Help! Not doing very good!



  • The calories they recommend are what you need to run your body for the day. We are here to lose weight because we ate too many calories. If you eat too few calories your body goes into starvation mode and it will store fat. Try to be around the recommended calories and you will lose weight consistently.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Don't eat below 1200. At a minimum eat 1200 plus what you burn. So if you burn 400 eat at least 1600 (1200+400)
  • It is most likely due to your caloric intake. If you are incorperating exercise you need to eat more. I don't know all your specifics but if you do cardio streangth you should at about 1500 calories. Also, you may want to up your protien intake. there are studies that you can google that show people who up their protien intake loose weight better. My suggestion is not to use MFP suggestions but break your nutrients down to 50% protien 30%carbs and 20% fats. this will make your body into a fat burning machine. Also, don't be afraid of picking up some wieghts. building muscle mass is what is going to make you burn more calories. can't have toned firm arms by running, you have to work your arms. I hope that helps!! GOOD LUCK!
  • makenasmama
    makenasmama Posts: 3 Member
    I thought My fitness Pals were near crazy when I was having similar problems and they told me to eat more! I did and got better results believe it or not! Also I found my "danger" days for weigh ins..which include during TOM and during ovulation...I gain water weight, so I avoid the scale during those times! It helps keep me sane! Hope that helps!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Give your body a reason not to have extra fat.

    You gain extra fat because you:

    Have hormonal imbalances
    Lack proper nourishment
    Don't move enough

    So if you eat well and get the nourishment, hormones tend to level out.
    You drink water to flush the system, a gallon a day!
    Move around!
    Don't be sedentary!

    Simple stuff.
  • coria723
    coria723 Posts: 5 Member
    stick to it! Alot of times peoples weights fluctuate 2lbs daily anyways. make sure your eating healthy foods within your 1200 calories. You'll see results soon!