I am such a loser ...

I lost some of my eyesight and started wearing reading glasses just after I turned 45.

At 50, I think I lost my freakin mind after we adopted 2 boys ages 4 & 1. (They are now 9 & 5)

I lost some of my hearing when I turned 53. (I just can't hear sounds in the upper range. No, seriously. It's not that I don't listen ... I just can't hear my wife. I have a diagnosis!)

I lost some mobility after being diagnosed with arthiritis in my big toe when I turned 55

And now I want to LOSE this weight! Forever ... damn it.

Looking for some cool new friends who would like to share the next 365 ...

Let me know.



  • bellabijou
    bellabijou Posts: 82 Member
    You can and will lose weight, and the support you can get here will most definitely help, it has for me! Feel free to add me, I log in everyday.
  • karenlquiroz
    You can do this!!!
  • Julyfly70
    Julyfly70 Posts: 59 Member
    If you adopted two young children at 50, I think you CAN do this!
    Add me, I'm here everyday!
  • fanipack
    fanipack Posts: 28
    I lost some of my eyesight and started wearing reading glasses just after I turned 45.

    At 50, I think I lost my freakin mind after we adopted 2 boys ages 4 & 1. (They are now 9 & 5)

    I lost some of my hearing when I turned 53. (I just can't hear sounds in the upper range. No, seriously. It's not that I don't listen ... I just can't hear my wife. I have a diagnosis!)

    I lost some mobility after being diagnosed with arthiritis in my big toe when I turned 55

    And now I want to LOSE this weight! Forever ... damn it.

    Looking for some cool new friends who would like to share the next 365 ...

    Let me know.


    You're a winner to your 2 young boys.

    LOG EVERYTHING YOU EAT !! Logging half of what you eat is good as useless. Tracking my caloric intake has been key to my weight loss journey.

    I'd start by reading this : http://www.reddit.com/help/faqs/Fitness#Diet

    It's got tons of useful information that has helped me through my life style change. I'm down 60lbs since October 2011 and have struggled everyday but have never given up. Just remember that no matter how hard it gets , to NEVER GIVE UP.

    As far as my personal experience , I've found that cutting out processed foods and eating "whole" foods has allowed me to eat at a caloric deficit while still remaining somewhat full. Ultimately it's all about finding what works for the individual , try things out and see what works for yourself. Just remember it's a life style change !

    Good Luck !
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    well you are so not a loser. i think you are fantastic i was adopted myself when i was a kid and think its the best gift you can give a child to have them know that they were not born into your family they were picked because YOU wanted them to be part of your family,, and as for the weight loss u will get there, small baby steps (altho small steps is all you can do with that toe) u will get there (DID YoU HEAR THAT)
  • joejustjoe
    I was adopted too. Thank you for the support ... I did HEAR you!
  • joejustjoe
    Thanks, Fanipak. Appreciate the tips!
  • joejustjoe
    I would have said I have lost some hair, but I think "abandonment" would be the proper term for what is going on up there. :sad: