why do I sabatoge myself



  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Don't worry hun, I do the same thing. But for me, it's like if I don't start seeing results after eating healthier, I get depressed and am just like, "SCREW IT" and eat everything in my house. Then I have to start from the beginning again :/ It's quite the problem and I just can't shake it. So I understand you completely.
    Omg this is so me too, I try and be good then the little devil in my head keeps nagging at me, go on eat some of that chocolate, you know you want that scone, or that biscuit and once ive had one, well thats it , I always end up eating more.
  • mburger84
    mburger84 Posts: 19 Member
    this is the best idea of ive heard of! to do slips! you are a genius!
  • KJoy7
    KJoy7 Posts: 246
    Any time I have a craving to eat the house, I brush my teeth. It might sound odd but it really works.

    I do this also!!! I don't want to ruin my fresh clean teeth...so I won't eat :)
  • Lilower
    Lilower Posts: 5 Member
    **it happens to everyone
  • Frogger54
    Frogger54 Posts: 48 Member
    That is an awesome idea!!! Thank you
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Oh dear....yes, this is me. I am my own WORST enemy. If it wasn't for me I would SO succeed! Today is a day I am really really fighting myself. I haven't tipped over yet but i feel it so close.

    Hang in there hon, you are DEFINATELY NOT ALONE!

    barely hanging on in Minnesota,
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I was watching some talk show at some point this past year where it talked about relationships with food.

    How do we treat food? What role does it play in our lives? Etc.

    Anyway, this did help me understand why I do what I do. I realized (especially after a visit from my mother this summer) taht in our family growing up, we would abuse food to make ourselves feel better after a bad day, to celebrate a good day, to have social time with friends or family, etc.

    Thinking about what food represents in your mind might help. For me, I realized that I most use food to soothe myself when something isn't going great. If life is being an *kitten* to me, I can at least have my pizza and wings and chocolate milk and donuts.

    Since I have realized this, I catch myself in the act. I will have a cruddy day or something cruddy will happen and I will find myself driving toward the grocery store. The trick is to catch yourself doing it, identify why you are doing it, and then deal with what is really going on rather than letting yourself get swallowed up by food.
    I thin k I also do this, ive recently found, if im annoyed i get into ahhhh( F IT MODE) and purposely eat some crap. I think its my f u to whoever but its only harming me thats the problem lol.
  • There is something about mint that makes you not want to eat. I can't remember what it is exactly, but I try to do that too. I used to have a snack before bed, but when my mouth is minty fresh, I don't want to. :)
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    I do this too. You shouldnt fill your pantry with any junk!! It could be that your bored, dehydrated or you havent eaten propper amounts of food in order to get the essential nutrients, vitamins etc for your body to function properly. Look up on google some ideas to create several meals throughout the day so you get everything your body needs! I also found that i had a habit of coming home from work and eating everything in sight. Instead, i decided to have a snacka t 3pm, and by the time 5pm rolls around i am home and getting ready for the gym. I strictly decided that the only way i can eat ANYTHING, even dinner, is that if i go to the gym first. It really worked for me. It was hard discipline but surprisngly easy to do! I would come home, and id be hungry so id go as sooon as i could to just get it over with. Once i was home, i would make giant salads with protein and would enjoy every bite so so so much more!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I don't buy any "what I consider to be" unhealthy foods. I can't eat them if they are not in my cupboards. Also, I went to sisters las weekend and ate icecream, applecrisp, potato chips and didn't feel any guilt. I eat well most of the time so I can indulge if I want to without gaining an ounce. Maybe you are being too hard on yourself. Living a healthy lifestyle, in my opinion, does not mean I have to totally deprive myself of some "evil" :laugh: foods, since I really don't consider them evil. I just need balance and moderation with this lifestyle.

    Denise:drinker: :drinker:

    So does anyone else do this? You are humming along following and recording everything like you are supposed to do, excerising and doing it all the right way then BAM..you go off the deep end and eat basically your pantry and fridge contents w/o batting an eye. It wasn't stress or maybe it was who knows...

    I know this sounds a lot like an over eater issue .. but cant figure out why I am doing it. So any words of advice--encouragement are welcome.

    :sad: :huh:
  • I am a guy and I do it too. I think you just need to try and have a safety binge food around. I keep sugar free Pudding in the cupboard for just that reason. I can whip that up with some milk and I get my sweet taken care of and it fills me up. Stress sucks and we just have to know that it is coming and be prepared with something to combat it. The jar of things to do sounds like a good idea too if you can do that..
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I do think I sub consciously try to keep the weight on sometimes. Every time i see weight come off.... I want to go eat ice cream or eat wings or chips or something. But sometimes for me it's hormonal. Log the info and look for a trend.

