Looking for advice - 1 month, no pounds gone...

Okay, first off, I just changed my food diary to public, because I KNOW that is the first thing people are going to say. I've been at this since July 10. I haven't lost any pounds, although I've lost inches. I'm *okay* with this, but a little frustrated. My calories are up and down. I do allow myself splurges here and there. I am starting to look at carbs, protein, etc, but I don't quite understand why I haven't lost ANYTHING. I drink at least a half gallon of water a day. And I do work out pretty regularly. Any advice would be great. I'm 37, so I imagine that my age has something to do with. Along with the wonderful "womanly" hormone bulls#@t... Anyway....


  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 142 Member
    First, congrats on inches! My weight has been steady for many months but 3 dress sizes are gone!

    I do think you need to really re-think what you put in your mouth. Lots of "junk" food in your diary. I don't think anything is really off limits but daily doses (double and triple) are not good. (Your splurges seem to be routine, not "here and there" - the diary does not lie!)

    You know the drill - more fruits and veggies, lean proteins, good fats, etc. Stop eating out or make better choice when you do. Try to balance out your calories between all your meals so you are not starving. I aim for 300-400 calories each time I eat. If I plan a big meal, I tend to eat it earlier in day (around lunch).

    Try to find balance each day rather that way over and way under.

    Good luck!
  • Okay, what "junk" are you referring to? I know the eating out calories aren't great. But I have two kids and we do eat out about once a week. My daily food is pretty standard though. All whole grain, no white bread, rice, pasta, etc. And fruit, non-fat greek yogurt, coffee with skim milk, chicken breast, fish, etc... I guess I don't know what you mean by "junk". I'm trying to make a lifestyle change that has to do with moderation. 1200 calories is pretty extreme for me...
  • If you are strength training regularly and losing inches, you could be building muscle, which is good news because it's hard for women to build muscle. I mostly do cardio, keep to 1200 calories, and have lost about 3 pounds in a month. It's really hard to keep it that low but at 31 my body can't burn fat so easily.
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 142 Member
    I agree - you have lots of good basics there. I guess I saw chips, cupcakes, wings, pizza, potato skins, etc. Plus, unfortunately, alcohol add lots of (sugar) calories - and I love my sangria spritzers! My hubby loves to eat out, so we are are 3-4 meals per week (breakfast, lunch or dinner). We often find we can order one entree with an extra salad or veggies or we take at least half of our orders home. He used to laugh at me as I made the substitutes (egg whites instead of whole eggs, dressing on the side, no mayo or sauces) but now he does it too!

    I still think keeping it more balanced throughout day and day to day might help.

    I rarely eat 1200. My calories, even on a fairly sedentary day run around 1300. On clinical days (with students in the hospital) and workout days I need 16-1800! Make sure you're eating enough too!

    Again, congrats on the inches lost! Keep up the good work.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I noticed that on quite a few days you are over your calorie goal, by as much as 800 or 900 calories. This probably has something to do with it..
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Cut out your alcohol. Crappy I know but that is not helping you out. Cut out the restaurant/fast food ( BWW) and other junky things like cupcakes, pizza cookies etc. Even the low carb monsters....Those are not a good breakfast. Its the little things that really bulk up the calories, like sauces. eliminate things like that. Do as much home made as you possibly can because then you are controlling what goes into your food, portion sizing, and method of cooking.

    You do make some good choices from what I saw over the past like 5 days that I read. Add in as much veggies and fruits whenever you can, this will add volume to your food without as many cals. Make sure you excersise as much as you can too. This will give you more room for calories in your day.

    And like you said about eating out, yes it happens..We all have busy lives. But I was just at BWW on Sunday and they now have calorie counts for everything. You can make an informed and intelligent decision (ALMOST*) anywhere these days.
  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    it is possibly the food choices...but I cant be sure of that....If you cut your calories enought and create a deficit...you should still lose weight..If you are going over your calories but several hundred on a reguler...that is why the wieght is not falling off....I am going to go back and look at your diary again and see if I notice anything else.
  • delong99
    delong99 Posts: 22 Member
    Try throwing more fresh vegetables in there with fewer processed foods. If you like to eat out a few times a week aim for broiled fish or meat, veggie side dishes. Avoid the fried stuff.

