Insanity Month One?

I've been pushing myself through Insanity and actually liking it for the most part lol. I just finished up week 3 last week. I'm now beginning week 4, the final week of Month One before the recovery week and I was just wondering, did anyone see any change in their bodies at this point?

Because I've not really lost any weight yet or ANY inches either. I'm really disappointed by this. I kept hearing that you have to wait for Month 2 to really see results but I was still hoping for a little something, that oooh this is starting to work moment that makes you want to keep going lol.

I have no intentions of stopping, I was just curious.



  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    I had a similar experience the last time I did Insanity. I worked my butt off in the workouts, but just didn't really have any results. Then I got my diet in check and it was all over from there. Be sure to follow the diet recommendations... it will make a world of difference. At the very least, be sure you aren't eating too many/not enough cals each day.
    I start Insanity in a few weeks with a Challenge Group :)
    Good luck!
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I was seeing results after two weeks so I'm thinking its probably your diet that needs some tweaking. I think I lost like 6 pounds after the first month.
  • anirak836
    anirak836 Posts: 1
    I'm almost done with Insanity and did not really see any results as far as weight loss. In fact, I gained 4lbs the first two week after starting this workout. Then, around week 6 I lost 6lbs and that has been it. I do feel stronger and more toned. I'm debating whether I should do a second round of Insanity or move on to another form of exercise.
  • Hasu
    Hasu Posts: 67
    Hmmm, its not my diet. I'm following a good diet plan with the help of my nutritionist. I'll keep at it and finish out the 60 days. I like the fact that I feel stronger and look a bit more toned but I'm not seeing any movement on the scales or when checking my measurements. Just have to see where I go from there.
  • I lost around 20lbs and 23 inches doing Insanity. Most of which I lost in the first month.
    It's crazy how it different for everyone.
  • MementoSomniare
    MementoSomniare Posts: 24 Member
    Day 1 of week 4 today. In a similar boat, I guess. I did lose about 4 lbs the first two weeks, nothing week 3. No measument changes either.

    I tried sticking to the meal plan the first week but it's so restricted. I can't see anyone eating only stuff on that list for 2 months. I can't eat 3 egg meals a day! And all the seafood dishes are out for me because of a seafood allergy. :( So I've just been trying to stick to the calorie goal only....

    Is there anything out there similar to the meal plan for Insanity but with a little more variety??
  • Hey everyone, im new to MFP :) Feel free to add me for some support! Im also taking the insanity challenge (day 8)
    THANKS :)
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    Day one here! Fit test completed this AM! I hope I can manage to do some push up jacks some day. LOL!
  • cjmas
    cjmas Posts: 63
    I just finished the Recovery Week. I've lost 8 pounds so far, but have been stuck at the same weight for the past two weeks. I lost three pounds the first week, and then it's been really slow and/or stalled.

    I'll do the first workout of Month 2 (and the Fit Test) when I get home from work. I'm really hoping that Month 2 kicks up my results.
  • isa75
    isa75 Posts: 156 Member
    Just started Insanity yesterday as I finish up my stage 1 of NROLFW. It kicked my butt, love it. It will be interesting to see how this goes...
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    I did the fit test this morning too. Hoping to see some real changes in the next 60 days!
  • Hasu
    Hasu Posts: 67
    Good Luck to everyone who is just starting! Try to keep at it though you'll probably be sore for the first few days lol.

    I finally dropped a pound. So so far, in the middle of week four - just before recovery week - I've dropped a total of 2ish pounds. Somewhat disappointing I must say. But as I said before I'll keep on going. Got nothing to lose but weight and inches ^_^
  • ellizel
    ellizel Posts: 3
    Hi my name is ellie i started insanity two weeks ago i do see a change in my body didnt lose inches but i lost 3 pounds so far im happy and excited to finish :smile:
  • I am just now finishing up week 5 of Insanity. I have been following the meal plan fairly well. I was following it religiously for the first three weeks, but now I do some substitutions. I don't believe that I've lost any weight, really. I weight myself weekly or biweekly. I had lost 2 pounds after the first two weeks, then gained a pound of it back. I don't think that I look much different -- my arms and thighs are a tad more defined than they previously were. I do, however, see a boost in endurance!! I'm just proud of myself for sticking to something like this. I was scared I would stop after day two, but I'm still going strong.

    It works out differently for everybody. I don't have a ton of weight to lose in the first place, but I am enjoying pushing myself every day. Good luck to you all who are doing it!! What's next on the list? I don't think I'm going to wanna do this over right away.
  • geo1437
    geo1437 Posts: 38
    I am about to finish week 4 myself tomorrow morning actually. Afte the first week I stepped on the scale and I was at my start weight still. It didnt make any sense to me because i have NEVER sweat so much in my life. So i decided to not get on a scale again for a while...I waited 3 weeks before i got back on one. And to my amazement I was down 16lbs! I had to take a week off to tend to some family affairs, but i still made sure I got some excerise in every other day. And again to my surprise i made it 4 miles in 38 minutes with out stopping once.

    Now a couple people say that the weight loss is really noticable in my face, and my fiancee she notices it in how my clothes are fitting. I'll be honest Ipersonally don't really see the results, but i can certainly feel them. I feel stronger, I have more energy, and i do find myself hiking up my shorts on a regular basis now. I still have a long way to go, and I am not about to stop.

    I'm new to MFP I mainly joined for the calorie counter, but it is nice to see other people that are going through similar situations with there weight, and how everyboddy is pushing their way forward through them
    According to the nutrition plan, I need to bump up my calories to 2,261! That's like 700 calories more than I currently eat. I am finding it hard to believe I need that much to LOSE weight. . Somebody convince me I need to follow the plan..
    (FYI, I'm 5'6, 31, 185lbs, and I selected very active since I've been doing insanity consistently every morning - except break day).


    Was thinking of doing some of the 10 minute trainer DVDs in the evening, maybe 3 days a week. Anybody had any trouble with doing more than one workout a day. Or is there any really insane person that does insanity twice a day???
  • annabelle6127
    annabelle6127 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there- I am nearly finished with month 1 loved it so far, lots more energy and strength but no weight lose. I am on 1450 calories a day. My question is what would anyone recommend I up my calories for month 2? Thanks so much for your help and please feel free to add me :)