Protein is getting the better of me...HELP!

I am having no problem keeping under my calorie limit most days but am not losing weight....the only thing that I am going over is most days is Protein. I need some ideas (I have children and not much time to cook from scratch) for low protein breakfasts and lunches so I dont go over. I also have low calcium levels so I don't really want to just simply cut dairy out.

Heres a typical day and my protein was 10g over what I am targetted to have :noway:

Tesco - Pint of Skimmed Milk, 0.5 pint
Tesco - Porridge (Made Up With Water)

Cucumber - With peel, raw, 0.5 cup slices
Kallo - Rice Cakes (Organic) Wholegrain, 5 cake
Cathedral City - Mature Lighter Cheddar Cheese,
Branston - Smooth Pickle,

Tesco - Simply Bake Cod Fillet With Tomato and Basil Butter Sauce,
Potato - Mashed Potato With Semi Skimmed Milk,
Birds Eye - Garden Peas (Frozen),

Advice gladly welcome

Thanks :smile:


  • waveindigo
    waveindigo Posts: 39 Member
    MFP has protein set very low and it certainly doesn't sound like you're eating too much (if anything it looks like you need to add more)
    I've changed my macros to 40% protein, 30% Fat and 30% cabs and find it a lot easier to maintain, and it helps prevent lean mass loss as you drop your weight.

    What do you have your protein target currently set at?
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    I don't think you should worry about 10 grams over protein. Especially if you are working out and gaining muscle- you will need the protein. I think that MFP has some pretty strict protein rules. As a diabetic, I know when I eat more protein than carbs - I feel better and I don't get hungry as often. You should adjust the protein levels under your settings. From what you have listed your protein is coming from milk, cheese and your fish. That's a really small amount of proein. You need more to be healthy.Ask your doctor how many grams of protein you should actually get.
  • Rather than Skim Milk, you can always try unsweetened almond milk. It only has about 1g of Protein vs. Skim Milk's almost 8g of protein. It's a great source of calcium and the other nutrients that you would get from milk as well.

    p.s. I go over my protein intake all the time, but more protein while you're working out helps build the muscle. Also, protein makes you feel fuller longer. I'm honestly a protein fiend, I try and make sure that everything I eat has a balance of protein and carbs.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Default protean setting are too low for most of us. I've lost 60 lbs eating 150 grams a day. Don't worry about it.
  • karijoeide
    karijoeide Posts: 103
    I am usually over on my protein as well, I don't worry about it. I feel better when I eat more protein and less carbs...
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    I'm coming to think I'm the only one who can never reach my protein goal. :grumble:
  • BettyMae73
    BettyMae73 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for your replies...I didn't realise you could amend the levels...mine is set at 51g protein. Its all still new to me and there is still a lot to learn. I have been trying to get a handle on the food side of things before exercising too much because I always seem to overeat when I focus on exercise...

    I am going to step up the exercise and not worry about the protein then...thank you everyone...although almond milk sounds like a nice thing to try anyway...I have never seen that before.. :smile:
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    Muscles burn calories...protein helps with building/toning muscle. Don't underestimate the importance of protein.

    I usually go over as well with protein..the protein setting for MFP is too low but I won't change to "custom" until I know I'm more consistent with everything and actually begin my weight lifting...then I'll probably need to double my protein to 100 grams + per day.

    Good Luck!
  • Benphi91
    Benphi91 Posts: 31 Member
    Ignore the protein limit MFP gives you, it doesn't matter.