    You might want to invest in a food scale to make sure that you area really eating the portions that you think your are. I know most of us tend to underestimate and those under estimations, combined with any over estimations of exercise (which I think MFP tends to do) will add up to no calorie deficit and therefore no weight loss.

    I applaud you for opening your diary and asking for help.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    You were over your calories several days in a row, and I'm seeing chips, cookies, cupcakes, potato skins, and lots of alcohol (margaritas). Things like that are loaded with sodium and sugar. That's what people mean by "junk food". The occasional cookie is okay, but not every day, and not if it puts you over your calories.

    Sodium can cause bloat too. If I eat mac & cheese for dinner, I bloat and gain 1-2 pounds overnight, even if I was under my calorie goal. Because of this, I don't eat mac & cheese anymore. Simple as that. Your diary will teach you lessons if you're willing to learn.
  • Maricela526
    Maricela526 Posts: 13 Member
    I do see alcohol (beer, margaritas), cake, wings, pizza, cake, etc on a daily basis. Even if its one beer a day, one piece of cake a day, one order of wings per day, it all adds up. For me, those are treats and are only allowed on my cheat day (in moderation of course) which is on Saturdays. Unfortunately, those are the sacrifices one has to make when trying to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. You an do it. Start off by cutting out the daily alcoholic drinks. It'll make a difference.
  • You were over your calories several days in a row, and I'm seeing chips, cookies, cupcakes, potato skins, and lots of alcohol (margaritas). Things like that are loaded with sodium and sugar. That's what people mean by "junk food". The occasional cookie is okay, but not every day, and not if it puts you over your calories.

    Sodium can cause bloat too. If I eat mac & cheese for dinner, I bloat and gain 1-2 pounds overnight, even if I was under my calorie goal. Because of this, I don't eat mac & cheese anymore. Simple as that. Your diary will teach you lessons if you're willing to learn.

    My "margarita" is made with 1 oz of tequila, club soda and lime juice with 1 T of sugar.... I avoid the mixes because of the sodium and sugar. There have been so many parties, etc lately. I do try to portion as well as I can - like the chips were 1 oz or 16 chips. So I guess that is a good thing. Things should slow down socially for me over the next few weeks so that should help a little.
  • parias1126
    parias1126 Posts: 64 Member
    There are some days where you are over 900 calories over your calorie goal. There are other days where, even with exercise, you are over your calorie goal. You have potato chips, cupcakes, wings, mcdonalds (a drink, no less, which adds extra calories you didn't even need and I'm sure sugar and sodium), chocolate cake even on one day that added around 300 calories. You eat out a lot. One of the choice I made when I changed my lifestyle was, cook at home EVERYDAY. We generally eat out maybe once a week and go to Panera Bread. They, at least, show the calories your eating right on their menu and have a very low fat, low calorie poppy seed dressing you can substitute on the salad of your choosing. When you eat out, you really need to substitute certain foods, completely take out certain foods, etc. Also, if you somewhere and the portions are huge, then take home half of your dinner in a doggy bag. My solution is just don't eat out. Food always tastes better at home anyway. I find myself not wanting to eat out anymore. I used to think I hated cooking and have come to find out that I am actually enjoying it now. There are great websites out there like Skinnytaste.com where you can get plenty of good recipes and know exactly what your eating. Cut out all the processed foods and add in more veggies and such. I make recipes from that site on the weekends with enough for leftovers for the rest of the week. Even my kids beg for more and it's good for them!

    Anyway, I would say this is why your not losing weight. You can't possibly eat over 900 calories over your calorie goal that many times in a week and expect to lose. If you just cut out the junk food, I think you will see a huge improvement in your weight loss. I honestly don't think it's your age (I'm 38 w/ 4 children) or female hormones. I used to think the same thing and thought it was a great excuse for me to not lose weight. I have changed my entire lifestyle and am down 42 lbs. since May 8th. (32 lbs. since joining MFP).
  • I took a quick look and watch your splurges, that's where your having the problems. Excess carbs, fats, and sugars are no bueno when trying to lose weight. Try limiting yourself to one "free meal" every 7-10 days where you can eat whatever you want (not buffet or till you explode, only until your full) and see how that works for you. Hope this helped!

