So completely frustrated!

Sighs. Ok, Im really, really frustrated and confused. Let me tell you why. I am 34 years old and I weigh 441lbs. I've dieted my whole life, going up and down.... I got serious about my weight loss on 7/18 and started with the body by Vi shakes. I replaced 2 meals, ate a healthy dinner with snacks of cucumbers and carrots and fruits in between. I know a lot of people say "fad" diets like that aren't good for you and so on...... but in doing the shakes I didn't get hungry, I felt satisfied, they curbed my sugar cravings and I lost 9 pounds in 9 days. I thought I was doing so good. I was staying between 800 to 1000 calories a day. About 4 days into the process I started walking. I walk about 30 minutes 4-5 days a week. I should have taken my measurements when I started but I didn't, however I can tell that my clothes fit a little better. I am now a little over 3 weeks in and I have not lost one ounce since 7/27. Well, I take that back, I gained 2 lbs somehow but lost them again. I tried eating breakfast and replacing lunch and dinner with the shakes so that Im not eating so late, it didn't help. So I got on this website and figured out that maybe I haven't been eating ENOUGH calories, which seems odd to me...but still. I thought OK, let me change things up a bit. I started eating more calories and such according to the numbers MFP gave me. I weighed again this morning........ NOTHING. Really? I understand that for someone who doesn't have much to loose it can take time and blah blah, but with as much weight as I have to loose and as drastically as I have changed my lifestyle over the past 3 weeks, I feel like the weight should be practically falling off of me at this point..... like I seriously went from eating Big Macs and FFs and pizza and cookies EVERYDAY and no exercise whatsoever to fruits and veggies and lean meats and walking. I am so completely frustrated I just want to cry. I am ready. I am SO ready, beyond ready to do this for real this time. Giving up is not an option but I really dont know what else to do. If ANYONE has any suggestions, please... I am all ears!


  • Whart0603
    Whart0603 Posts: 92 Member
    The body is an amazing machine. However, no matter what our goals are, the body does what it wants. Sometimes there isn't an explanation as to what the body does. Don't get discouraged though! If you keep walking and eating the calories MFP says, you will lose weight.

    Looking at your diary, just a couple things. Make sure to eat all your calories for the day. If you don't, your body can go into a self sustaining mode and not burn excess fat as energy. Also, make sure you get your water for the day. Water is very important!

    Good luck! :)
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I am ready. I am SO ready, beyond ready to do this for real this time. Giving up is not an option but I really dont know what else to do.

    Stop weighing yourself, darling. That's what I had to do until I started FEELING better. The scale used to determine my mood for the day. Now, I have a healthy head and realize it's just a tool that I can use rationally now. The fat loss will come. Just do what is right and take baby steps. This is a lifetime thing. Lean on your MFP friends for support. Next year at this time you will be posting in the success forum.

    Again, Stop weighing yourself. And do this for real.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree with have to just keep being patient and give it time. The 9 pounds in 9 days is amazing and even if you spread that out over the last 3 weeks, that's still nothing to sniff at! I don't know if there's any science behind this but I've noticed my weight will stall out ever 10 pounds or so but I just keep plugging away and it seems like just as I start getting frustrated, the next day I lose again!

    Another potential problem might be water are a few things to keep in mind. When you first start exercising or change up your routine, your muscles will be damaged slightly (that's why we're sore) and part of the healing process is a retention of water (and something else I can't remember), which may make your weight fluctuate a bit. Also, if you're not already tracking sodium, add that to your food diary. A few days of going over your limits and not drinking nearly enough water and you'll be retaining water. Lastly, remember as women we have water retention as part of our monthly cycle.

