then all you have to worry about is maintenance. Maybe set an hour aside 2 days a week to keep your place clean and sparkling!
  • thewang
    thewang Posts: 71 Member
    Your boyfriend should be helpful and show appreciation when you do housework. I was always a slob and my boyfriend is a neat freak. He put it simply, that making changes and doing housework because I know it's important to him shows him that I care. He always thanks me and is never negative if I don't do something. He just does it himself and when I see him doing something I meant to do or should have/could have done, I try to find something else that he missed. If he was a slob, I would have no motivation to do any of that work, but I love having a clean house all the time! Totally worth it :)

    Also one trick I've learned is during commercials I get up and do something. put clothes in the washer/dryer, load/unload the dishwasher, tidy up etc.... It's like a 3 minute speed cleaning and the idea is to get back by the end of the commercials. I end up getting a lot done, without feeling like I've spent much time at all doing housework.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    Two words:

    Cleaning Lady. :smokin:
    Will not help with organizing and de-cluttering.

    mine does. I love her.

    Mine does too. And honestly, you can find great help thats not over the top expensive!
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    I second the Flylady suggestion. I'm a complete neatfreak so this has never been an issue for me but I know many people who have followed that system with great success.

    I need everything to be clean or I can't focus or sleep. I make a checklist every day of things that need to be done. Today's says "Laundry, Mop kitchen floor, Grocery shopping, Dishes, Make the bed" (dishes and make the bed go on there every day). I accomplish one thing every couple of hours. I set an alarm on my phone before I go on the computer so I don't forget that the laundry needs to be switched or something like that. Every day before I clean my makeup off and go to bed I do the night's dishes. By making it part of my routine, it gets done.

    Side note: We go to the same school. Go Bulls!
    Yay USF! :D Same year too. You would think my crazy, OCD study habits would have rubbed off onto my cleaning. I can spend 8 hours studying biochemistry, but I can't spend fifteen minutes packing away laundry.

    Haha you're better than me. It's my study habits that need work. I did well in my general education classes (because they were easy...) but I start my major classes in the fall and I'm worried. No use having a clean apartment if I don't do well in school!
  • Curvy_princess
    Curvy_princess Posts: 135 Member
    I totally need help with this..checking out the link..thanks.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I've been where you are.

    I tried FlyLady (which has some great ideas, but can be overwhelming at times) and finally switched to Motivated Moms. (I don't think you are a mom, but that is OK).

    What I like is that some chores are daily and some are done once a week, and they track the once a month, two months, three months, twice a year and once a year projects for you. AND their products are half price because it's less than 6 months left in the year. When I first started, it took me awhile to get the hang of it, but now I can do the chores in less than 30 minutes most days. A few chores take longer, but not by much.
  • predent
    predent Posts: 95
    I've been where you are.

    I tried FlyLady (which has some great ideas, but can be overwhelming at times) and finally switched to Motivated Moms. (I don't think you are a mom, but that is OK).