    Jesse Short
    ISSA Certifed Personal Trainer
  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    I just looked at everyday (i need to figure out a way to get paid for things like this LOL) And the trend seems to be that you go over your calories a lot. You eat back your workout calories (which may be all wrong anyway, these are estimates so treat them as such) I think you need to cut back on the alcohol and the energy drinks. If you are eating healthier foods you will automatically have more energy and you will come to not depend on them....

    I think you need to plan your meals a bit better. There is really nothing wrong with eating pizza and BWW and Reeses and Ice cream if you control your portions and you accompany those things with other well planned nutritious meals. From the looks of it you are eating those things along with meals that consist of heavily processed foods that you did not prepare so we really have no idea what is truly in them.....and your meals are high in calories. If you are going to eat high calorie meals they still need to call within your calorie goal.

    This month eat more fruits and veggies, prepare more meals at home, only eat back some of your workout calories (maybe no more than half) Pick 1 meal a weak that is a cheat meal and make that the meal where you eat whatever you want (have ur sangria or Margarita or beer and you pizza or BWW) every other meal needs to be well thought out. If you must go out to eat get the dishes that come with a lean meat and a veggie or a salad with the dressing on the side or portion your food out and ask for a togo container before you even put your fork in it....
  • Congrats on the inches lost! After looking at many of your entries I have a few ideas...sorry it's such a long post but I wanted to get specific!!

    1. EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGGIES! Start early in the day and try to shove them into every meal. I try to put at least one fresh or frozen fruit in every breakfast and at least 2 servings of veggies and one of fruit for lunch and at least 2 more servings of veggies for dinner. I will make the veggies take up at least 1/2 my plate. Cram as many veggies into everything you make. ie: use a cup of spinach in your omelet instead of a little 1/3 cup. Eat a salad (made with fresh veggies, minus thet cheese, croutons and dressing) one the side of either lunch or dinner every day. If you must have dressing on your veggies/salad, then make it fat free and "barely dip" your fork into a separate container of dressing, then stab at your veggies to get the flavor without all the calories. Veggies aren't a seasoning...they should be the MAIN PART of your meal. I try to be very GENEROUS in dishing myself up (I hate veggies, so this is hard for me, but it's working) Yesterday, you had ZERO fruits OR vegetables! That's not good for keeping energy up and cravings down!!

    2. SUBSTITUTE! Instead of an ice cream bar, have frozen fruit mixed with some lowfat milk in the blender. Instead of having a whole sandwich, have a half sandwich with a side of your favorite fresh veggies or a healthy salad. If you have butter, oil, dressing at lunch, do not have a high fat meal for dinner, if you have lots of starch at breakfast, try to limit yourself to 1/2 servings for lunch and dinner. Completely avoid any deep fried or processed with oil foods. If you know you can't eliminate them, limit yourself to a 1/2 serving per day. IF YOU GO OUT TO EAT: avoid cream based soups and opt for the veggie filled broth based ones. Avoid appetizers at restaurants...most of them are on the death to a healthy living plan list. Don't touch the chips and salsa or bread before your meal arrives, or decide in advance how much you can "safely" afford to eat to stay in your calorie budget (remember, you still have your MEAL to eat). Have your server box up 1/2 your meal before bringing it to you. Do not order dessert unless it's fresh fruit (no, pie doesn't count)

    3. DRINK MORE WATER! Instead of high calorie juices, alcoholic drinks or caffeinated beverages, try crystal light (the real brand tastes best) or diet soda, or even better would be ice water with lemon or lime. These are cheaper and healthier options. Some of your days have 2-3 high calorie beverages logged. That will make it harder to stick to your calorie limit. Drinks don't fill you up

    4. MOVE MORE! Your logs are empty many days for exercise! Aim to move your beautiful body for at least 30 minutes at a moderate to fast pace with a 5 min. warm up and cool down. And if you can, exercise twice each day or double your workout time or intensity every other day. Even as a single mom, you can find ways to move more...including your children in the plan would be a great thing! If you're watching a television show, don't stop moving during the commercials for at least a one hour show each night. You can be creative and switch during each commercial (dancing, windmills, jumping jacks, planks, crunches, jog in place, etc.). No expensive gym membership needed...and if you have a membership, it adds another workout without the hassle. (you don't even have to change into exercise clothes!!)

