I'm Jordan :).

Well, well, well. My name is Jordan and weight has, once again, got the best of me. I've lost and gained weight so much my body probably hates me. Two years ago I completely starved myself day after day. I'd eat 100 calories a day and then go spend 3 hours in the gym non stop. Then I slowly put all the weight back on and I am now thirty pounds heavier than my heaviest weight. When I lost weight before I started at 195 and got down to 140, where I was somewhat happy. In the last year, my boyfriend and I have started dating and even have our own apartment now and ladies you know how being with a guy is. In the last year of him and I dating and I am now at 220.6. It's unreal. It's got to the point where I don't even want to go run errands because of the fact that my clothes don't fit how they used to. I refuse to buy clothes in a bigger size. Things have just got to change. So now, I'm only working three days a week, which is good. I'm trying to work out (do mainly cardio) at least 4-5 times a week and try to stay for at least thirty minutes. That might not be a lot but I could be sitting at home watching a television show, so hey, any bit helps. I don't really eat a lot but I don't starve myself. I eat a banana every morning and eat dinner every night. I drink tons of water throughout the day, every day. My life has to change and it's officially began. I started my diet last Wednesday and ended up weighing the next day to get a beginning weight, which turned out to be 220.6. Today has been a week and I lost 1.2 pounds. I'm already discouraged. I need friends to help me out with this.Wish me luck.


  • dudleyclan
    dudleyclan Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Jordan,
    You need to look at the loss as a start it is better then gaining. A little bit add up so don"t be discouraged keep on going. You can add me if you like.
  • Girl I'm totally on the same page! It just takes a lot of motivation and working through it even when you don't want to, but it sounds like you have an awesome attitude. Feel free to add me and we can encourage eachother. :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Feel free to add me, but fair warning: I actually look at my friends diaries and let them know if they need to eat more.
  • KTlew54
    KTlew54 Posts: 23
    I totally know how it feels yo-yoing up and down with weight. Feel free to add me and we can both punt each other to keep going. ;)
  • KayeG79
    KayeG79 Posts: 37
    You went down 1.2lbs, not up, so that is fantastic! Yeah, it may be a small number, but 1.2lbs in one week is not that shabby. Yes, we all want to see a big number. But take any loss you get! Feel free to add me!
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • wattsj56
    wattsj56 Posts: 94
    Hey guys! Thanks for all the sweet things :). I actually decided to weigh myself again this morning and I wasn't going to be discouraged either way and what-do-ya-know I was 215.9. My dad is really into being healthy, has done tons of triathalons and all that crazy stuff that makes me feel like a little fattie, BUT ANYWAY he really helped me to understand more stuff. He told me about knowing your BMR, which is the calories you burn in your everyday breathing, walking, eating, and sleeping. So he told me to figure that out, mine is 1800, plus whatever I add at the gym that day, then the difference of those added together and the calories I take in is the deficiency of calories. In order to lose my two pounds a week I need to have deficiency of 1000 calories a day, which is really do able for me. I have a whole new mind set this time. I'm not "starving" myself. It's not like throughout the day I'm like "Oh I'm hungry but I'm not going to let myself eat." It's more like I'm simplifying everything in my life now. Through doing a lot of reading and long talks with my beautiful mother I'm realizing have a lot less can make you a lot more happy. This is more than just losing weight, it's about a lot of things. But anywho, I'm realizing the body does not need nowhere near the amount of food I used to eat. Idk, sorry. I swear in real life I don't talk this much. I just like writing :).
  • Hi you can add me if you want :) Im here to be encouraged and to encourage as well :)
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I have been loosing a pound a week since I started and am up to 31 pounds gone! You can do it! Add me if you want! :)
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    You can definitely do it, hun! Also, you may be pleasantly surprised with how you look later, because by the time you reach 145 this time, I'm guessing you'll look far better than you did last time. I've been struggling with ED for a while and dropped from almost 200 to 165 a few years ago, and I look better at 173 now than I did I 165 then. Losing weight the healthy way, especially if you combine it with strength training and exercise, will leave you happier, healthier, and better-looking. Good luck!
  • Aukeilagirl
    Aukeilagirl Posts: 147 Member
    Feel free to add me! I love motivating people. I need some motivating myself!!!
  • nesi0606
    nesi0606 Posts: 31 Member
    Great job!!! 1.2 or just .2 or anything else is a loss which is better than a gain!!! I have learned to celebrate the smallest victories cause they all add up!!! Cheers to you continuing your success, with your positive attitude I am sure you will do fine!! Feel free to add me as we can never have too much support or friends!!!
  • wattsj56
    wattsj56 Posts: 94
    THANK YOU EVERYONE. Everyone is so nice on here. Makes me so happy :)! Hahaha. But I'm still trying to figure this out, so everyone can just send me a friend request, until I can learn how to work this website completely :P.
  • wattsj56
    wattsj56 Posts: 94
    Thank you so much! You're so sweet! I am learning to congratulate myself more than downing myself, slowly :). This is an attitude change as well :D.