GERD / Acid Reflux

Anybody have a squeezing feeling in their throat from acid reflux? My meds don't seem to help.


  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Anybody have a squeezing feeling in their throat from acid reflux? My meds don't seem to help.

    I think it's important to cut out certain foods. Personally I would rather adjust eating than take meds if possible. Lower protein helps
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I have silent reflux very bad and ever since I went low carb/paleo and eliminated grains and sugar it's been getting better. A year on and my symptoms have all but disappeared.

    I eat a ton of vegtables, protein and fat, and littel to no sugar and no grains at all.
  • Anybody have a squeezing feeling in their throat from acid reflux? My meds don't seem to help.

    I think it's important to cut out certain foods. Personally I would rather adjust eating than take meds if possible. Lower protein helps

    Thanks for your reply. I've been trying to cut out different foods & drinks but the outcome is still the same. I had the "balloon" procedure on my esophagus last spring & the dr prescribed me 3 different meds since then & none of them seem to work. I was hoping to avoid future tests by trying something natural. Trying gluten-free this week!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Give gluten free a good 2+ weeks to work before you move on. Gluten can have a cumlitive effect in the body. My wife is VERY gluten intolerant and just a little bit can make her swell up and it takes about a week for her joints to stop hurting.
  • I have silent reflux very bad and ever since I went low carb/paleo and eliminated grains and sugar it's been getting better. A year on and my symptoms have all but disappeared.

    I eat a ton of vegtables, protein and fat, and littel to no sugar and no grains at all.

    Do you have that same squeezing feeling in your throat??? Drives me crazy!
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Hubby lost 35 pounds, cut his meat/dairy/grains to less than 10% of his daily intake and poof! Acid reflux gone. No more pills. (No more snoring, either!)
  • I wonder how much of his acid reflux and snoring is from the weight loss? Just curious. I'm hoping that as I lose weight that these two conditions improve.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I have silent reflux very bad and ever since I went low carb/paleo and eliminated grains and sugar it's been getting better. A year on and my symptoms have all but disappeared.

    I eat a ton of vegtables, protein and fat, and littel to no sugar and no grains at all.

    Do you have that same squeezing feeling in your throat??? Drives me crazy!

    I always had a tightness in the throat and my sinues were always congested. For the most part these are both gone, though every once in a while I'll have a high acid production day and it'll come back, but it's very temporary.
  • I have silent reflux very bad and ever since I went low carb/paleo and eliminated grains and sugar it's been getting better. A year on and my symptoms have all but disappeared.

    I eat a ton of vegtables, protein and fat, and littel to no sugar and no grains at all.

    Do you have that same squeezing feeling in your throat??? Drives me crazy!

    I always had a tightness in the throat and my sinues were always congested. For the most part these are both gone, though every once in a while I'll have a high acid production day and it'll come back, but it's very temporary.

    Do you mind me asking, are you on any meds?
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Anybody have a squeezing feeling in their throat from acid reflux? My meds don't seem to help.

    I think it's important to cut out certain foods. Personally I would rather adjust eating than take meds if possible. Lower protein helps

    Thanks for your reply. I've been trying to cut out different foods & drinks but the outcome is still the same. I had the "balloon" procedure on my esophagus last spring & the dr prescribed me 3 different meds since then & none of them seem to work. I was hoping to avoid future tests by trying something natural. Trying gluten-free this week!

    This may seem odd to post here but I'm doing it anyway.

    One of my dogs has the same problem. She has to eat small meals 5 or 6 times a day. I had to lower her protein level and in doing that switched to a food that had corn meal in it. They both got sick from that. She had to take meds for a while because her stomach lining is damaged. The way the vet explained it to me, the stomach lining problems were causing too much acid which caused problems with her esophagus.

    Now I'm saying all your food needs to be prepared in a blender like hers. lol.

    I do have a friend who takes meds for his acid reflux, he has ulcers which cause acid. He watches what he eats a lot too.

    I would start cutting out gluten for a few weeks and see if that helps. Then maybe cut out dairy. It could take a while to find the right balance. At least you are trying. I have one friend that complains about it all the time yet still drinks a 12 pack of diet coke daily.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Anybody have a squeezing feeling in their throat from acid reflux? My meds don't seem to help.

    I think it's important to cut out certain foods. Personally I would rather adjust eating than take meds if possible. Lower protein helps

    Thanks for your reply. I've been trying to cut out different foods & drinks but the outcome is still the same. I had the "balloon" procedure on my esophagus last spring & the dr prescribed me 3 different meds since then & none of them seem to work. I was hoping to avoid future tests by trying something natural. Trying gluten-free this week!

    This may seem odd to post here but I'm doing it anyway.

    One of my dogs has the same problem. She has to eat small meals 5 or 6 times a day. I had to lower her protein level and in doing that switched to a food that had corn meal in it. They both got sick from that. She had to take meds for a while because her stomach lining is damaged. The way the vet explained it to me, the stomach lining problems were causing too much acid which caused problems with her esophagus.

    Now I'm saying all your food needs to be prepared in a blender like hers. lol.

    I do have a friend who takes meds for his acid reflux, he has ulcers which cause acid. He watches what he eats a lot too.