    Just keep at it and you will see results! and definitely start taking measurements! I wish I had when I started in 2010 but even the changes since last year have been pretty dramatic.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Youre just gonna have to stick to this for a long time. Prove you can keep these changes for a month or two before you add more changes. One or two changes at a time. PROVE they are now standard habits for yourself. THEN adopt more changes.

    if you rush through this at a pace you cant keep up with, youre going to quit cause you set yourself up for disappointment.
  • veggiechick
    veggiechick Posts: 6 Member
    I agree, stay away from the scale. It frustrates me at times too. You said your clothes were loser - that is a win! You are walking for exercise - that is a win! and you are eating healthier - another win! Keep doing what you are doing and make sure you are getting enough calories.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    My suggestion would be to stick with what you're doing now for a little longer - at least a few weeks - to allow you to see any real progress. Bottom line is (if I'm understanding you right) you've lost 9 lbs in just over 3 weeks. That's a fantastic rate of loss, even with so much to lose. Some of that will probably be water weight - it usually is unfortunately when you first start, especially with very low calories. However, the scale is going in the right direction, so there's a lot to be pleased with!

    A lot of people have a lot of different opinions about how many calories you should be eating, and it's best to seek professional advice if possible. I believe that in general, people who are significantly obese can "get away with" higher calorie deficits more than people who don't have as much to lose. Even so, I'm inclined to think that going with the calorie deficit MFP has provided for you, and eating that little bit more, will be more sustainable for you in the long run. After all, you don't want this to be the latest in a long line of diets that you've tried. Try to make this a permanent lifestyle change.

    Like you say, you've made a massive change to your lifestyle. Some people might disagree with me, but I would even say - don't try to cut out every kind of food that you like, at least not all at once. Do you see yourself eating only lean meat and veggies 2 months from now? 6 months? A year or more? Try and eat in a way that you're going to be able to maintain. Make small changes, focusing on the parts of your diet that need improving the most. I eat chocolate still, and cheese and even pizza, just smaller amounts and less often, and I make sure they fit into my calorie goal. That way, I don't have to worry about craving things that I've cut out. That's just me though - I know everyone's different about things like that.

    Don't be discouraged though. You've lost 9 lbs, and you've made massive changes to your life that will have such a positive impact on your health. Remember this: weight loss is not linear. You're going to be doing this for quite a while, and it's very unlikely that you'll see a loss on the scales every week. Chances are, you'll go up some weeks, even if you do everything "right". Weight goes up and down depending on how much you've eaten, how much you've drunk, whether you're retaining water because you've eaten a lot of sodium, whether you're retaining water from exercise, hormonal fluctuations etc. The fact that you've just started exercising more, AND you've increased your calories (+ more food in your system) makes it very likely that you are retaining water which is masking any fat loss. (Did you know that carbohydrates retain water too?) The scale is a useful tool, but it doesn't show you the whole picture.

    I would say, stick to the calories MFP has given you. Focus on getting more of the nutrients you were maybe lacking before, at the same time including some foods that you really like, so you don't feel like you're "on a diet". Don't worry about what time you eat as that won't make a difference. Keep up with the exercise. Drink lots of water (or other fluids). If you haven't already, go and take measurements and take some photos so that you can compare later on. Keep doing this for a few weeks and if you're not seeing any progress then, come back and ask for more suggestions.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You can do this, it's just one day at a time. It took a long time to put weight on. It will take a long time to take it off.

    You have done great so far. Don't give up.

