Working out in the morning, afternoon, or at night...?

When do you work out? What do you prefer? Do you think it makes a difference?

I work out in the afternoon, but prefer a morning work out (I do this on the weekends when work is not in the way). Buuut, does it make a difference, truly? What are your thoughts?


  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    I work out at night, I doubt it makes a difference for weight loss, but maybe you get more energy when you get it done in the morning. I am not a morning person or else I would like to work out in the AM
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    I heard about a study where they found that if you consistently workout at the same time every day your body will release testosterone and other hormones around that time every day in preparation for your workout, so the best time is the same time, whenever that may be. Personally, I prefer the afternoon but I am trying to switch to the morning (this may explain why I'm struggling!). I couldn't find the study for you, sorry.
  • warnott
    warnott Posts: 20
    i've heard more than once that lifting heavy in the morning can be a bad idea because the discs between your vertebrae are full of fluid from being horizontal all night

    i don't honestly know enough about how the spine works to know whether that's true or not; i've never had a problem on the rare occasion that i lift in the morning, but it's something i only do seldomly
  • Firephoenix013
    No way at night after work, no way. I'm way too tired. I try to do morningish afternoonish. Give my body an hour or two to wake up and get ready for it. I find that the longer I put off working out in the day the less likely I am to do it and to get wrapped up in the I gotta do this and get this done instead bit.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I find I have trouble falling asleep if I work out at night. I'm so revved up that I can't relax.
  • Dracillynn
    There was an article in Cosmo (don't know credible that is) that said studies have been done that show working out in the morning releases endorphins throughout the day and allows for better sleep at night. Also, I think I read on WebMD that morning workouts increase focus and productivity, and can even help reduce the effects of ADD/ADHD. But for weightloss? Nah, doesn't matter.
  • Nicolle71
    Nicolle71 Posts: 15 Member
    I work out in the morning on my treadmill atleast 1 hour before work and then do my Tae Bo/Aerobics/Weights in the evening. I attempt to burn no less than 1000 calories a day. I will be starting Insanity next week so we will see.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Well my night owl blood runs thick. I do the walksie at night.
  • jumptothebeat
    jumptothebeat Posts: 71 Member
    Overall I suspect it doesn't matter when you exercise - the great thing is that you do! However, personally I prefer the morning for running and the afternoon for weights. I have the energy first thing in the morning to throw myself out of bed and run well, but if I left it until the end of the day I just couldn't be bothered. Also, I run on alternate days and I've noticed that on days I run I am in a much cheerier mood ALL DAY. I don't know if that's endorphins or just because I'm proud of myself for doing it - but either way it would be a shame to waste that positivity by running in the evening and then going to bed lol!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Work out whenever fits your schedule best and don't sweat the minor details. The act of doing it consistently is a lot more important than *when* you do it.

    I worked graveyard shift for years (8:30 PM - 5:00 AM), and worked out in the morning after my shift. I was tired and just wanted to go to bed, but the gym was two miles from work and I knew that after I woke up in the afternoon, it would be a fight to get myself to drive all the way across town to the gym and deal with the traffic and crowds. Going in at 5:00 AM, the gym was empty except for a few hardcore bodybuilders, the music was loud and the workouts went fast. It probably wasn't the optimal time for endorphins and GH/test release and all the other little things, but getting those workouts 3-4 days a week was a lot better than missing half of them because I didn't want to deal with it in the afternoons.
  • uwdawg07
    uwdawg07 Posts: 372
    I work out in the evening because I have more energy. I am not a morning person and there is no way in heck I could work out then!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I work out in the evenings and sometimes right before bed, so I can be extra tired and fall asleep easier. I only do a morning workout, usually run or walk on the weekends and I do it with my mom. That's the only time it's earlier in the day!
  • whiskeycharged
    whiskeycharged Posts: 400 Member
    First thing in the morning on an empty stomach, fasted.
  • ronnio_ron
    Twice a day for me...morning cardio and evening weights....
  • ronnio_ron
    Overall I suspect it doesn't matter when you exercise - the great thing is that you do! However, personally I prefer the morning for running and the afternoon for weights. I have the energy first thing in the morning to throw myself out of bed and run well, but if I left it until the end of the day I just couldn't be bothered. Also, I run on alternate days and I've noticed that on days I run I am in a much cheerier mood ALL DAY. I don't know if that's endorphins or just because I'm proud of myself for doing it - but either way it would be a shame to waste that positivity by running in the evening and then going to bed lol!

    Well said...fully agreed on cutting off the minor details
  • kmontigel
    kmontigel Posts: 2 Member
    I work out in the afternoon. Except on the weekends I work out in the morning. I used to work out on T/TH at 5am, and by 11 I was exhausted and wanted to take a nap. That is even with 8 hours of sleep. I also seem to eat more when I workout first thing in the am. Although it does put me in a better mood agreed!
  • JCasison
    JCasison Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone for the insight, much appreciated. I'll continue to be consistent ... I suppose that is what matters most.
  • 4ALongerLife
    4ALongerLife Posts: 26 Member
    I personally prefer the mornings but it's hard. It takes increased discipline to do it before work, going to bed earlier the night before, which for us night owls is a pain.

    I'm trying to do classes at night and my own routine in the mornings.

    I believe that my body reacts better to morning workouts. Not sure if it's scientifically proven or not, I think instead the point is that you are doing it and being consistent.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    Usually about noon so my first meal of the day is my post workout meal (2pm). So my entire morning and workout are done fasted.
  • racerscottw227
    I work out in the afternoon after I get off work. As soon as I get home I change into my workout clothes and get my exercise in before I do anything else. Always work before play.