P90x vs. Insanity

Sure this has question has been posed before, but does anyone recommend one over the other? If so, why? I need to change up my cardio. I ride a stationary bike between 15-18 miles 5 days a week, and am getting BORED.


  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    Depends on what you're going for, and what you like best. If you're more into cardio workouts then Insanity might be beter for you. If you like lifting weights with some cardio on the side then P90X is for you.
  • cynpony
    cynpony Posts: 4 Member
    I've done ChaLean Extreme (that is fun and got me hooked on strength training), Power 90, P90X, Jillian Michaels Body Revolution...any of those are nice for variety. Insanity always seemed too high-impact for me (I'm 43 and have old injuries and beginning of arthritis, so I have to be careful) Now I mix and match either certain routines or just throw together favorite combos. There are MANY ways to get your heart rate up to 90-95% of max...and train your muscles to be sleek along the way.
  • aweigh2go
    aweigh2go Posts: 164 Member
    It depends on your goals:

    If you want to strictly lose fat, INSANITY is the way to go. It is 63 days of jumping around in front of the TV, sweating, panting and gasping for air. It is divided into two separate 4 month blocks with a recovery week between the two blocks. You think the first month is hard until you get to the second month and then you realize the first month was really cake. There is no equipment required for INSANITY. Just enough room to do the workouts. I do it in the family room.

    P90X is more for building muscle. You will also burn a little fat too. P90X is a 90 day commitment. There is equipment required for P90X that you can either get from Beachbody or a sporting goods store or Wal-mart. You need exercise bands or dumbells for many of the movements. There are a lot of pullups so you can buy a pullup bar or use the exercise bands.
  • Insanity all the way for weight loss and trim up! You can follow with P90X to tone up. I didn't find P90X cardio videos challenging after going through 2 months of Insanity workouts. Good luck!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I agree ChaLEAN Extreme or Turbo Fire may be a good fit. P90X, which I'm doing now, is more weight lifting but also more well rounded (includes yoga, stretching, a whole lotta balance) than Insanity, which is total body conditioning but more cardio-based. P90X is a 90-day program and Insanity is 60 days.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It depends on your goals:

    It is 63 days of jumping around in front of the TV, sweating, panting and gasping for air. It is divided into two separate 4 month blocks with a recovery week between the two blocks. You think the first month is hard until you get to the second month and then you realize the first month was really cake.

    He means 2 seperate month blocks, not 4. Just to clarify for anyone who is confused. :)
  • Both are better than nothing but your best bet is hill sprints, pushing/dragging weighted sleds, barbell complexes or joining a martial arts club and taking something like Judo or Muay Thai (this way you get your conditioning in and improve self defence skills).