    I would start cutting out gluten for a few weeks and see if that helps. Then maybe cut out dairy. It could take a while to find the right balance. At least you are trying. I have one friend that complains about it all the time yet still drinks a 12 pack of diet coke daily.

    For dogs, the fact that someone had you reduce protein and start them on a cornmeal based food is very negligent. Dogs are carnivores and would do better to be grain free. Both of my dogs have better teeth and lost weight that they needed to just by switching to a grain free dog food.

    Cats are obligate carnivores, yet pet food companies put tons of grains in vegtables in their foods, which the cat is 100% unable to even digest...should be illegal to do that to animals knowingly.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I have silent reflux very bad and ever since I went low carb/paleo and eliminated grains and sugar it's been getting better. A year on and my symptoms have all but disappeared.

    I eat a ton of vegtables, protein and fat, and littel to no sugar and no grains at all.

    Do you have that same squeezing feeling in your throat??? Drives me crazy!

    I always had a tightness in the throat and my sinues were always congested. For the most part these are both gone, though every once in a while I'll have a high acid production day and it'll come back, but it's very temporary.

    Do you mind me asking, are you on any meds?

    Nope. I was on nasal sprays and prilosec, but since I hate taking perscription medication (I might take ibuprofin occasionally) I found a natural way to deal with the issue and found that diet has done more for me than any of the drugs EVER did.

    I think the elimination of grains was the #1 reason for the change, and don't get me wrong, it took a while to correct the issue, but I rarely have flare ups. Going grain free also helped clear up a horrible eczema of the foot condition that is completely under control now.
  • Erin0164
    Erin0164 Posts: 64 Member
    Have you been tested for H.Pylori? It is the bacteria that causes ulcers. Lots of people have it in their system. I had the nastiest acid reflux until it was diagnosed and treated. Good luck.
  • kcarlson22
    kcarlson22 Posts: 27 Member
    I work in GERD research. GERD is caused by a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES) PPIs are not intended to be taken long term. Over time you will develop tolerance to them so your symptoms return and sometimes worse. Talk to your doctor about your other options besides medications, there are other options. Unfortunately once you have a weak LES it is not possible to restore its function all you can do is modify your diet and lifestyle or have surgery once it becomes unbearable. The most common triggers are: fatty foods, spicy foods, acidic foods like tomato, pineapple, citrus and also caffeine and alcohol. Good luck!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I work in GERD research. GERD is caused by a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES) PPIs are not intended to be taken long term. Over time you will develop tolerance to them so your symptoms return and sometimes worse. Talk to your doctor about your other options besides medications, there are other options. Unfortunately once you have a weak LES it is not possible to restore its function all you can do is modify your diet and lifestyle or have surgery once it becomes unbearable. The most common triggers are: fatty foods, spicy foods, acidic foods like tomato, pineapple, citrus and also caffeine and alcohol. Good luck!

    I do find citrus fruits to be a trigger, but rarely eat them anyway being in a low carb lifestyle, but the rest like fatty and spicy foods have 0 impact on me. Give me some wheat based foods though and I'll have issues for days afterwards.

    I think depending on the person the triggers will be more or less severe, but I'll agree that my LES is probably damaged from years of eating too much and TONS of soda intake (I think the carbonation combined with eating a ton could have stretched it out over years). I used to eat normally in a day what would look like a competitive eater's training diet (didn't get fat until I got out of the military and stopped exercising for what it's worth).
  • kcarlson22
    kcarlson22 Posts: 27 Member
    Have you considered gluten intolerance? Acid reflux can be a symptom of gluten intolerance or sensitivity. They can test you now with an easy blood test for celiac sprue.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I already cut gluten from my diet so I'm not really concerned if I have an allergy or intolerence to it, I know it makes me feel like crap. It's garbage and shouldn't be categorized as food (wheat) in my opinion.

    Thanks for the idea though, hopefully other people that read the thread may not realize that gluten could cause that and can get some help. :smile:
  • gldnlark
    gldnlark Posts: 53
    Okay, you guys will probably think I'm totally weird, but I stopped mine with organic apple cider vinegar. I add a teaspoon of it into nearly every glass of water I drink. No, it's not an overnight cure, but I already got Osteoporosis from another illness and taking long-term prescription meds was not a good option - they can CAUSE Osteoporosis...

    This worked for me, but it can't stop a fit of it if I have marinara sauce and red wine together in one meal! haha! You do need to take care...
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Okay, you guys will probably think I'm totally weird, but I stopped mine with organic apple cider vinegar. I add a teaspoon of it into nearly every glass of water I drink. No, it's not an overnight cure, but I already got Osteoporosis from another illness and taking long-term prescription meds was not a good option - they can CAUSE Osteoporosis...

    This worked for me, but it can't stop a fit of it if I have marinara sauce and red wine together in one meal! haha! You do need to take care...

    This is what I have been using for 8 months now. I have not taken a prilosec since. Braggs organic with the mother.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Yes, I used to have the strangling in my throat. I had very severe GERD, thought I was having a heart attack, that episode is what led me to start a healthier way of life. I am on 40 mg of omeprazole a day, but am hoping to reduce that to 20mg a day after my dr appt on the 20th, since I have lost so much weight. I also completely cut out caffeine. Sinus or allergy issues can also cause that strangling feeling.