I need to lose 100 lbs.

I know what is really wrong with me. I never had to do such an undertaking because I had to go and be honest about myself. I weigh more than 300 lbs and I am almost 5'2" tall. I never weighed that much before and now it is what is bothering me. I feel guilty about what has happened. Why did I allow myself to gain weight? I have been feeling subconscious about my weight. Has anyone on this forum lost over 100 lbs and if so, how did you manage to do so?


  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    Haha there are a ton of people on here that have lost well over 100 pounds! Look at the Success stories. I read at least one a day to keep my motivation up. I have 100 to lose and I'm just getting started so we're in the same boat.

    Feel free to add me! Everyone can use all of the help they can get!
  • First, please don't guilty about gaining. It happens to the best of us. You are headed in the right direction by starting MFP and addressing that there is a problem. I haven't lost a 100. Acutally, I had lost 80 and I have put about 50 of it back on, which is why I'm on MFP. You just have to stick with it, stay under calories and keep exercising. You can do this!
  • Mrshunts
    Mrshunts Posts: 160 Member
    Lots of people have lots lots of weight here....check out the success stories , search the message boards and groups to what what you need. Join a group or two for more support, add friends that are in the same boat as you.
    Just put one foot in front of the other and GO! you can do it if its what you really want.

    Best of wishes and good luck on your journey!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I have lost 82 since January but I have many friends on here that have lost 100+ some 200+ and it can be done. I plan on being in the 100+ category by thanksgiving. You can do it.
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    I have lost 95lbs here on MFP. First you have to get it straight in your head. If you want it bad enough, that is the first step. If you are riding the fence or saying you will cheat on weekends it won't work. It's ok to have a bad day once in a while or reward yourself, but just remember that when you do that, it's just another day behind. Then you need to log your foods religiously. Everything you eat has to be written down so you can see where you need to make adjustments. Keep your sugar low, don't drink your calories, try to balance out our carbs and protein. And then support. Get as many MFP friends that you can that will support you. Not only do they keep you accountable, but the support will do wonders when you feel down or have a bad day. But first and foremost you have to WANT to lose weight and get healthy. Losing 100lbs will take a while, so make short term goals like, "I want to lose 30lbs by Christmas," or, "I want to lose 10 lbs in the next month. If you set short term goals then you chip away at that big number you want.

    You can do it if you want. Just go to the forum and see how many people have lost 100+ pounds. It will take diligence and hard work on your part though.

    Good luck. You can add me as a friend if you want.
  • Hi there!

    I wanted to let you know that you can do this!!! I too struggle with weight. I am also 5 ft. 2 in. and weight 192 pounds. At my heaviest I weighed 213 pounds! I have done Weight Watchers and fitness walking for exercise. I have tried running, but after 4-5 miles I get too much pain in my legs and feet. So I do best with fitness walking! In 2009 I dropped my weight down to 165 pounds and was looking really good! Since that time I have gained back 20+ pounds; but I haven't given up.
    I have added swimming laps/treading water to my routine. I am in the pool for maybe 30 minutes to an hour 5 days a week. I have gotten past "how I look in a bathing suit". If people want to laugh or stare at me, I don't care. Taking care of myself and losing weight is more important. Who are they to judge anyway? There is no "right" or "wrong" body type! Often the very people who poke fun and criticize have no self-esteem and are overweight, too!
    All weight loss really is is more calories burned, less calories in. The only way I have lost weight is by cutting portion sizes and exercising. Drinking more water helps stave off hunger, too! I do that at night when I get the munchies!
    I hope what I have shared with my experience has helped you! Best wishes to you!
  • Welcome to MFP! There's a group for people with a 100 or more pounds to lose. You CAN do it. Feel free to add me :).



    There are many more, all I had to do was go to "Community," click "Groups," and I put in "100 pounds" in the search. :happy: Joining an active group will really help you stay motivated and on track!
  • josh911
    josh911 Posts: 2
    It can totally be done. I have been doing MFP for 10 months. I became a vegetarian in November 2011. I cut all sugar out of my diet unless it was natural in fruit. I reduced my calorie intake to 1200-1400 daily and began doing cardio 3-4 times per week. It was hard at first but it comes totally natural now. Good luck!!!
  • dan95130
    dan95130 Posts: 78 Member
    You can't go back and change the past, so focus on what you can do moving forward. Use this site to log your food and exercise, make a few friends to share the journey with, then be surprised at how easy it is to change you life. There has to be several hundred people on this site who've lost over 100 lbs, so you are far from alone.
    Good luck and welcome to myfitnesspal.
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    I have over 100 to lose, please dont beat yourself up over it (i know easier said than done) let it go, start fresh, take one day at a time, make that one day count, make small changes because they all add up, get in your 8 cups of water every day and do some excercise even small walks help.

    I try to look at it in 10 lb increments, otherwise the number to lose is just too overwhelming; a loss is a loss and we should remember that we didnt gain this weight overnight.

