I need help from females!

I need help, so bad! I get insane when I get my period... And I cannot stop snacking!! Yesterday I ate chips AND chocolate!!

What do you do when it's your time of the month?! How do you cut the cravings and get motivated to stay on track?

Please, please, pleeease help me!! It also doesn't help that I gain water weight, and look at the scale and get even more upset!

Thanks in advance :)


  • KaraAdams69
    honestly i have the same problem, but i think that maybe if you stock up on lays fat free chips (made with olestra) and chocolate rice cakes or protein bars, then maybe you wont feel so guilty after having a snack or two. also, just drink LOTS of water, maybe even something carbonated. the volume and the fizziness keeps you full pretty well:) hope this helps!
  • treehugger215
    treehugger215 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks hun!! I'm definitely going to try that :)
  • Acidique
    Acidique Posts: 119 Member
    Popcorn is a good alternative too, as long as it's regular, without butter or toppings. Might curb the "snack" desire for a lot less calories.
  • KaraAdams69
    no problem i know it works for me:) and yes popcorn= very good
  • Bobbie_89
    Bobbie_89 Posts: 146
    Hi!! I actually posted a topic about this myself not to long ago asking for help...Heres the link to the page...Hope you can get some answers from what others had suggested.

  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    i have the same problem. heres what i do to fix the whole chocolate craving. i take 1 tbls of unsweetened cocoa powder, add one packet of truvia, and a squirt of sugar free pancake syrup and then add a few squirts of i cant believe its not butter spray...mix it all together and its like a chocolate frosting/syrup (kind of inbetween the two) it only comes to about 25 calories and it takes away that urge to binge on ...oh 20 cookies ;) ALSO, the best way that i found to get full fast and get rid of the binge urge is peanut butter on toast. works everytime. a glass of water before itt and after it. leaves you full and carrying on with your day.
  • tinytoyjess
    tinytoyjess Posts: 139 Member
    I am currently loving Kashi TLC Oatmeal and Dark Chocolate Cookies. They have enough chocolate to satisfy a craving without going overboard. Of course I suppose this idea would backfire if one were to eat the entire box in one sitting. lol
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    I think this is a huge problem for most of us, I have learned to snack on popcorn, mini rice cakes, apples sometimes with peanutbutter, and chewing gum or sucking on hot balls or jolly ranchers. Hope this helps. Also when I am making dinner it helps to snack on carrot sticks or chew gum so I dont taste what I am making
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I need help, so bad! I get insane when I get my period... And I cannot stop snacking!! Yesterday I ate chips AND chocolate!!

    What do you do when it's your time of the month?! How do you cut the cravings and get motivated to stay on track?

    Please, please, pleeease help me!! It also doesn't help that I gain water weight, and look at the scale and get even more upset!

    Thanks in advance :)

    Do dark or bitter sweet chocolate. It's not that bad for you and it curbs the craving for chocolate better than milk chocolate-with less sugar and fat!
  • amrita0286
    happens to me all the time, you're not alone!
    I try to keep water with me at all times , and snack on healthy things like the rice cakes are a good alternative to chips.
  • isingthebodyelectric
    I'm not going to lie, for my personal sanity during Aunt Flo's unwelcome prescence I have a cheat day (usually on the heaviest day, if you pardon my TMI). :) Sometimes a girl has got to have a milk shake!

    I second the water drinking suggestion. I pour it back during that week. It'll help with the bloating, which in turn helps with the desire for the bad stuff.
  • marisanleon
    Lucky for me I don't like chocolate. Haha but go to your grocery store and look for those 100 calories snacks. They have a WHOLE bunch with chocolate in it like cookies and brownies and all that. Try to stay far away from candy. Don't keep it in your house, and definitely don't go looking for it in a store. Go for fruit. And if you must have to, cover your fruit with a low calorie melted chocolate. Personally I crave french fries. :)
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I figure if I've done good the rest of the month, 1 or 2 days isn't going to ruin 28 others of hard work. If I want a candy bar, for everyone's safety, I'm just going to have it. :) No reason to stress over something like that. And honestly, women need 100-200 more calories per day on the first 3 days of her cycle, so I don't bug about it. Usually my problem is the week leading up, though. And if I want something, I have it, whether it sends me over calorie-wise or not. Life is too short to fuss and stress over something like that! :)
  • plot_twist
    Staying hydrated is definitely important! Another thing I like to do (that helps with cramping, too!) is actually to work-out. It sounds strange, but the physical activity distracts me, reminds me to drink more water, and gets my muscles moving to reduce cramping.
    Even just walking around my house usually helps !
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    I have whatever I'm craving and move on.
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I can't lie, I'm a hotassed MESS for at least a full week. At this point, if I could curb my fat food (typo stays when it should have been "fast") to one or two bad days, I'd be in a way better spot than I've been the past few months.
  • sempertracy
    sempertracy Posts: 50 Member
    Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal-has protein, fiber and gives me the crunch and chocolate all at once.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I need help, so bad! I get insane when I get my period... And I cannot stop snacking!! Yesterday I ate chips AND chocolate!!

    What do you do when it's your time of the month?! How do you cut the cravings and get motivated to stay on track?

    Please, please, pleeease help me!! It also doesn't help that I gain water weight, and look at the scale and get even more upset!

    Thanks in advance :)

    You may be able to head off chocolate cravings with light microwavable popcorn. I read about it a couple of years ago in a women's magazine. It raises your Serotonin level just like chocolate. Raising your Serotonin level should help your other symptoms as well.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Maybe you could try protein shakes, Syntha 6 has some yummy flavors.

    Also, smoothies. Chocolate protein powder, milk, banana, flozen blueberries, maybe some ground flax and wheat germ, would make an awesome meal.

    EDIT: I've added protein powder to iced coffee and tea, it's delicious, and really feels like a treat, but you get nutrients as well and don't really have the option to over-indulge. (Unless you really try hard I guess :laugh: )
  • dbarchus
    dbarchus Posts: 42
    God BLESS menopause. ;)