30 Day Shred Question

I have noticed that many people do 10 days at each level of the 30 day shred.....why??

First, I thought in the begging of the DVD she says start where you feel most comfortable and move up when you can. (maybe not the those exact words but similar)

Second, why not change things up every day once you are able to reach each level? Since there is strength training would this be better? I am just thinking since those that lift weights they don't do the same set two days in a row so they can rest that group of muscles and work another? I realize you are still working arms and shoulders etc. but each level has you working them a different way and targeting a different area of the arm and or shoulder etc.?

I am not saying anyone is wrong I am just trying to figure which is the best way to do this......?????



  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Personally I haven't even been counting the days I've done it.. I'm on day 24+ or something (not counting off days). I did level 1 for 3 days and the rest I've been on level 2. I switched from 3lb weights to 5lb weights about a week 1/2 ago. I'm just moving through it until I don't feel as challenged and then I'll switch to a different level.

    I also go to the gym and lift a little/do other cardio randomly throughout the week to mix it up. Just do what you're comfortable with.
  • xkdrowex
    xkdrowex Posts: 107 Member
    I don't really think it matters how you're doing it. If you're doing it, you're doing good. I did it a full 30 days with the 10 day/level cycle and then I did it over again for another 20-some days and I just did whatever level I felt like every day, usually not the same level twice in a row.

    ...I haven't done it in a few months now. So if you're doing it at all, you're doing better than I am :)
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    the reason is to spend equal time on all 3 for 30 days to make up the purpose of the title. But like the video says its best to do it when YOU"RE comfortable. I have been following the 10 day idea other than sundays I skip so technically 11 days, I am on level 3 now and I'm glad I didn't jump ahead, each workout contains different moves to work different body parts, even if you want to do more or less of each in sequence I would suggest doing an even amount of each so you still work all your body evenly over the time period.
  • AlyiEli2017
    AlyiEli2017 Posts: 81 Member
    I did Level 1 till it became too easy, then moved to Level 2 because it was more challenge. I say move at your own pace. In 30 days I saw an felt the results
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 558 Member
    I've often thought about this too. I've started 30 Day Shred twice, but never with the intention to do it 30 straight days. Both times I was training for a 1/2 marathon and was running 4 days a week. I was going to use 30 DS for my workouts on non-running days - 3 days a week for 10 weeks... eventually working my way up to 30 total days.

    The first time I ended up aggrevating an old neck injury (during push-ups) on day 4 or 5 and then was too nervous to start up again for fear of re-aggrevating it and not being able to properly train for the 1/2 marathon.

    The second time I ended up with a leg injury and needed to use my days off as total no-impact days so that I could complete the 1/2 marathon training so never finished that time either.

    I'm about to start training for another 1/2 marathon (the training starts next week) and I think I am going to approach it a little differently this time where I do a day from each level each week rather than the same level 10 times before moving on to the next. To your point, this will give me some variety in my muscle training and (hopefully) keep me from over-doing one specific thing and causing injury :smile:
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I'm doing 10 days at each level to push myself. I was worried if I waited until,level 1 was easy I would never move up. This way I'll be sure to keep moving forward and give each level equal attention. Also, I don't think I could have switched it up from the beginning. Level 2 is much harder than level 1 and I definitely needed the improvements I got during level 1 to be able to take on level 2. As it is, it's still kicking my butt.

    Once I finish the full regimen, I'll probably switch around through the different levels sometimes, but I'm also going to start focusing on more strength training.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I started this on Tuesday and have had similar questions. I don't think the strength training on consecutive days is really an issue since you're using such a low weight and/or body weight resistance and doing that day after day is just fine. I believe it's only with heavy lifting that studies suggest you give your muscles time to recuperate. I'm going to do 10 days at each level and then for the next 30 days I am going to rotate through the levels for 30 days. It’s all pretty simple exercises, so I think you can kind of go with the flow and decide how you want to do it and it should be effective as long as you're pushing yourself and feeling the burn.
  • prlow
    prlow Posts: 11 Member
    I stay in the same level until I feel it's no longer challenging.
  • MzVonda
    MzVonda Posts: 87
    I am currently on day 27 with rotating the levels and I have seen massive results! I have lost mega inches and I have dropped 11 lbs and I still have 3 more days to go!
  • gergie
    gergie Posts: 32 Member
    I think the point of the 30 day shed at 3 levels of intensity is to do each level for 10 days. I plan on starting tomorrow and I just joined the group starting this dvd tomorrow.I'm so excited, I know the weight only goes down max 10lbs or so but the inches lost are great (or so I've heard) I don't think 10 days is too much to ask for each level, but to each his own,whatever you feel comfortable doing is fine :D good luck!
  • Melissa592
    I'm glad you asked this...I was having the same question. I started the program 3 days ago...and had the same thoughts about doing the same exercises/muscle groups day after day. I did Level 1 on day 1, Level 2 on day 2, and was thinking about doing Level 3 today, then rotating back to Level 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, unil the 30 days is up...not sure if that would be more harmful or more helpful in getting results, but it seems like it would be better than doing the exact same thing over and over.
  • 5tephoscope
    5tephoscope Posts: 32 Member
    I'm on day 24 (though it's taken me about 35 days to get here!) and I didn't level-up systematically. I increased my level when I felt like I could probably rise to the challenge. Level 1 and 2 never started to feel "easy" for me. But I hit a point that was a combination of "I'm really sick of this one" and "I think I could probably do a level higher."

    I started level 3 on day 19 and it is HARD. I do each move to exhaustion because I still can't quite keep up with Jillian. I pretty much feel like lying on the floor instead of doing the last round of cardio. Now I can do most of the squat jumps + rockstar jumps, but I still have to stand there like an idiot while they do a few more reps of each move on the DVD. My goal is to keep up with them by day 30.