    Please add me and we can support each other. Good luck, you can do it!
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I've lost exactly 100 (started losing before discovering MFP) and I have 87 more to go. It can totally be done and this is the site and the people that will help you if you dedicate yourself to it. Feel free to add me if you wish, I'm on here every day and I try to always be super supportive. Best of luck to you. It's time consuming but that time is gonna pass anyway, might as well use it wisely :wink:
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I'm at 99. 100 should come sometime next week. A lot of people on here have done it. There are many paths, but the best ones all share some common themes. It takes patience, consistency, and a lot of lifestyle changes. But you can do it, and getting close to the other side of that journey, I can tell you it's so worth the trip. Log everything - it takes a few minutes a day. Maintain a daily calorie deficit. Don't starve yourself - it slows down your weight loss and does a lot of other bad things to your body. Find an exercise program that works for you - start reasonably instead of going straight to something extreme you can't or won't keep up. Just walking is a great start. Make small changes for the better that you are willing to keep up for the long term - it's not a diet, it's a new lifestyle. Set interim goals to keep you motivated. Realize there will be setbacks and periods where things aren't moving as fast as you hoped, but know that if your direction is right, it will work. Find some support from people with similar goals and strong commitment to them. And check in with your doctor. Good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
    I feel your pain, I am 5ft3 and was 309 pounds in may 2009 I yoyo'd for 20 years in the high 200's and when I saw that 300 something hit me, I was devastated! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, just make small goals, mfp and all the great supporters on here have SAVED me! Its so motivating when it tells you what you should weigh in 5 weeks and its a great accountability to see your calories in green everyday...I HATE seeing my calories in the red and there are more red days then I care to mention but its a journey!! I reached my half way goal and still have another 70 pounds to lose, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! Feel free to add me...xoxo
  • tedinger4given
    tedinger4given Posts: 12 Member
    I too have over 100 pounds to lose, I am also 5"2" . It isnt easy for me, I tend to start out really well and lose my motivation. I am not sure why I do it, you would think the more I lost the more motivation I would gain. It is so opposite for me, its almost like self sabatoge. I have found that with support it gets easier. We are all here for you. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    It takes hard work and determination, but is definitely possible. You have to be in the right mind set and realize that you need to find something that will work for you for the rest of your life, not just a temporary fix. When I first started, I just made sure to log everything that I ate(good and bad) My exercise consisted of Wii fitness games, exercise dvd's, and walking. Now I run, take Zumba classes, do strength training, etc. I have turned my whole life around for the better.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Don't spend time feeling guilty, but DO spend time figuring out why it happened. Be honest with yourself - I think understanding why you made the choices you made to lead you to where you are is a huge part of making sure you turn it around and don't let yourself do it again.

    I managed to lose my weight by logging my calories, measuring or weighing almost everything I eat and exercising every day. Basically, I changed my relationship with food. I don't always make the right choices, but I make the right choices more often than the wrong ones. Best of luck, if you want it you can make it happen :smile:
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    Don't think of 100, think of the first 10 ... then the first 20 ... and so on. :) It adds up fast!
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Don't think of 100, think of the first 10 ... then the first 20 ... and so on. :) It adds up fast!
    Absolutely agree... the big number can seem overwhelming and like an impossible task. Start with small goals and stack them up over time.
  • suaku
    suaku Posts: 45
    I've lost 100+ pounds.

    It's not easy, but it's pretty simple for most. Move more, eat fewer calories.

    That being said, here are things that have worked for me.

    1. Don't "diet" -- eat in as normal a way as possible, but eat fewer calories. That's smaller portions and/or better choices and/or eating splurge foods less frequently. The goal is to change your lifestyle into something that will get you to and *keep* you at a lower weight. I've lost 100 pounds while eating take-out pizza (two slices of plain instead of a 6 slices of loaded), drinking beer (limit 2 and I manage my other calorie intake on those day), and eating out regularly with friends (smart menu choices and limiting portion size).

    2. Walking -- yes, it's not glamorous, but it's easy, cheap, and minimizes the likelihood of your getting injured (which leaves you back at square one). And, when you're larger, your weight helps you burn more calories when you walk. I like treadmills, because after you've been walking for a bit, you can increase the incline so you're walking up a constant hill and burning calories faster. Don't run -- it puts too much stress on your joints when you're heavier and you might end up injured.

    3. Don't starve yourself. After about 4-6 weeks of progress, I plateaued - utterly depressing. I went to a smart nutritionist and she told me I wasn't eating enough calories (1200 was too little for a 280# man exercising for 60-90 minutes per day). She told me to up my calories to 1700-1900 per day. I thought that it was weird that eating more could help me lose weight, but I tried what she said and it worked. I never plateaued again during the 100+ pound loss.

    4. My favorite food find is La Tortilla Factory High Fiber whole wheat tortillas (I buy 'em at Safeway or Costco). They're high in fiber (12 grams will fill you up) and have 8 grams of protein for only 80 calories. They taste much better toasted. That allows me to make lo-cal breakfast burritos with EggBeaters and salsa (yummy!) and lo-cal turkey sandwiches for lunch/snacks. No, I have no interest in the company, but their product has been super-helpful for me.

    5. Use MyFitnessPal religiously. You can't do portion control without a kitchen scale -- get one. And read *every* label; you'll be surprised at what you learn and it will become a habit.

    6. If applicable, get your spouse on board (my wife's lost over 50 pounds herself).

    Good luck -- if I can do it, you probably can, too! :)
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Don't think of 100, think of the first 10 ... then the first 20 ... and so on. :) It adds up fast!

    ^^^^^^^^^^^This is how it is done,