Calling all vegans and vegetarians

Hey guys!!!
I am looking at why I haven't been losing weight for the past few months and spoke with my brother-in-law who is vegan and has lost around 55lbs since December. I'd love to get some feedback from anyone who has gone vegan/vegetarian for weight loss or health reasons. THANKS :flowerforyou:


  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    Pick up the book "The Kind Diet" by Alicia Silverstone. It changed my life! I've recently gone back to vegetarian eating (from vegan) and find that both ways of eating are healthier for me than omnivorous.

    But that may not be the case for you. Every body is different, so I suggest that you try it out for a bit and see if vegetarian or vegan eating is right for YOU.
  • bump
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I went vegan for health reasons. I was able to stop taking a medication, and I felt amazing. The only problem is that I started having gastrointestinal problems that could be related--I'm still being checked out for it. Once it get the signal, though, I'll be back to it (they're not really sure if I have some kind of allergy or what is going on--maybe soy). As far as current animal products go, though, I only eat eggs and occasionally fish.
  • vegankat
    vegankat Posts: 7 Member
    I went vegan over two years ago, after reading The Kind Diet and various other veganism related books, along with watching a couple of documentaries (Food, Inc. is one I can remember). I lost 30 pounds pretty quickly without even trying at all, with basically no exercise. After that, I plateaued and just recently began exercising and eating better (I was more of a junk-food vegan before). In just about 3 weeks, I've lost another 12 pounds.
  • I've been vegan for about 7 months now! I originally went vegan for animal rights reasons, but I've realized it's done wonders for my health! Since going vegan, I feel like I have more energy, I feel stronger, healthier and less tired. It's been the most incredible change in my life and I'll never go back!
  • I am just starting the book "ThriveThe Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life - " from Brendan Brazier. He's a vegan professional ironman triathlete. So far it's very good. I feel so much better when I cut out dairy and a lot of meat out of my diet.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I'm actually pescatarian (think vegetarian diet + fish), and I haven't yet reaped any weight loss from it (my weight was due more to work anxiety rather than diet, so only now that I've been away from that job for a month is my weight starting to drop), but my overall health is very good and I feel more energetic than before. Aside from energy, my body just feels "clean". It's hard to explain, but you'd know what I meant if you ever felt it. xD.
  • illbetravelin
    illbetravelin Posts: 27 Member
    when i first went veggie, i lost 40 pounds, and lost about a pound a month..(7 years) then, 2011 came around and i started eating meat again, and gained it all back. NOW. this month i became a veggie again, and i can already see the weight dropping! good luck!
  • vegankat
    vegankat Posts: 7 Member
    I also forgot to mention that going vegan completely cleared up my psoriasis - before, my hands and feet were cracked and bleeding, now they are completely clear with no itching at all. My severe acid reflux is partially better, but I'm still struggling with it a little.
  • akdoxrud
    akdoxrud Posts: 22
    Going along with the last post, I'd suggest the book, "Food Matters" by Mark Bittman. He suggests going vegan for most of the day and eating meat and animal products for only one meal. He gives examples of how he does this and some fantastic recipes. There's a cook book that goes along with it also. It's very flexible. I've been mostly going vegetarian until supper because I find it hard to give up yogurt. It's a way to ease into it while seeing if the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle is right for you. I would prefer to be vegetarian, but my husband thinks he needs meat. I sneak in some substitutes, like Quorn chicken and he doesn't even know the difference.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I will say that I did gain weight when I went vegan, though...and I don't just eat 'convenience' foods and french fries, haha.
  • going vegan/vegetarian can be great for you...but most people tend to eat unhealthy foods or frozen food since it is easy access, but when i became vegetarian i completely cut out junk food and processed's hard to get used too but your body will adjusted and you will feel such an energy changed and gain a lot of motivation....also you could be undereating because you dont know what to eat, that can slow down your metabolism...i suggested buying a vegetarian/vegan cook book i own the simply vegetarian one it's fantastic, good look!
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I eat vegetarian....

    In between my meat eating sessions

  • vegankat
    vegankat Posts: 7 Member
    I've been mostly going vegetarian until supper because I find it hard to give up yogurt.

