21lbs down but can't see it :(

I seem to only have lost a couple of inches off everywhere too.

So many of you lovely people lose so many inches and you can see such a physical difference in your size after 20-ish lbs...

I am disappointed I don't look better or slimmer yet, and it makes me worry that when all I am aiming to lose is about another 29lbs, it wont be enough for me to look my ideal size.



  • Shayzeepoo
    Shayzeepoo Posts: 178 Member
    Do you have comparison pictures??

    I can't see it on myself but can it pictures.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I didn't see a difference in me till I lost almost 50lbs. I mean my parents and stuff saw it but I couldn't. I just started basing it off how my clothes fit after that. This is before I gained back though. Now I'm starting to do it over again unfortunately.
  • blinkiii
    blinkiii Posts: 90
    I don't exactly have much knowledge on the subject but here's my best guess! (:
    It's possible that a lot of your weight loss that you're seeing is loss of water weight, which won't be as visible. I think it really all depends on how much muscle you're gaining. But keep at it and don't get discouraged! What you've already accomplished is an incredible feat! :D Congratulations!
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Hang in there Girl! Sometimes we are the last to see the transformation. Also, are you doing any kind of strength training? Toning will help slim everything up! Just give your body the chance to change. Again, hang in there, you are getting healthier and that is the most important thing! :happy:
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Hang in there, it was about a good 40-50 pounds before people started to really see the difference on me if they didn't know I was working out and eating right.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    No one notice my weight loss until I lost the 30 lbs...I actually only drop one size when I lost 30, but after first thirty lb, I went from a 12 to 6 while only dropping 15 lbs. It just depends on how much you have to lose in the first place. 20 lb on someone who is 200 lbs does not look as noticeable as someone who is 140 and loses 20 lbs.
  • I'm with you! I'm down 12 pounds & I can't tell at all. I think I'll take a picture of myself with every 20 pounds I lose to see if I can tell. Right now, I see no difference. There are 3 pics of me on my profile, 1 from last year, 1 from Feb. of this year & 1 from June of this year. To me, I look exactly the same. We can't let that discourage us! Keep plugging along & eventually the results of our hard work will be noticeable to us.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    21 lbs down is awesome!!!!! Have you taken pictures from when you started and where you are now? That can really show you where improvements are being made (and boost your confidence!).

    Just took a peak at your diaries :) You've got good stuff going on there. Lots of walking, but make sure you're not over estimating your speed. If you're doing it on a treadmill and that's the speed it gave you, okay. I'm 5'2" and I can walk at a 3.2 mph pace on the treadmill, but 3.5 and I almost need to jog.

    If I could make one suggestion: if a 3.5 mph brisk walk is doable for you, try changing it up by adding in intervals of walking really really fast or jogging. Varying your workouts will help you 'see' the results a little more, from my experience. Also, if you're comfortable, add in one day of a full body strength training session a week. That will most definitely help you a) lose more weight and b) get you down to the size you want.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    don't give up
  • cestlafete
    cestlafete Posts: 71 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. You just have to -know- that there has been a change and stick with it. Look for any tiny thing, focus on that there IS a tiny thing and not that it's tiny. Are you getting around easier? Workouts getting easier? Are you feeling 'cleaner'? Less allergies? There's a lot of internal stuff going on that you may never realize. In fact, you may have lost fat around your organs, which is truly the best place to lose it! Stay motivated and don't fret, you'll get there!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
    Ive lost 24 lbs, and see very little diffrence, and I only have 13 lbs to lose to 18 lbs left to lose, I just keep with it and hope that once most the fats gone I will look better
  • I felt that way after I once lost 25 lbs, but then all of the sudden - it seemed like overnight - I could see a BIG difference! It was like nothing, nothing, nothing, then BAM! It will be great when you see it on yourself - which could be any day now. Of course, I bet other people can already see the difference on you. Keep it up - and know you are inspiring to those like me that are just getting started.
  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    If you are "larger" to start with, it could be that you've lost fat that surrounds the organs. So inches wise, there may not be much of a change but it is definately healthier. That's what happened to me. I lost 15 pounds and couldn't see a difference. It was fat around my organs that was lost first.
  • Try looking at a picture of yourself when you had the 21 pounds still on. Then take a picture of yourself in the same pose now, with the same clothes if possible. I've found that I can see the difference in the picture better than in the mirror. When I'm larger, the shirt is tighter, etc. I even noticed my neck was fatter!
  • alltacht
    alltacht Posts: 139 Member
    I didnt even start out that big but I only went down a dress size with about 25lbs. It depends person to person. I see a lot of people on here who are also my height and weigh the same or a bit more than me but they genuinely do look smaller, and its not just me being paranoid or self concious. I think its where we carry the weight/ where we individually lose it first that makes it noticeable on some and not so much on others. Think about it this way, you've lost a little bit all over, thats great, its better than say losing all of your chest and noplace else and people noticing :D justkeep going with it and TAKE PICTURES! the mirror is no comparison to it xx
  • hs1956
    hs1956 Posts: 16
    Have you tried using a tape measure to plot your progress? I find that much more rewarding than the scales or photos/ personal observation. 21pounds is no small accomplishment. I am impressed with your loss.
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member
    Thnk you everyone for your responses, it's great to get some explanation and also some lovely encouragement.

    I have come down from 210lbs to 189lbs since the 3rd of June and I am 5'5" with size 30K boobies, which are my biggest hinderance when it comes to exercise.

    Unfortunely they hold me back from doing anything too physical and anything high impact, but I have been doing lots of walking, cycling, strength training, wii fitness coach work outs and much healthier eating.

    Please feel free to take a look at my profile to see my photographs etc, you may see a difference that I dont.

  • kdtink
    kdtink Posts: 8 Member
    Trust me, I know how you feel. I am down 28 lbs since December (when I changed jobs from a desk job to a much more active job) but I don't see it. I was getting really discouraged until my Mom and my sister pointed out that there are subtle changes that I was missing. Namely, I have a more defined jaw line than I did a few months ago, and my face looks thinner. I didn't see it because I look at it every day to put on makeup or put in my contacts but I don't really LOOK at myself in the mirror.

    My boyfriend pointed that out to me last month. He said he noticed I use a little mirror to do my eyes or my lipstick, but nothing that shows my whole face at the same time. He said "You don't even look at yourself when you brush your teeth." These are things I never really paid attention to but, since they were pointed out, I have realized they are true. I suppose I just got used to not paying attention to my reflection because I wasn't really happy with what I saw.

    Take a minute to praise yourself for you small victories and the big ones. I'm sure you have noticed some changes in how shirts fit, or how your pants are feeling now. It is easy to get discouraged and give up...it is hard to stick with something and make that committment to yourself. You are doing great and you are changing every time to make the choice to keep improving yourself. Stick with it, you are getting stronger and changing every day. :smile:
  • soygurl
    soygurl Posts: 44 Member
    I have come down from 210lbs to 189lbs since the 3rd of June and I am 5'5" with size 30K boobies, which are my biggest hinderance when it comes to exercise.
    Invest in a really GOOD sports bra! I've heard wonderful things about Enell bras, but have yet to try one myself. seriously though... A properly fitted sports bra, that is specifically made for large breasts, will change your life! :bigsmile:
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    Some of it is mental...a few years back I lost about 80 pound and was a size 4. No matter what, I still felt fat. I wouldn't wear a bikini, was embarrassed about my body, etc. But you know what? It was all in my head. I hope next time I get down to that size again I'll be a little nicer to myself and appreciate my body. Just some thoughts :) I know how hard it is to be overweight your entire life and then start to lose...it's an interesting transition.
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