I'm New!

Hi, i'm new to the site. I would love for people to add me if they are interested in being friends and building a support system! I plan to lose 110 lbs, so support from people with the same goals would be absolutely amazing, but there are no specifics when it comes to friendship :p I have a lot to offer and i think we should all be on the same team! :)


  • slcw1969
    slcw1969 Posts: 1 Member
    I plan to be part of a bible study associated with First Place 4 Health on September 4. I'm making preparations to start that. I have at least 95 pounds and have room to lose more than that. I'll send a friend request.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    I like adding new friends! :) I have been using MFP for over 2 years. I still have 10 pounds to go. I run and like Jillian Michaels DVD's. I am married (almost 10 years) and a stay at home momma of two children, 6 year old boy and 2 year old girl. I also am taking classes to receive my RN. Log every piece of food you put in your mouth and add as many friends as possible. There are great people on this site who offer great motivation, inspiration and down right great comments. I hope you have an excellent night!! ~Corina
  • BridgettWoods
    ok so im new to this as well. started this two days ago. i am doing a calorie counted diet and want to tone and exercise along the way to tone and build muscle... so for my height i need to loose about 100 to 110 lbs.i actually started new eating habits just yesterday bc i was cheating myself . so im drinking zero calorie drinks and keeping my calories to my meals and no snacks in between. so this is what my doctor tells me to do. 1200 calorie diet to loose weight without exercise. so im thinking with exercise i should be in good shape. So here i am lets help each other out as much as possible.Also i must add while doing this i have quit smoking now for 3 weeks! so im going to be healthy and fit going all the way for the gusto!
  • Dress4Dolly
    Tara you are going to love it here!!!! Welcome, and don't be overwhelmed....it works:)
  • accioalpacas
    I just joined, and I'm looking to lose about 40 pounds before February. I would love to look great in clothes and stay away from gaining the dreaded "Freshman 15" colleges talk about. I recently found out that I am allergic to gluten and dairy, so I hope that this will help keep me on track of getting off of my old, unhealthy diet and onto a new one. I also eat organically as often as I can. I am looking for friends to get a support system going, since dieting by yourself is extremely difficult. Add me if you like!
  • runforyourlyfe
    runforyourlyfe Posts: 18 Member
    I just joined as well and would love to have new 'fitness' friends as well :laugh: