Weighing in...

happybrooke Posts: 153
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
How often should we be weighing in? I am afraid that I may be obsessed with the scale and set myself up for discouragement by getting on it too often. What's the general consensus on weighing in? :happy:


  • We weigh in 1 per week at the same time on the same scale. It is best to weigh in in the morning but as long as you do it the same all the time it should be okay.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I weigh in once a week also. There are some people on here who weigh everyday which is WAAAAY too much for me. I do it in the mornings on Fridays after a trip to the bathroom and totally naked!
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    once a week at the same time is good. But I think the scale is my enemy most of the time. I personally like looking in the mirror, seeing how clothes fit and comparing weekly pictures than rely too much on the scale, other than to get the numbers to add for progress.
  • Yup I do the same, once a week, in the morning after my morning wee and in the nick on the same scale (note: I use my one at home and I use the one at the gym just to make sure the scales are in synch!)

    But I'm not too worried about the mass as my goal is to develop muscle. I too use my mirror and a tape measure to ascertain my status for the week or even bi-weekly.

  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    Try weighing in once a week. Your weight is going to change day to day and it can get frustrating when you are looking at it everyday. It is hard because we have a scale at work and I used to weight myself in the morning and evening everyday, but I would get so upset when I would weight 2lbs more than in the morning. So I just started only allowing myself to weigh in on Monday mornings, and hopefully it will keep me accountable during the weekend!!
  • Thanks for the input. I was thinking that was probably the way to go. I'm glad you mentioned measuring yourself every other week. I think that's a good habit I will get in as well. I really want to get healthier on the inside first and hope the outside follows. Funny how the outside took over and wanted to be my priority. I guess that's because that's where I see results... Saturday is my weigh in day and I am at the end of my first week. I hope to see a pound or two gone. I've got a long way to go, but I'm willing to do it. I'm glad there is such an amazing support system here!! How great is this!?! For those of you who have had a significant weight loss... how long did it take? How did you do it? What was your weekly average loss?
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