Jeans feeling tighter HELP!!

HI all i really need your help i have been following the diet chef diet for 6 days now and my jeans are feeling tighter on me, i am worrried i am gainign weight i use myfitness pal to track what i eat, i write everything down i also have scales that can measure the amount of water i have in my body and its actully low despite me drinking a lot of water.

I would appriciate any advice ive been worrying about it all day.



  • How many calories does MFP allow you to eat? Better not eat any processed foods from Chef Diet, just cook for yourself. There is absolutely no way you will gain weight if you follow the calorie tracker, it is science. I am sure you will lose all the weight you want to lose, just be persistent and follow the diet. One thing that is helping me lose weight a little faster is eating over my calorie budget and exercise it down one day, and then eating very close to or under my calorie budget next day. I have lost 12 lbs since July 9th simply tracking calories and have not even worked out a lot. Best of luck!