So completely frustrated!



  • jaj68
    jaj68 Posts: 158 Member
    hi....i am sorry you are frustrated. but I am happy and proud of you for sharing such a personal battle.
    It is so frustrating when the scales don't move and you feel like you have been doing all the right things.
    Someone else mentioned the scale not being accurate. I know the scale I use states a maximum weight.
    You will get lots of advice....try this or do that. See what works for you, everyone is different.
    Have you had your thyroid checked though...that is one thought.
  • rcalvert1
    rcalvert1 Posts: 117 Member
    With the body by vi shake it helps you build lean muscle and burn fat. You are prolly buidling musle thus not seeing results on the scale. I've been doing the shakes for 12 wks now and Ive lost 20.4 lbs which to me doesnt sound like a lot but I've lost 4 in in my bust, 2.75 in in the waist and 2 in in the hips. There were several times where I didnt lose anything that week but lost 3 the following week. 9 pounds in 3 weeks is great! You dont want to lose it too fast, its just not healthy. So, keep at it and like the others have said, drink lots of water (take your weight, divide by 2 and again by 8 .. thats roughly how many glasses of water a day you should be drinking) and of course log all your food. You will get there, keep up the good work. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • poeco76
    poeco76 Posts: 139 Member
    First of all, nine pounds is amazing! Congratulations!! :O)

    Secondly, I personally know how frustrating it is to be doing everything you can and still not see the losses on the scale. When we are larger, we assume that if we change drastically, suddenly everything should start working in our favor and the pounds will just fall off. I will use myself as an example, as I don't want to speak for anyone else. The first couple of weeks I was logging foods here on MFP, I dropped 15 pounds. I was so excited! I knew that it would slow down after the initial loss, but I didn't expect for it to completely stop. Literally, stop. For 2.5 months, I played back and forth, up and down with the same 2 lbs, and I can tell you, I feel your frustration (as I speak from experience). During this time, I was staying within my calories, working out (hard and long, too!), and nothing was happening. I know I posted at least once here with my frustrations, and it's such a horrible and demotivating feeling. All I can say is... don't give up. I promise, it will get better! :O)

    One piece of advice I would offer is that you are eating too few calories (and yes, this is a reality). When we're larger, we think that we should just eat as little as possible so the weight will come off faster, but our bodies don't work that way. The body is an engine, and in order to work properly, it needs fuel... our fuel happens to be food, and if we aren't giving it food, it's going to go into conservation mode to protect itself. As odd as it seems, we HAVE to eat in order to lose. As soon as increased my calories (I was eating more than you are at 1400 cals a day, but changed them to 1850 a day), the weight slowly started coming off. It took a couple of weeks for my body to figure out that I wasn't trying to starve it, but we absolutely have to put the fuel in to get results... I firmly believe that.

    Don't give up on this... just eat more, and while the weight may not drop off immediately, I'm willing to wager, that in the long run you will be better off.
  • carolina_brandy
    Thank you all SO much for all the tips and encouraging words. Its nice to be able to talk with people who really do understand. Not that my family and friends aren't helpful and supportive, they are... but they just can't "get it". I am going to go back and re-read all your replies, make notes and keep going. Thank you all again!
  • lifescircle
    I agree with this except to add that you need MORE than 8 cups of water a day. My goal is 15 cups of water a day. The more overweight you are the more water you need.

    Be patient. It takes time. You need to be consistent because your body is used to your size right now. It has to get un-used to it and it will take time. Developing habits take time. And eat FOOD. Make it a lifestyle change and not a fad.

    Do research, research, and more research on foods and how they work with your body. You will be amazed.

    Snack on HEALTHY, not processed, foods throughout the day so that your body doesn't go into protection mode, as it is doing now, because you're not consistently adding good fuel.

    Stay away from packaged foods. You'll be amazed how your body will change when you do that.

    You can get sweets from fruits, plenty of sweet fruits. Get your crunch from nuts, without salt, raw nuts. Any veggies, fruits, and nuts will do your body good. It is some good stuff.

    Be patient with yourself.

    You CAN and WILL do this.
    Ok, I looked over your food dairy (last week or so) need to eat fewer carbs and less sodium and more protein.
    You also need to be drinking more water. (at least 8 cups a day)
    You also need to eat breakfast. Your body has been fasting while you were asleep. You need to jump start your day with some protein and healthy carbs (oatmeal for example).
  • tubbytoby08
    Please dont get discouraged.. Its taken me 7 months to lose 40 lbs! It takes time.... be patient and GET OFF those shakes.. real food is best.. learn to eat real food three meals a day and exercise , thats how to change your life.. Those shakes are not real food... and when you get off them and eat food in its place you will gain..THE TRUE WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT IS LOWERING CALORIES AND EXERCISE!!!. .. GOOD LUCK!!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I noticed several people who have lost a LOT of weight do what I do: just do what My Fitness Pal tells you to.

    Log your food.
    Let MFP calculate your calories and eat the calories you're supposed to.
    Do some exercise.
    Move from where you are to a healthier diet. It may take a while, but keep going in the right direction.

    I'm not usually one to just follow directions. But I believe people who have done this before.

    Good luck! You are SO worth doing this for.