I had success and now I'm in slack mode...

I have no idea how to post pictures on the message board, but you can view my profile if you want to see Before and After pics.

My highest weight was 269. I got down to 169... 100 lbs!

But now i'm slacking and finding it really hard to lose the last few lbs and i'm back up to 183!!! Yikes!

How do I get motivated to get back on track??



  • Kiki829
    Kiki829 Posts: 60 Member
    You have come SO far... don't give up now!! You CAN do it. I have a long way to go, too, and it can get overwhelming, but just do your best every day. NOW is the time to stop the gain. Take control, start an exercise program, and keep counting cals or whatever works for you.
  • Shag79
    Shag79 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm stuck at 33 lbs down. (for the last six months) <-- sad. But am getting back into the swing of things. SEEING and hearing how good you look after losing 5lbs or so is amazing. Just keep that in your mind. :)
  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    You can do this girl! Pick a date and set a new goal. Mind over matter!!
  • Wow, that's amazing!! 100Lbs is really something! What a goal to have accomplished! I myself have quite a way to go & have always gone up & down. Really trying to make being healthy & active a way of life instead of just when I need to drop some pounds. The best motivator for me personally is remembering how miserable I was before. Beating myself up everyday because I was too weak or lazy to be conscious how I was treating my body. It just makes you so unhappy. It's so easy to slack off, isn't it?? It's so easy to just say..oh I'll do better tomorrow & then to just fall back into "I don't care mode". You just have to push through & keep on going...you KNOW you can do it, you already have!! On my bad days I just have to force myself to be "good". I really look forward to my "binge day" & that's how I get through, lol.

    I wish you the best of luck & you just keep on pushin!!
  • Desertrose2
    Desertrose2 Posts: 8 Member
  • Jenism1
    Jenism1 Posts: 149 Member
    First off...congratulations on your success so far! Holy cow, 100lbs gone! Good for you!

    I totally understand about the creeping up weight gain. I have lost 35 pounds and trying to get off the last 10 and I am having a terrible time with it! Please add me, if you wish, and we can help each other over this hurdle! I would love a new friend!!

    Thanks and keep up the good fight!
  • Thanks all for the advice. Once you have momentum it seems easier... the trouble is getting going again! I'll get there though!
  • dsmease7
    dsmease7 Posts: 81 Member
    Keep up your awesome progress! You've inspired us by losing 100lbs. That lady is fantastic. Now pick yourself back up & keep moving forward. Look at the difference in your pictures! You know you can do it, you just have to be consistent & never give up:) If you need more friends feel free to add me. It helps when you have supportive friends on here. Good luck!
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    Just think how good you felt when you lost 100 pounds! Now think how you felt before you lost it. At which time did you feel better? If you keep going up, you will kick yourself in the butt for gaining it all back. Stop now! Get back on track before that happens. I know how it feels because i have been there. Lost 80 pounds 3 years ago and then gained it all back and i felt so terrible! I have now lost it again and theres no way i want to be fat anymore. You can do it too.
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    i know EXACTLY how you feel although iv never lost 100 how awesome, iv lost 40 before gained it all back, lost 30something, gained it back lost 20ish, then this last time 30 and now back to 20, i had to sign up w/a PT to hold me accountable, yeah i know what am i gonna do after i FINALLY lose it all! I have to stay accountable!!! its so easy to fall off track
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I know how you feel. Once I hit my goal..I did slack. Its all about finding your mojo. Doing something not to lose weight..but something you enjoy.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    First, feel great about your total loss and maintaining a loss of 86 lbs. That's amazing! Second, it's only 14 lbs. You can lose that in a like a month or two. Just don't let another day go by. Start your day tomorrow eating well. Nothing too drastic or crazy. Just eat a healthy breakfast, plan your lunch. Be moderate. You'll feel better and you'll lose. Do a moderate workout. I think the worst thing is to throw yourself into some hard core just because you gained a bit of weight back. You clearly have had great success...you can get back on track. It just takes one small step!
  • JeanneTops
    JeanneTops Posts: 2,633 Member
    Honestly, I don't think your problem is motivation. I believe you are plenty motivated enough. I read through some of your previous posts and you discussed control issues. So here's my suggestion:

    Start by committing to logging in everything you eat today. It doesn't matter how many calories you're eating or what you're eating or what your goals are, in fact, don't set any except this one. Just focus on keeping that commitment to logging in everything TODAY. Then, tomorrow morning you can wake up and say to yourself: "i was in control yesterday. I logged in everything. I am already better off than I've been in a long time. And, if I could do it yesterday, then I can do it today." Make the commitment again - just for that day. Keep it up, day by day.

    Sooner or later, your eating will improve because you're paying attention to it. But don't make that a goal! Just make logging in and paying attention your goal. Just make it your goal for today. Do not set any other goals and especially not any challenging ones. After some time, you'll start feeling in control of yourself again. And with that sense of control coming back, the rest will fall into place naturally.

    If you think that's too easy, then just think about this. Where will you be three months from now if you do this? Three months of logging in everything you eat, thinking every day about how much you're eating, what you're eating and how many calories there are in it. Isn't that more control than you've had in the past three months? So you'll be better off than you are today.

    Nobody loses 100 pounds without strong motivation and strong willpower. What you've lost is your sense of control. Work on getting that back.
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