Working out when sick (cold/flu?) ??

nixism Posts: 258 Member
I just joined the gym, on the day I joined I had a cracking headache so didn't workout.
That has now turned into a full blown cold/flu and I feel YUCK.

Do you guys work out even though you are unwell???

I feel sad I couldn't make a proper go of it this week - I've done NO exercise whatsoever.

I suppose once I start feeling better it will get easier.


  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Depends on the type of sick.

    General rule is if it's above the neck, then it's safe, and even beneficial to still work out. In my experience, nothing clears up a head cold/stuffy nose/headache like some cardio. It's honestly better than any cold medicine I've ever taken.

    But if it's in your throat/chest, stay away from the exercise until that heals.

    And if you're vomiting, well, go back to bed. ;)
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    For me it is about respect for others. If I think I am contagious (like with a cold or flu) I most certainly do NOT go spread my germs all over the gym equipment. Rest is needed for fighting off bugs too, so that is your best bet.

    If I just feel bad, but I think it is allergies or something else non-contagious it really depends on how bad I feel. I hope you feel better soon!! Don't be too hard on yourself, everyone has bad days!
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks guys, I just feel bad cause it's my first week and I haven't been ONCE to the gym. Not how I intended starting off on this journey! I am very full of cold/flu. I think I will opt for a doggie walk this afternoon, and over the weekend. And hit the gym Monday once I've had a bit more rest.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    i have an elliptcal at home, so i'm not out spreading germs to others, i also have this ucky bug right now, but i have been making myself work out anyway, and i feel like i am getting better faster than i normally would. before i would fall off track when i didnt feel good and that's where it would all end for me, once i get out of the routine, it's hard to get back into it so i've been making myself stick to it this time around... even though i have to keep a tissue with me and go a little slower so i can breathe!
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    I think it's different for everyone. Through past experience, I know that working out when I'm sick will just make me sicker. So I tend to take as much time off as I need.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    As other 's have said, symptom are part of the answer. Mostly I'll people to listen to their bodies, blah, blah... But if you have fever, don't work out. Period. Your risk of heat injury is just too great. Exercise heats the body, if your body's already overheated bad things can happen.
  • eaglesgirl2012
    I try to stay away from cardio when I'm sick because it's harder to breathe with a stuffy nose, etc. But I still do strength training or an abs workout so I don't 'fall off the wagon'
  • quietcoral
    quietcoral Posts: 64 Member
    I don't workout even with a cold because I usually feel pretty miserable. My nose runs so bad I need kleenex every 5 min and with the constant sneezing/coughing its just not reasonable. I know people that exercise during colds and I don't know how they do it because I can't imagine doing that. Once I start to feel better I might, but not for the few days.
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    More incentive to really get serious about working out when you feel better...boosting your immune system to ward off sickness in the future!

    Hope you feel better soon and good luck with your journey!
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    I just joined the gym, on the day I joined I had a cracking headache so didn't workout.
    That has now turned into a full blown cold/flu and I feel YUCK.

    Do you guys work out even though you are unwell???

    I feel sad I couldn't make a proper go of it this week - I've done NO exercise whatsoever.

    I suppose once I start feeling better it will get easier.

    If I am able to do so, then yes. i push myself through a sickness. I figure I will work my sickness out of me.
  • Officialas
    Officialas Posts: 50 Member
    To each their own but i personally do still workout with a cold/flu.. however, i stick more to cardio work while i am sick, not sure why. It probably helps that I workout at home (home gym setup) so i don't really have to concern myself too much with making others sick while working out :) Definitely don't push yourself though, ESPECIALLY if you obtain a fever during your flu - it IS better to rest up but some (like myself) just tend to benefit from workouts while semi-sick :)