    I found that I retain weight or go up on the scales when I ovulate more than with my period. I wouldn't have known that if I wasn't tracking and logging. So now when I see the weight gain I get it and don't get so down on myself. Because in the past I would see the weight go up and go eat.

    but it could be something you aren't aware of that is giving you cravings or something. Worth watching out of curiosity.
  • charlottra
    charlottra Posts: 28 Member
    I believe sometimes we need a stick to hit ourselves with and so we make one. I used to do it with overspending as well. Apparently overeating and overspending are linked and its a choice we make between immediate gratification and long term happiness (achieving our goals). Also it can be habitual, becoming addicted to that buzz of immediate gratification. It doesnt last though, so I guess the hard bit is working out how to break the cycle and get the buzz from the long term happiness instead...

    if you work it out, please let me know xx
  • WOW!! That's a great idea....Thanks for sharing!!!
  • krissagray
    krissagray Posts: 105 Member
    I think everyone does this, but females more often. I find that when i go off the deep end and eat myself silly, usually I'm right about to start my period. Sometimes if I'm on top of it, I'll eat like a CUP of cooked oatmeal and a giant glass of water cause what my body is usually craving is carbs. Instead of going straight to carbs, I'll eat all my good foods, then some worse ones, then finally end up with chocolate and ice cream. Ends up being like 1000 calories. Then, I'll think, I could've just carbed up with 300 calories of oatmeal and been WAY ahead.

    Sometimes my body is craving an old fashioned PB&J. Sometimes it's better to eat something off your plan, but just eat what you're craving and get it over with.

    The key for me is to have it not turn into 3 days of eating straight crap before I snap out of it, you know???

    I agree with just eating what you WANT or CRAVE. Sometimes I want a Think Thin bar or Peanut Butter but I'll try something else first only to come right back to the kitchen for peanut butter. Lol. (now I don't keep jars of peanut butter in the house though. Only Barney Butter 90 calorie Almond packets).

    I think this is good advice!
  • krissagray
    krissagray Posts: 105 Member
    I am a guy and I do it too. I think you just need to try and have a safety binge food around. I keep sugar free Pudding in the cupboard for just that reason. I can whip that up with some milk and I get my sweet taken care of and it fills me up. Stress sucks and we just have to know that it is coming and be prepared with something to combat it. The jar of things to do sounds like a good idea too if you can do that..

    Yum, sugar free pudding :)
  • I am a guy and I do it too. I think you just need to try and have a safety binge food around. I keep sugar free Pudding in the cupboard for just that reason. I can whip that up with some milk and I get my sweet taken care of and it fills me up. Stress sucks and we just have to know that it is coming and be prepared with something to combat it. The jar of things to do sounds like a good idea too if you can do that..

    yeah on that idea..I think I need to do that..I was ultimately looking for something sweet!
  • Dyetcoke1
    Dyetcoke1 Posts: 54 Member
    I know how it is. There are lots of reasons. My usual ones: I am putting off some thing or thingd I should be doing but dont want to do. I am tired but dont realuize it (time for power nap). Frustrated because something ir someone isnt happening or doing what I want or need (watch out ffir that co dependecy. I;; I have pain and trying to treat with food - yes it happens...The thing u need to do is trat yourself like a baby thst is crying...what does the food cry mean? Usually there is a simple reason...i have eaten too much because I was constipated! Good luck, keep trying!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I do it too! Cause a ugly cycle - eat for whatever reason (nothing I can relly pinpoint) then I get all mad cause I went crazy and that cause more eating.

    I do love the slips of paper in the jar idea!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think the quote below may be the key for you. It definitely was for me. I grew up in a large Irish family - we celebrated everything with food and fed all the sad stuff too. No matter what was going on, I was accidentally trained to feed it. SO, food became my self-soother and my self-celebration. Until I figured that out - I had no success in maintaining weight loss. Now I have lost 65 pounds and kept it off over a year.

    Hang in there! You can do this!!!!!
    I was watching some talk show at some point this past year where it talked about relationships with food.

    How do we treat food? What role does it play in our lives? Etc.

    Anyway, this did help me understand why I do what I do. I realized (especially after a visit from my mother this summer) taht in our family growing up, we would abuse food to make ourselves feel better after a bad day, to celebrate a good day, to have social time with friends or family, etc.

    Thinking about what food represents in your mind might help. For me, I realized that I most use food to soothe myself when something isn't going great. If life is being an *kitten* to me, I can at least have my pizza and wings and chocolate milk and donuts.

    Since I have realized this, I catch myself in the act. I will have a cruddy day or something cruddy will happen and I will find myself driving toward the grocery store. The trick is to catch yourself doing it, identify why you are doing it, and then deal with what is really going on rather than letting yourself get swallowed up by food.