    5. WATCH YOUR CALORIES! If you must guess, choose on the high side of things. Your logs are full of 1700 calorie days and some of those have very little exercise logged. I am pretty tall and burn only 1600 when I'm not active, so I would GAIN WEIGHT on 1700 each day that I didn't do at least 20-30 minutes of good heart-pumping movement. So, I like to underestimate how much exercise I do and overestimate how many calories I eat to keep me honest with myself and to give me the most success. You may actually need less calories than you think, so use the MFP tools to double check accuracy. You might want to aim to eat less than your exercise allows so that no matter how much exercise you do you will create weight loss! (That means ingnore the extra calories that are added to your food when you exercise. I think that is in settings if you want to make it not show up).

    6. PLAN! Nutrition and exercise don't happen by accident. We can't eat what we don't have stocked in our refrigerator and we won't exercise if we don't budget a time. I try to get LOTS of veggies and fruits that look delicious or interesting or are on sale and then plan my meals around them to use them up before they go bad! I hate wasted food!! And I commit to an exercise class each day based on when I can go. I don't ever choose NOT to go...I just pick the class that works BEST with my schedule...even on busy days. If that means 6 am, then it means I better PLAN to go to bed early!!

    6. ENJOY THE JOURNEY! In the past I have worried and spent hours logging food and exercise trying to find the perfect fit. This time, I am quickly choosing the closest item I can find and journaling how I felt, or what was going on that day so that I can emotionally evaluate each day and decide how I want to feel. Journaling your food and exercise in addition to logging the information will help you to process where your strong and weak spots are (emotional eating, bad influences, bad planning, favorite exercises, dependable exercise buddies). You may see progress in more than just your poundage. I am seeing my attitudes and emotions changing and growing in good ways as I journal.

    I hope this helps! Be grateful for the progress you make each day! YOU HAVEN'T GAINED WEIGHT for a whole month!!! Keep up the good work. You'll get there!
  • Nana920
    Nana920 Posts: 51 Member
    Sounds like if you read the posts, you will be on the right track. Thanks for
    Posting the questions....the answers have helped me too
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Ok - to the point....
    Make better food choices
    Lower your carbs and sugar intake
    Eat more all natural foods, less processed stuff
    Drink more water
    Do HIIT cardio (high intensity interval training)
    Lift weights
    Eat at a deficit

    If you are training hard...and you aren't making progress...IT'S YOUR DIET! :)
    If you aren't training hard and you aren't eating right...how can you expect to make progress?
  • kubyshechka
    kubyshechka Posts: 75 Member
    First of all I see that you are trying to make better food choices. I think some people saw Buffalo Wings and stopped there. I see that in most cases it is either sauce to chicken tenders. I use buffalo sauce a lot too, even in my salad.
    I think you might be under estimating the amount or the size of the foods that you eat. 6 oz of meat or fish is visually about the size of the deck of cards. If you say 3 oz of chicken or salmon - is it about the half of that? When I started MFP I actually measured food for about a month just to make sure I am entering the right amount. I was shocked how little half the cup is if you measure it with the measuring cup. I still use measuring spoons for olive oil and butter just because they add a lot of calories per serving, same with salad dressings. If it seems like there is not enough food – add some steamed or fresh veggies. I also snack on veggies more than fruits because fruits have more calories.
    Also you might want to cut down on the sugary drinks and sweets. I love chocolate and still eat it but just not as much as I used to.
    Unfortunately I do have to agree with the others about alcohol. I think that is what added to my weight gain. I used to have a glass or two of the red wine with dinner 5-6 times a week. It seemed like not much but it added to the daily calories, plus I think there is something about alcohol that stalls the weight loss. I still drink on weekends but on weekdays I try not to drink or if there is some event I try to have no more than 2 drinks. Try it for a couple of weeks and see if that is going to work. One think I have to commend you for - you enter it as it is, not hiding alcohol under quick added calories.
    You can send me a friend request if you want.
  • soonergirl03
    soonergirl03 Posts: 47 Member
    I dont enter my workout because when I do it gives me extra calories and if I consume the extra calories I dont lose weight. I know alot of people on here add there workout and use the extra calories but if I do then I'm like you and do not lose any weight at all. I stay around 1200 calories and sometimes go around 1300-1400 and can still lose. If your adding your workout and consuming the extra calories you might try stopping and see what happens.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Oh and do you actually know how many calories you should be consuming (aside from what MFP has set up for you)? A lot of people eat too few calories...