    There are lots of vegan yogurt substitutes, if you're interested. They make coconut milk yogurt, soy yogurt and my favorite, almond milk yogurt. :)
  • jamical
    jamical Posts: 11 Member
    I ate meat and eggs/dairy up until 18 months ago. With the quality of meat and dairy steadily declining, I always wondered why I was still eating it. Then, I read the China Study and watched Forks Over Knives and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (you can view for free on Netflix). The messaging in them changed my life.

    I was always obese, pretty much my entire life and while I had begun my weight loss journey as a meat eater with modest success, my weight loss increased significantly once I went plant based then vegan. The first two weeks after I converted, my body went into detox and I lost 14 lbs without even blinking. About 9 months into veganism, I did start to incorporate a little dairy, (goat cheese, blue cheese on occasion and some cow cheese) and found my balance. My weight loss stayed steady and I feel AMAZING!

    There are MANY naysayers out there, so do what you feel is the right thing for you. Then, once you make the choice, listen to your body and you'll remember why you went down this path. It's truly an amazing experience and I can't see myself going back to meat/eggs/all dairy again anytime soon. (P.S. The protein I get from plant-based foods has allowed me to build muscle through weight lifting activities and still lose don't listen when people try to tell you that you can't build muscle w/o animal protein.)

    I'm happy to answer any other questions you have but would recommend finding a dietitian in your area to help you make the transition. It made all the difference for my weight loss in general, but she really helped me fine tune things once I went veg.

    Hope this helps!
  • kaajay
    kaajay Posts: 62 Member
    The Kind Diet is a great book with recipes in it. I recommend it too. It helps you work out the nutrition that you'll need -- because one mistake of becoming vegan/vegetarian is not having enough of it.

    I personally prefer vegetarianism. Do I loose weight easily on it? No. I think one possible issue is that when one is trying to loose weight and think vegetarianism is the way to go, they don't realize that some foods have a LOT of calories. For example, garbanzo beans/chickapeas have a high calorie count. Same for avocados. (And personally, it doesn't satisfy me.) So with those foods, it's very easy to go over the daily calorie ranges.

    But, I do encourage you to try it out and see if it works for you. Sometimes one has to experiment to find what works for their own body. :)
  • fatamerica
    fatamerica Posts: 7 Member
    What types of foods are you eating? Are you eating healthy food, or processed faux meat? How active are you?

    I would suggest limiting (not avoiding) faux meats (and other processed stuff) and instead shifting over to things like legumes. Also, I know there are huge health benefits to things like Avacados, nuts, seeds, omega 3's in general, etc., but they should still be consumed in moderation due to their high fat content.

    Stick with complex carbs whenever possible. Avoid sugars, white bread, white rice, and white pasta, in lieu of whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and quinoa. Even better, stuff yourself with leafy greens for super low-cal and complex carbs.

    I am not an expert...although I've lost a ton of weight in the past leading a healthy vegan lifestyle.
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    I basically scared myself into vegetarianism. Watch Food Inc and you'll understand.
    Initially I went into it for animal rights, then I noticed the pounds started FALLING off.
    Then about a year and a half later or so, after many family dinners of spaghetti (with meat mixed into the sauce) and burgers, and steaks and whatever else..I started to eat it again. Off and on.
    About the same time I went on Prednisone, The pounds rushed back on.
    I reccommend if you're going to go vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian (which I was, yay sushi!) keep to it!
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I've been mostly going vegetarian until supper because I find it hard to give up yogurt.

    There are lots of vegan yogurt substitutes, if you're interested. They make coconut milk yogurt, soy yogurt and my favorite, almond milk yogurt. :)
    I have nothing against real milk, but OMG COCONUT MILK YOGURT?!?! I must find some.
  • akdoxrud
    akdoxrud Posts: 22
    I've been mostly going vegetarian until supper because I find it hard to give up yogurt.

    There are lots of vegan yogurt substitutes, if you're interested. They make coconut milk yogurt, soy yogurt and my favorite, almond milk yogurt. :)

    Great! I'll check them out! Thank you.