    If the shakes stopped working for you, maybe you should try a more regular healthy food pattern?
  • Are you under a lot of stress? I know some people will disagree with me, but I seriously believe when a person is under stress, their body will hang on to their weight. It's happened to me time and time again! Plus, maybe your body is in starvation mode?? Maybe it got "shocked" when you curbed your calories so suddenly and said, "Oh no, I'm starving! Better hang on to this weight." Maybe try eating all your calories for the day for awhile and see what happens.
  • Hang in there. If you continue to log and eat healthy, you will lose weight. It's been slow for me as well. I really did not lose in 6 months, despite eating well and working out. Then I was gaining. Now I am logging again and making good food choices and I started to lose again this week. It's never constant with weight loss I have learned from all the times I have take weight off. You are making great food choices and doing this for your health. If you give up, this time next year, you will be like 'I should not have given up last year.' I am not happy at my current weight, but I know that if I stopped trying, my weight would continue to climb and my health would continue to decline. Focus on health and don't worry about the scale. If you need me, private message me. :)
  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member
    Forgive me if this seems a silly question but is it possible at all that there's something wrong with the scale? Barring that I don't have anything to offer the above posters haven't already said. Don't lose heart this is the beginning of a journey we're taking it together and we'll end up in a better place.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I agree with Jester. Try what MFP is recommending for a full month. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to starve to lose weight. I weighed in at 224.8 pounds this morning and eat an average of 2000 calories per day(give or take) You need to find something that you can stick with for the rest of your life.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Ok, I looked over your food dairy (last week or so) need to eat fewer carbs and less sodium and more protein.
    You also need to be drinking more water. (at least 8 cups a day)
    You also need to eat breakfast. Your body has been fasting while you were asleep. You need to jump start your day with some protein and healthy carbs (oatmeal for example).
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    It is really not a weight loss journey. It's a life journey towards health.

    Eat well and care for your body and the weight will drop. Don't punish your body (with unnecessary stress) when it is not doing what you want it to do. You've put on 300lbs of neglect on it. Let nature take its course by eating right and exercising.

    Don't expect a 1 pound loss per day, it is unrealistic. You know this already, you've been dieting your whole life.
  • JessL83
    JessL83 Posts: 3 Member
    I hear you. You've done so well to already lose those 9lbs, though! I've been working my butt off seriously for the last month. Staying within my calories, getting my exercise in...and I've only lost 1/2lb. Not even a whole pound!! I started to get upset, but then started noticing my belly being the tiniest bit flatter, my booty getting perkier, my waistline reappearing - and now, within the past week, people have started commenting that I look good. The only thing I can figure is that while I'm toning I may also be gaining more muscle mass and muscle weighs more. I've also started trying to fit in more cardio when/where I can, even if it's only 10 minutes. I take a yoga/tai chi/pilates combo class 3 times a week, and try to fit in at least 20 minutes of cardio before/after the class, and then try to get in cardio the 2 other days that I don't have class. I just started fitting in more cardio this week, so I'm hopeful that I will see some changes when I weigh-in next week, but I'm trying not to get discouraged. Drink up as much water as you can, watch your carbs/sugar (even the ones in fruit!), eat more green veggies (think salads made with kale and spinach - they're much more filling than regular lettuce and tastier) and be careful of your sodium. YOU'VE GOT THIS :)
  • vwdyess
    vwdyess Posts: 12 Member
    I too, agree with everyone! Drink LOTS of water. Drink a glass of lemon water 30 minutes before you eat. It helps curb your appetite and helps to boost metabolism. Also, mix up your exercise, and don't worry so much about what the scale says. You could be retaining water, or even building muscle so this can lead to weight gain. Also, make sure to weigh yourself at the same time once a week. Be patient, and don't give up! your MFP friends are here to support you!
  • ccarre81
    ccarre81 Posts: 134 Member
    I agree, stick to it.

    Based on your diary over the past few days, here are my .02 cents:
    1. Watch your sodium intake.
    2. Carbs are high, mostly due to starch and not fibre unfortunately. IMO, MFP macros are kinda high for carbs. So try to increase fibre and decrease starch. The carbs coming from sugar do not appear to be from fruit, so switch those high sugar and low calorie bars for berries, melons or apples.
    3. Try adding more fresh veggies to your diet. You'll learn to love them, experiement to find what you like best.

    I haven't read the other responses but I'm sure you'll have people on here telling you to eat more. Honestly, given the amount of weight you have left to lose, they starvation mode doesn't really apply if your eating around 1200 cals. (don't go crazy though and start netting below 500 calories a day!). 60lbs ago I did the 1200 and it worked... now I workout alot so I eat more. But until you start being really active, remain at a low calorie diet... and fuel up with proper nutrition, and I know you know what that is... fruits, lean meats, and veggies, veggies, veggies (and more veggies)!

    You can add me as a friend if you want.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Sighs. Ok, Im really, really frustrated and confused. Let me tell you why. I am 34 years old and I weigh 441lbs. I've dieted my whole life, going up and down.... I got serious about my weight loss on 7/18 and started with the body by Vi shakes. I replaced 2 meals, ate a healthy dinner with snacks of cucumbers and carrots and fruits in between. I know a lot of people say "fad" diets like that aren't good for you and so on...... but in doing the shakes I didn't get hungry, I felt satisfied, they curbed my sugar cravings and I lost 9 pounds in 9 days. I thought I was doing so good. I was staying between 800 to 1000 calories a day. About 4 days into the process I started walking. I walk about 30 minutes 4-5 days a week. I should have taken my measurements when I started but I didn't, however I can tell that my clothes fit a little better. I am now a little over 3 weeks in and I have not lost one ounce since 7/27. Well, I take that back, I gained 2 lbs somehow but lost them again. I tried eating breakfast and replacing lunch and dinner with the shakes so that Im not eating so late, it didn't help. So I got on this website and figured out that maybe I haven't been eating ENOUGH calories, which seems odd to me...but still. I thought OK, let me change things up a bit. I started eating more calories and such according to the numbers MFP gave me. I weighed again this morning........ NOTHING. Really? I understand that for someone who doesn't have much to loose it can take time and blah blah, but with as much weight as I have to loose and as drastically as I have changed my lifestyle over the past 3 weeks, I feel like the weight should be practically falling off of me at this point..... like I seriously went from eating Big Macs and FFs and pizza and cookies EVERYDAY and no exercise whatsoever to fruits and veggies and lean meats and walking. I am so completely frustrated I just want to cry. I am ready. I am SO ready, beyond ready to do this for real this time. Giving up is not an option but I really dont know what else to do. If ANYONE has any suggestions, please... I am all ears!

    Aww boo. I'm giving you a hug. I feel so bad for you. I can imagine how frustrated you are. But hang in there.
  • GidgetW
    GidgetW Posts: 23
    I agree, stick to it.

    Based on your diary over the past few days, here are my .02 cents:
    1. Watch your sodium intake.
    2. Carbs are high, mostly due to starch and not fibre unfortunately. IMO, MFP macros are kinda high for carbs. So try to increase fibre and decrease starch. The carbs coming from sugar do not appear to be from fruit, so switch those high sugar and low calorie bars for berries, melons or apples.
    3. Try adding more fresh veggies to your diet. You'll learn to love them, experiement to find what you like best.

    I haven't read the other responses but I'm sure you'll have people on here telling you to eat more. Honestly, given the amount of weight you have left to lose, they starvation mode doesn't really apply if your eating around 1200 cals. (don't go crazy though and start netting below 500 calories a day!). 60lbs ago I did the 1200 and it worked... now I workout alot so I eat more. But until you start being really active, remain at a low calorie diet... and fuel up with proper nutrition, and I know you know what that is... fruits, lean meats, and veggies, veggies, veggies (and more veggies)!

    You can add me as a friend if you want.

    I agree with this!!!
  • I am going to combine the advice from a couple of previous posters:

    1. Drink More Water!
    2. Eat More Fruits/Veggies!
    3. Even though you do have a lot to lose you should at least NET 800 to 1200 calories per day.

    i.e. 1400 (Food) - 400 (Exercise) = 1000 NET
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    You've gotten some good suggestions and I don't really have anything new to add, but wanted to let you know how awesome I think you're doing! You are taking a huge step toward your health and future and that is wonderful. I know it can be so hard to develop new habits and can be so frustrating when you aren't seeing the results in the time you were hoping to, but it will come. If you continue to make healthier choices, you will be a healthier person. Keep up the good work!