    What I like is that some chores are daily and some are done once a week, and they track the once a month, two months, three months, twice a year and once a year projects for you. AND their products are half price because it's less than 6 months left in the year. When I first started, it took me awhile to get the hang of it, but now I can do the chores in less than 30 minutes most days. A few chores take longer, but not by much.
    This looks awesome. I am totally motivated by checking things off. Thanks!!
  • cerwin17
    cerwin17 Posts: 69 Member
    I've lived the dorm life and now am living the apartment life. Even while I still lived at home with parents nagging me to clean my room, I struggled with clutter. It wasn't too bad in the dorm because I had to share a bedroom and thus keep all of my stuff on one side and relatively contained. When my boyfriend and I got our first apartment together two years ago, it was a huge culture shock, realizing that I (or I should say, we) had to actually do laundry if all of our clothes were dirty, had to do dishes in order to have things to eat on and drink out of (the first apt. had no dishwasher!), and other chores etc. I am embarrassed to admit that at one point it got really bad and we actually had a pest problem because of it. (Though I think it is also partially our apartment complex's fault, other tenants have had pest problems too). After that I kind of came to the realization that if I let things get this cluttered and dirty, A) our place is gross, and B) I'm unhappy, boyfriend is unhappy, we fight, it's not good. The two of us have since moved to a second apartment which is nicer than the first (it has a dishwasher!) and we're still in the process of unpacking and getting organized, but both of us are making a better effort at keeping it clean. I used to hate cleaning and feel like it took so much time and energy out of my day, but if you stop and think about it, the next time you're eating at your desk, how long would it take you to get up when you're done, take your plate to the sink, and wash it and put it away (or at least rinse it; don't know if your place has a dishwasher or not). Or if you get something out, put it away, it'll only take a second and you'll be less likely to lose things.
    My advice would be that you have to make your boyfriend understand that the two of you live together, you both make messes, so you both need to clean up after yourselves. If the argument happens because "it's not my mess", that might be a different issue...My boyfriend also struggled for a while with cleaning up after himself because prior to living with me he lived at home w/parents, but he needs to know that you're not a maid! And you should set the example for him by picking up after yourself, and encouraging him to help you clean areas that you both use like the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
    Sorry for the long post but hope it's helpful, and good luck!
  • cerwin17
    cerwin17 Posts: 69 Member
    I also agree with the people who said to get rid of unnecessary things that you don't wear, don't use, that are not useful anymore. Sell them, donate them to a thrift store, give them away. Organizational containers of any kind are also wonderful, baskets, bins, totes, anything. If you have shelving space, that's also a plus. You can get some containers that are flat and will fit under your bed, if your bed has a space under it. Mostly you shouldn't need to put a lot of effort into cleaning, but every now and then you may want to take a day with you and your bf and call it a "deep cleaning" where you get rid of things and do chores that need to be done but don't need to be done everyday.
  • predent
    predent Posts: 95
    Thanks for all of the suggestions guys. I got off my butt and started cleaning once I posted this topic. I got my bedroom pretty much cleaned out. Things are packed away and organized... not necessarily gone through though. I still need to see what I want to throw away or give away. I'm currently working on my bathroom and it's getting there. I actually packed away clothes as soon as the dryer finished instead of leaving them there for a week. Progress! Hahahah.

    I also decided to make a list as I go through every room of things that I need to do (but can't necessarily do right now) and things I need to guy. I've been needing a push light for my closet since March...
  • jiddu17
    jiddu17 Posts: 187 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,679 Member
    First thing to do is get ready of the stuff you DON'T use. Making room for stuff you never use is a waste of space. Then strategically set things that you use (say dishes and utensils) closer together. For some reason when I put them further apart, things ended up on the counter more. So keep the pots and pans closer to the stove/oven, utensils closer to the plates, etc.
    Make it a goal to try to keep your counter free of clutter. This helps to cut down on just "stacking".
    Most of the time you just have to make it routine. I'm now OCD about clean up that I even do it in the gym when I'm not even on the clock. I find myself restacking weights when I'm "resting" between sets.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    If you want something, you'll make it happen. If you don't, you won't. My friend yoovie taught me this. Sometimes I forget. I happened to remember again today and I feel better for it because it helped me make some good choices this morning and helped start my day off on the right foot.

    You're going to have to buckle down and initially do whatever it is you need to do, but don't do it like a caveman, dragging your knuckles on the ground. Make it exciting, enjoy it, have fun with it. You're making your space. The place you spend most of your time. So make it the best place ever, period.

    To maintain it, you'll have to get into a routine, plain and simple. BF should be on board. Do things as soon as you get home from work/school/whatever so you don't have time to sit your butt down and get comfortable.

    .....I have a whole lot of cleaning to do when I get home.
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I used to be like that- and my parents made me clean my room! It was a running joke in my sorority that my room had two paths amongst the crap- one to my bed and one to the bathroom. Idk if this will be much help, but a) little by little. if it helps you to pat yourself on the back for putting laundry away then go for it! b) keep working on it- if you truly want to change it, you will. I am now not quite a neat freak, but whereas I used to clean MAYBE once a's a few times a week now. Good luck! :flowerforyou: